Elf Edition
>Latest NA Patch Notestera.enmasse.com /news/patch-notes
>EU Newsen.tera.gameforge.com /news/index
>KTERA Updatesessentialmana.com /news/upcoming-patches/
>Useful Links - modding, porn mods, /terag/ player's personal lewd galleries, a few useful guidespastebin.com /Ve4yjWyP pastebin.com /RSiBHKeP
>Endgame guides and class balance patch notessites.google.com /site/yoshasstuff/home essentialmana.com /
>Veeky Forums guilds and how to joinpastebin.com /rCXKYxvv
>Discordsdiscord.gg /gPKMfv9 - Touch Fluffy Tail discord - mostly just the discord for people who still play TERAdiscord.gg /5BN8qEq - Reddit discord but it's pretty much just the TERA community disocrd now
Elin album: imgur.com /a/PdM3t Castanic album: imgur.com /a/JJwCl
>Elin lewd SFMalterize.tumblr.com /
Previous thread:
June 2, 2017 - 16:14
looking for cute boyfriend...............
June 2, 2017 - 16:16
Post butt first and we'll go from there
June 2, 2017 - 16:19
I ain't cute, but i got alot of gold
June 2, 2017 - 16:26
I don't think that's how you do it MT and FF no..
June 2, 2017 - 16:41