What character rustles your jimmies the most? edition
What character rustles your jimmies the most? edition
xth for NTR.
Fix the thread tracker, watsu
>[NEW] Tahm Kench's basic attacks are now ranged and calculated like Thresh's
Would this make him not shit anymore?
To everyone who plays on EUNE: there is a /lolg/ club there (19 members atm). If you wanna join, add AxeFighterr to your friend list and send a PM.
>guy gets a ban
>still tries to dictate everyone elses bans
>Get into game
>Leashing for Xin
>Hearing music and the game with my headphones
>Feel arms over my shoulders and chin on my head
>My friend came and since I wasn't even paying attention my dad opened the door and told him I was on my room so he just came in and I didn't notice
>Get so flustered I fuck up the leash and steal Xin's blue
>He flames me
>I give zero fucks
>My friend gets away and sits on a chair besides me telling me how he doesn't understand what I like so much about this game, he tried it and it's boring, yet he sits beside me to watch me play in silence
>Try to focus again
>Apparently stealing Xin's Blue was good because now I can poke this Soraka nonstop
>Get double
>Cait bitches
>I give yet again, zero fucks
>Rush morello's
>Cait bitches again
>Ignore her
>Play pretty well, don't get caught, land snares, make this soraka useless
>Cait takes off after she gets her ouwn double and stops bitching, and we shit on this botlane like no tomorrow
>Win and now I'm in promos but I didn't even post until now because I was watching a movie and eating pizza with my friend
I don't know what came to me though, but holy shit this game, I didn't knew I was capable of playing like this, last game ended like, 3/14.
I'm Zyra, I mostly play supp, and heal/shieldslut supps to boot but I've been losing so I've been trying to git gud at damage supps.
Taliyah is cute and fun.
Zyras good for low ELO.
I want to TRICK Nami into FUCKING me when I tell her I know where the MOON STONE is
but before I CUM and PULLOUT she'd wrap her arms around me and hold my DICK hostage in her VICE GRIP DOLPHIN PUSSY until I convinced her I knew where it was, or told her the truth. :(
That sounds gay
and cute
xth for being a girl
>bronze adcs know to buy executioners against raka
>my adcs still never do until they finish reminder last item
I did one for Quinn but I made it academy since that's what everyone else is doing and made it easier to tie in other champs. I hope no one minds that. I could write another if people do.
So, is Malza freelo now?
Dumb frog poster
Friendly reminder to eat out your support
>Feel arms over my shoulders and chin on my head
Uhh, is this your boyfriend or something you faggot?
It's not damage reduction. It's damage delay.
Which fucks up Garen because you end up with pokes disabling your health regeneration for way longer than they should.
fresh content
Surely you guys wouldn't bully a fellow /lolg/ user if they were bad at the game, would you?
I've been told so, but I just can't do well with her, this is actually the first time I don't shit the bed and get picked like a dumbass all over the map and en with 8 useless deaths.
It was cute but it's sad that he doesn't mean anything by it.
She kept bitching me about my morello's so I told her it was for Raka and that it would be good if she bouth the grievos wound sword thingie and she did, she was good, just a little bitchy.
No, no it's not...
>no Kreia champion
Explain this, lolbabs.
>I will not stop criticizing players or adding my opinion. It's my job as a caster, regardless of whether or not my job is "play by play." I know this game better than most. I've played since Closed Beta. I've covered every competitive season of League of Legends. My Solo Ranked rating puts me in the top 0.19% of players. I've spent hundreds of hours looking into the math of items and planning out proper builds. I will not stop covering the games honestly.
Why is phreak such an arrogant fuckhead /lolg/?
I think Quinn is very hot user, I was just laning against one
>Like Taliyah
>Love rocks and earth elemental stuff
>Still think Taliyah's kit is really unexciting
What do
I want rogue admiral Garen to give my boipussi a decisive strike.
>a low diamond player who thinks his opinions on plays are relevant
>and get picked like a dumbass all over the map
That's not the champion that's just you being dumb user.
So how fucking bad did C9 play yesterday?
Why do I see these two shitty webms every single thread? And they're always posted by the exact same guy it seems as if after the 50th time people will finally acknowledge them for being a meme maker or something.
That's a straight up nerf though.
>Can't use Relic Shield
>Can't use Titanic Hydra for the Q + AA + Hydra reset for fast stacking
Cutest cancer
What don't you like about it? Her w is super fucking awesome by itself since you can knock people in any direction you wish and her e is basically a ziggs e. Her Q is fun to work around with the worked ground, I found it really stupid when I first read about it but it actually works really well. Her ult is a little eh but it really helps you when you're roaming top or bot to fuck some shit up and block off escape routes. You can even use it to block the enemy from your team if they're being fucked up.
Because when you've spent approximately seven years studying, playing, and living this game, and then every cum guzzling silver surfer tries to flame you and prove you wrong to no avail, you've kind of earned it.
They won the first game easily, lost the second game easily, and then stalled the game to like 55-60 minutes by clearing waves in their base despite them having no chance of winning.
uhhh wrong
I know, I'm a dumbass, but there are champions like rakan that mitigate my incompetence by having escapes, or like leona/braum where if there's just one person they don't bother because I'm tanky, but with zyra since I'm a squshy plant they just see me and rape me on sight as I wander around the map trying to ward.
He shat on every player today then got called out for being a shitty caster who was bitching the entire time, then proceeded to say "fuck you I'm smarter than LCS pros and would play better than them in those situations."
It was so bad that Riv had to try and cover up what he was saying in multiple cringy cutoff ways.
It's only as old as mlpfim? Wow, I could be in his position
>promos to gold
>first match, against plat
>G5 bot Lane bitches
>bot ints, top ints, JG afks
>second match, even game
>JG feeds, top does well, bot has half our deaths
how am I supposed to climb with autistic bot laners ruining my matches, even if im a 6/1 syndra I get runned down by a lucian or a vayne 1 shotting me before I 1 shot them.
Legit scared of playing my 3d match rn
Love seeing Renektonbabs get fucked on their crutch champion.
They stalled the game until they only had a 3k gold deficit which by all means is winnable for a team like C9. Sad part is they should've fought before the last time CLG took their inhibs instead of Sneaky getting caught out. Fuck where was Impact in all of this?
It wasn't that he did it, it was how.
You obviously didn't watch the game today, he was basically shoving his cock into the audience's face.
I could bearly watch.
>call Morg mid cute
>Morg starts dancing
You wouldn't play Morg mid unless you liked her like that
But it allows you to heal the damage you took anyways. And it basically functions as damage reduction in teamfights because you heal the damage the DOT would deal to you. And seriously, who the fuck cares about Garen's passive? It's basically a non-factor outside of lane.
id like to just say the way you played camille was the first time id seen anyone play her like that
I don't really like the Q that much but I guess it's because I'm not used to it. I don't really like her E not doing anything at all for 50% of the champions unless I hit my W and even then, it doesn't do anything until like mid game where I can actually do damage. The ult I either hold on for 10 minutes and never use it or waste it on nothing. All of her moves feel incredibly situational and the Q is the only move I have that feels reliable but that obviously has a restriction too. Her kit feels like it's all function no form and none of it is actually fun to play with but has the potential to be really good.
I don't play her much/'ever though so my shitter opinions don't count for anything at all.
If you're worried about fed enemy ADCs either play an assassin or play an artillery mage that never has to be in auto range of them.
Or just get good and stun the fuckers before you press R.
Embarrasing for a team that should be the best in NA considering they've were just as good as TSM and yet had more time for practicing on this patch
theyre in fact posted by 2 different anons
i dont save anything with renekton because hes a bitch champ
never seen a camille inting :p? I gave up playing her I can't tell if she is weak or I just suck. Probably the latter
I'm so fucking bad at this game and I suck at everything else in life. I want to die.
Send help.
I usually play teamfights really well but none of these fuckwits know how to group or pick off people
you tried and you know it
feeding was what I mean. I played badly
>Literally look at whats good in the meta
>Look at your fkin map every second you can
>Ward a lot
Jesus fuck I hate this game, it's literally a depression magnet.
Am I the only nonedgy, nondepressed, fuckhead who plays this game?
If you're depressed get the fuck off this thread and League in general and go for a walk, or just get out of your shitty household.
literally the best thing for depression is just exercising and mixing up your schedule so you're not playing vidyas/lying around like a sad sack of shit.
So tits or gtfo faggot
>Casts since literally the start of esports and has worked there since the beginning
>People try to tell him he knows nothing about the game
I'd say the same shit. Why would he give a fuck when he's played the game for longer than some pros have? His job is to know things about the game and to talk about it. I think he was fine and people give him too much shit for being wrong about fucking taking 2 levels of Q at level 3 on bard when the bard in question got killed BECAUSE he didn't take his E.
Their team comp could not possibly win in that situation. A team with literally zero front line and an immobile ADC vs a tank and bruiser both of whom can displace any member on C9 or just peel for the late game caitlyn. They were honestly fucked the moment they couldn't get a significant lead after the early game.
>for a team like C9
Are you implying C9 or any team in NA is good enough to overcome that comp disadvantage in the late game?
your sweep and spiderman shit should be done separately is my only advice
I meant that they were always posted by the same (two) people every time. When I said them I actually meant both of them.
>Non factor outside lane
Being healthy enough to tank Baron after a teamfight after getting out with 10% health is a lot.
Body blocking skillshots in a siege scenario then being on full health by the time the next wave comes is a lot.
Dipping out of a prolonged teamfight at low health then flanking them with full health is significant.
Garen exists for guerilla warfare.
ah then carry on being upset
...it was the other way around user, he said to take double Q level 3 instead of E even though Aphro didn't have flash, and after he was proved wrong he defended himself by saying C9 and CLG deserved the shitting on.
Nobody's saying that he knows nothing, just that he should actually be casting and not shitting on LCS players in such a damn awkward way that the other casters have to cover for him with cringy laughs and loud interruptions.
Morgana is a slut who sucks Kled's cock
I maybe Heal Slut but I'm a damn good mother to my adc first. But I do feel like he's getting cuck a bit if I do go off to heal my other team mates.
Should I feel bad about it?
Look at his page, what kind of person do you think he is?
Fuck off you faggot, go masturbate over how cool and nice you are and choke on a dick.
user, t-that's lewd
Should I kill myself?
*gives u E after landing Q*
That doesn't stop the Morgster from being totally cute! In fact, you know, that makes her more cute
No go help mid
You're your teams support, not your adc's user.
Giving out free heals (blowjobs) and ults (gangbangs) in your polygamous relationship with your other 4 members.
>check his season 6 stats
>over 900 ranked games played
>welfare plat
I should read Nami lore, or play her instead of Janna
I would go back to playing Poppy but I already have purple mastery when red looked best but blue is worse
>take a shower
>check lolg as I dry up
>get hard
>hard to put on underwear and hurts to put on pants
you fuckers
At least you're not silver.
>get a miss fortune on my team in ranked.
>She splitpushes the entire game, actively avoids the tanks on her own team, blows ult for 1v1s against assassins.
>Implying the wild elo ride ends when you reach diamond5
If you think a week of ups and downs is bad user, try 5 months...
>get hard
>that's the size of my soft penis
Jesus Christ dude you do know underages aren't allowed here right?
>...it was the other way around user, he said to take double Q level 3 instead of E
No, nigger. I remember the moment. Bard was standing in the river bush and had no E or flash to get out. The fact that he had no E was the whole reason he couldn't escape from the jungler gank and Phreak said "You never do that". I agree with him on that.
Also I don't understand how you think that he wasn't casting just because he talked about CLG doing stupid a few times. People like to blindly hate Phreak because of things like this or his shitty puns and ignore the fact that he is actually a competent caster. Him being knowledgeable about the game is a different argument but I still think he is. People can be wrong.
Also one thing I don't understand. Some guy was posting about how Phreak was being a "yesman" by agreeing with Kobe when he corrected him. But now suddenly people are talking about how arrogant he is because he's saying he's right and everyone is wrong? It just seems like hate for Phreak and that's it.
so if riot is gonna tie up your behavior with loots, theyre gonna HAVE to reset it right?
Reminder that LCK starts in ~20 minutes if anyone is interested
It's honestly pretty cute. Her lore from before the vastaya retcon was just expanded, and now she's looking for Diana for information on the moonstone.
Her homeland is near Mt Targon now too.
No bro, look at this
A disgruntled angel is the cutest shit, she wants to share with you
>he doesnt realize its angled down
thats not even half nigger
Reminder that Flash versus Shine starts in 24 hours if anyone is interested
Im coming up on 3 months. No doubt ill stay like this until September though :^(
Why is it only the brown fucks who think it's a good idea to post their dick on lolgen?
>That doesn't stop the Morgster from being totally cute! In fact, you know, that makes her more cute
>Sucking furry cock makes you cute
Lmao no, it makes you a disgusting good-for-nothing degenerate.
>Actually user you got it wrong, look it up...
Yeah I'm done talking to you, t.phreakshill
reminder that there are girls here hiding in plain sight
Oh dear
My shit angled down when it's hard is twice the size of that. Jesus Christ dude are you sure you're okay? Maybe you should see a doctor.