Puncayshun got the 120 Star WR.
Puncayshun got the 120 Star WR.
First for /ourboi/ puncay
do you fags even play video games?
I haven't played anything besides the 3 games I'm running so far this year.
The Squid defender now thinks Puncay has a better understanding of movement than Cheese.
That's really how the Squid defender's brain works.
what do you mean by "you fags"?
So who wants to fuck MrHyruleGamer in the ass?
I know I sure do.
>people thinking speedrunning is about ~understanding the mechanics~
People who TAS are not good at speedrunning.
Speedrunning SM64 absolutely is about understanding the mechanics.
Squid can spam attempts with his current knowledge of mechanics until the end of time and he'll never get a 48 with it.
lmao look at his little girl arms
The God Gamer Stigma
That goes for any player who is in the 50s. People learn and adapt as they get better. How retarded are you?
>People learn and adapt as they get better.
Yes, which means their understanding of game mechanics improves.
>How retarded are you?
Less retarded than you, evidently.
>Yes, which means their understanding of game mechanics improves.
Which is what happens the more people play the game. People with low times obviously do not have 48 tier skill and understanding otherwise they would have a 48.
I don't really understand what you're talking about Squid for. Are you saying he should have the potential to 48 already? Progression is a big part of speedrunning, you clearly don't understand this.
>That goes for any player who is in the 50s.
I can think of at least 3 players with times in their 50s who have the movement skill necessary to 48. You don't understand how SM64 works and you're so stupid you think movement skill is the same thing as consistency.
Which players are you talking about?
>Which is what happens the more people play the game.
no, not always. especially when all you do is spam attempts.
How are you able to make a claim like this when most runners only stream their attempts? That's a big assumption with no real evidence.
Regardless, the only way to get better at a game is to play it. Complaining that low level players are low level is pointless.
Simply, Alkobakknarko, and Drogie.
Gothic, you are making an embarrassment of the SM64 community.
Put down your multiple devices and practice.
So you're claiming that Squid does offline practice?
What exactly is he practicing if he doesn't attempt to correct his bad movement?
>he thinks those runners couldn't 48 if they gave even a single shit about 70 star
You really are clueless.
>he thinks a literal 1:41 player can't get a 48
Why are you always bringing up Squid? You really are obsessed man, it's not healthy. I was talking about runners in general. You make an ass of yourself if you make blind claims when people only stream their attempts.
When did anyone argue that? Why are you so hostile? Sort it out, you have real issues that need to be worked on.
>When did anyone argue that?
>That goes for any player who is in the 50s.
*has flawless movement*
The mind of an obsessed stream monster. If it was that simple, everyone would have WR tier times. It's not black and white.
You're right, it's not that simple. You can't just practice, you have to actually focus on what you're doing while you're practicing and attempt to understand how stars are optimized.
Mindlessly repeating the same shit you already do is not good enough.
>ignores the question about being obsessed with squid
If you pretend you're not obsessed, does it actually make you feel better?
You said that any player in the 50's could spam runs until the end of time and not be able to get a 48.
This is clearly a false claim.
This is a process, hence why there are multiple different times scaling across all the 50s.
There's really nothing more to discuss, you need to apply yourself and take your mind off Squid, bud.
>Why do you keep bringing up Squid? Obsessed freak!
>I'm not obsessed with anyone. It's YOU who is obsessed.
What? No I did not. You're literally insane.
Take a look at yourself and how you talk about him every single day, all day.
>No I did not.
>Squid can spam attempts with his current knowledge of mechanics until the end of time and he'll never get a 48 with it.
to which you replied:
>That goes for any player who is in the 50s
Memory a little slow there, bud?
Needing to grind a month of attempts for hours every day to get a 51 in 2017 is fucking pathetic and very clearly indicates a need to practice more.
samefagging freak out
bring back the mhc
>fails to acknowledge his obsession even with his 2nd post
Why are you so obsessed?
Darbian? More like Simian after AndrewG and Somewes laid the smackdown on his ass.
>fails to acknowledge where he stated something completely ridiculous and false with absolute certainty.
What a great thread!
Congratulations Puncayshun!
Congratulations Puncayshun!
GothicLogic is in the top 1.8% of SM64 runners.
Squid is only in the top 3% of Ape Escape 3 runners.
Really makes you think.
grindxcucklet is incapable of thought lmao
What are you obsessing about now?
cronikeys? more like ian edward before mental illness laid the smackdown on him
thanks for the late response!
How were so many people tricked into thinking Goldeneye was a good speedgame?
Most stages have barely been improvable by more than a couple seconds within the past 15 years.
Why is it that so many people genuinely believe this game with absolutely no interesting tech or gameplay depth is good for speedrunning?
*bird laughs*
it's almost like individual levels are difficult to push beyond 1 full second once they've been under scrutiny for two decades
>it's almost like individual levels are difficult to push beyond 1 full second
There are SM64 ILs that have been improved by multiple seconds even just this year.
word. Goldeneye is literally Super Mario Bros. tier. It's a terrible, shallow speedgame for mindless grind monkeys.
Excuse me but has Darbian lost a record yet? Don't think so.
thanks for the late response!
58th for ClintStevens
I'm bored as fuck; plz gib a speedrun to watch.
why didn't you sage?
here is the sum of all 60 IL WR's since the year 2000
this trend follows the same line as any RTA improvement timeline
why did you delete?
Why should I?
>this trend follows the same line as any RTA improvement timeline
That's a bold claim to make unsubstantiated.
lets get this shit started
i wish i had a twink bf
Yeah, minus world ending.
thanks for the late responses!
Wow, based mods telling trannyposters where they belong:
Squid's runs are proof that SM64 is more of a memorization/muscle memory game than one of actual, normal gaming skill. The awkward controls and unpredictable (from a normal perspective, not of someone making exact motions via muscle memory and remembering how the game reacts) camera movement makes the game absolutely terrible gameplaywise unless you want to spend the time and effort memorizing exactly what to do. It's like some nightmarish, hardcore version of Dragon's Lair.
And I'm saying this as someone that has actually ground out a victory (minimal 70 star one, though) of the game, so I'm not just someone that played it one time and got frustrated. I've put a lot of time into it and there is no actual skill in it like the old Mario games had, where you could see, react, and know what to expect for the most part from a certain section because controls and camera was constant throughout.
You're obsessing over someone casually running a game. There are cases of absolute delusion in cases like MSR and people who can't even cut 1 hour. Why Squid? Seek help.
>you want to spend the time and effort memorizing exactly what to do
Imagine doing that in a speedrun.
>It's like some nightmarish, hardcore version of Dragon's Lair.
Oh, it's you. Troddle along back to /vr/, you stupid faggot.
the camera is piss easy to learn how to use and movement controls are 100% consistent. sorry you're too retarded to play a game designed for babies.
>deflecting the obsession again
ok I hate sm64 with a pretty good passion but you are actually retarded
>SM64 is more of a memorization/muscle memory game than one of actual, normal gaming skill
Can you name me a game where memorization/muscle memory isn't required for top level play?
>The awkward controls and unpredictable (from a normal perspective, not of someone making exact motions via muscle memory and remembering how the game reacts)
Understanding movement/game mechanics down to the core is essential if you even want to be like top 150 for the game
I'm not even going to bother reading the second paragraph in fear of catching retardation
did nkr just quit speedrunning after he lost his meme record?
He's too busy saving the white race
The white race doesn't even want to self itself. ;_;