/rwg/ - rimworld general - How are my rhimmos holding out? edition

>What is Rimworld?
An early access single player survival simulation game like Dwarf Fortress /dfg/
>How is it different from Dorfort?
Sci-fi setting with good graphics and lewd

A17 is out!

When will based futanon release the A17 compatible futamod?

Other urls found in this thread:


ded gaym

(even though I just got back to it since hksc has the help tab again)

Friendly reminder only rural and suburban retards play dorfort.
City people all play Rimworld.

This is just painful to watch, like an old booze-riddled homeless man weakly writhe in a mixture of ice mud and vomit.

Why are dorfies keep playing against their interests?

Yes, dorfarts are THAT pathetic.

I love liberal gamers.

Friendly reminder that if you're trying to stir shit between DF and RW players, you're doing it really wrong. Nowadays both games diverged enough so you don't need to do that to bring attention about the game.

durrfurrs be stealin' tynans intellektual propierty

>you're doing it really wrong
Then how should we do it better?

Game's development is too slow

Why are you in such a hurry?

As the saying goes, it' will be ready when it will be ready.
I'm glad Tynan is putting all this much effort into the game when any other dev would've already moved on and abandoned it. He is working day and night so ungrateful scum like you can complain.
Really, if you are so dissatisfied with the game you should just move on. Nobody is forcing you to play with it, right?
Your thankless attitude is really damaging the Tynan's efforts. Whiners and like your kind are not welcome in this community. I have already notified the forum moderators to deal with you.

Anyone up for MP?

Better slow than too fast.

I see you have never had sex before.



It's sad but this general is kill.
Let it be kill.

Have you noticed how animals now use drugs? I had my cat go and fucking smoke a joint. Had to put the fucker inside a 1x1 room dug into a mine wall with a dead raider. That'll teach the damn thing to mess with my stash.

How hard is it to port a mod from 16 to 17? It's a really simple one if it matters.

Are there instructions somewhere on what has changed?

Only based futanon can save us.

They ate and used drugs before too.
It was supposed to be fixed aeons ago but >Tynan

Just beer, before drugs were introduced.

>fuck up the same thing twice

I sometimes wonder about that too, because FUCKING RETARD TYNAN fucks up the mods in EVERY version.
Retarded fool is killing his own game.

very far from dead mate

21 raiders, 4 of them are already dead to mortars and another 4 seriously wounded

It can't be helped. Too many things change in every patch.

MAYBE because he is a fucking retarded code monkey with no idea about game design? How hard could it be for example to create a solid base for adding furniture and other buildings with their effects? Fact: it's not hard. He makes it hard, because he has to rewrite his code every time due to it being unoptimized bloated trash,

Anyone playing the rimworld trading company scenario? I really like how the sheer amount of shirts you start with forces you to build a giant warehouse right off the bat. Really changes up my usual settlement layout.

Half of the workshop are scenarios and I bet nobody actually fucking plays them.

How many mortars? How many shots did you fire?

I don't touch 99% of them but actually enjoying this one. You get a bonus to you trading so you aren't always cucked when trading.

Okay then.
>call in a few trade caravans
>if even one of them has something valuable (as in, over 10k)
>kill the fuck out of them, take the stuff
>sell for great profits to others
>soothe the maddened faction with profits

I want /pol/ to leave.

This nigga is out of the loop on memes.

Do not use the 'n' word.

Leftie cuck pls.
Grow up already.
/pol/ is the leading culture of whole Veeky Forums.

Rhimmos are a liberal bunch so either lurk or get the fuck out drumpfkin.

I'm not a shartian tho.
I was born in civilized world.

Now go back to r*ddit. You have to be 18 to post here.

Yuuuge mistake.

>he believes in supporting conformity
>he believes in one world government
>he believes in the community over personal liberty
>he doesn't believe in the right of private companies and properties.
>he believes in supporting cultures and governments that oppress their people, launch Jihad, mutilate women by cutting off their clits, kill gays, rape women and treat them as literal objects.

Modern day "liberals" are fucking retarded, there's literally nothing liberal about them.

>he doesn't believe in the right of private companies and properties.

Here you clearly have to restrict. Otherwise you are just mentally disabled.

t. dude who was called drumpfkin

anybody got some good home defense set ups?

I played this game when it first came out
Is it worth playing vanilla?
Any working mods?

Just today started looking into RW/DF.. why the communities butt heads so hard?

Considering starting with DF since it's free but RW seems to have a lower learning curve

I took the liberty to ask /dfg/ the same you asked here, you can see it here along with their replies.

Thanks user. Should've tried that thread first since it's more active but much obliged

What mods are you using now?

Friendly reminder to report stupid drumpfkins.
Don't give them an inch.


How should we troll /dfg/ today?

>/rwg/ is back
I can't believe my eyes

can sum1 steel dis?

>thread made a over 24 hours ago
>52 posts
>20 ip
Yeah no, we're just hats waiting to be made.

How about reminding them to the fact Rimworld is much deeper than their durrshit?

thif vith me

>mental break: autistic screeching

don't invest time or money in an unfinished game then you fuckhead

God thats funny

Is Rimworld worth playing yet or is it still shit?

Alright guys, what challenge scenario starts you know about?

Better than dorfort.


KUDOS TO daleksdeservevictory

Please laugh.
It's funny.

dorfarts get out

What's the matter drumpfy, lost your safe space?

How should we troll /dfg/ today?

>ancient comic
Get out.

Roleplay as elves shitting on them?

>are you a dorf?
>if not, you're an elf.

i luv rumwurdz
post 'em seksmods

what does higher growing skill do?

Well yes, where do you think you are.

decreases time to reach erection
high growing leads to premature ejaculation, be cautious

we are surging


Keep up the good work.

makes planting faster and low grow means you fail harvesting more often.

also this

>low grow means you fail harvesting more often
you are confusing it with plant cutting, idiot

plant cutting is the job name for work priority stuff, asshole, the skill growing is related to harvesting.


how does it feel to be a retard?

Relevant skill: Growing

Plant cutting is a skill related to cutting. Why would "growing" include "cutting"?
Did your mom drop you on your head or you are just naturally retarded?

stop being a retard, all plant cutting is harvesting and all harvesting is related to growing because that's how the skill works. You probably have all your shit growers cutting plants and get angry when they fail to harvest, dumbass.

you are an idiot who gets off from vandalizing wikis and spreading false information

>being this stupid
try harder, please, your moronic arguments are what keep my dick hard when I masturbate furiously

i bet u cant even c ur micropenis beneath the waves of fat on you

I'm gonna cum buckets tonight when I finally get off to all the stupid shit I've hoarded this week, yours being in the top of it, don't stop, can you call me daddy while you spout your retarded shit all over the board?

>Dwarf Fortress /dfg/

Would you care to end this

And perhaps talk about your own game instead

>and lewd

what did I miss

Now that's the good depraved shit I like

Are there any mods I should install before even playing the first time?

So how well does RJW work in A17?

Horsecock futa mod

play vanilla until you are sick of it for best value

Play vanilla until you get used to the controls and learn the game
Mods are great imo a lot don't work with the current version cause a patch came out a few days ago but give it a few more days and the good mods will be updated


I just got destroyed by a pack of angry deer on steroids

Man I was having so much fun gathering prisoners for my rape dungeon I forgot to stock up and gather supplies for winter. What does everyone do beforehand to prepare for winter?