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>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
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Tharja a shit and not canon
It's MY time!
Killing Rhajat in her recruitment map and telling Hayato she was killed by Faceless
>Allowing Hayato to breed.
Hope you didn't forget, /feg/.
I could see myself taking advantage of and fucking Emmeryn when she is brain damaged.
>Anankos tells Selena and co. to go to Hoshido and protect Corrin
>In return, Anankos rebuilds the destroyed future and buries the corpses left by Grima and the Risen
>Instead, they join Nohr and never inform Corrin of anything
>Selena tries killing Corrin but Camilla tells her not to and Laslow dies fighting Corrin
Why are they so useless and retarded again?
I could see you doing that, too.
Imagine how sloppy and drool heavy her kisses and oral would be
Because Fates is a shit game with shit writing.
>IV are random
I hate FE Heroes. Half of my units are -spd
Is it even worth making here a Blue Nino or should I go for MRobin rip off?
It would be so easy.
All I would need to do is teach her that it is something normal people do so she doesn't scream.
What is it about autistic girls that gets me hard
She's basically a vegetable
less likely to reject you because her standards are lower
its the sloppy bjs for me though
Is Fear Mountain Shrine's music the best theme in Shadows of Valentia.
We should get a writefag on this
>Put Clive in the middle of a group of units and high-Res units alone
>Witches ignore them and warp to Clive anyway
This is why I stopped deploying Clive. Lukas at least had enough HP to not get killed in one round.
I love doing this to ranged units.
I can't help but always invest heavily in one unit when I play Fire Emblem aside from Shadows of Valentia.
Ogma is my "kill all" unit for Fire Emblem 3 Book 1. He walled Gharnef on the Khadein map because he was too hard to hit with Imhullu since all of Ogma's stats aside from Res at at 20 as a level 2 Hero.
>leveling 3* Matthew to 40
>don't wanna waste Kozaki map
>put him in the line up with Subaki/Hana/Ursula cause these 3 are either SI fodder or need SP
>Matthew can only kill Wrys after Hana takes him down to 2 hp and everyone else is way beyond him due to def
I mean it's very very consistent but sometimes I wonder if it's even worth it. At least with Niles you had a special to boost your exp when you kill Wrys.
wyvern reinforcements
Me on the left.
I want to (attempt) to make Awakening fun. What memes should I run in a next playthrough?
*unsheathes 12 move*
You did remember to get your defense kill, right user?
Remember, not much time left.
The sad thing is, Rhajat could have had a personality outside of loving Corrin; her interest in the dark arts and how unhinged she was could have been interesting.
If Anankos can straight up fix everything in destroyed future ylisse why doesn't he just fix Fatesland?
Make everyone an archer
Artist name?
what the fuck
Swap Peri with Sharena for the 576 Defenses.
>first 5* in a while
>-spd + def linde
why do I even play this trash
Playing Conquest.
What is the difference between an S rank support and an A+ rank support?
Can A+ rank support still S rank someone else?
I don't actually understand what she means when she says that.
You get A+ with people you can't S. You can only get one A+.
A+ is best friends
It lets either unit inherit the others class through friend seals.
Dragon!Anankos is stronger than Human!Anankos.
metal owl
Try going through matches without any skills at all so we can settle the debate regarding purely on BST. I encourage other anons to do the same during arena seasons when they will obviously drop a tier and report results.
And on the subject of skills I'm also guessing the way SP cost on skills contribute to arena score is that you have to divide the original cost by 100 to see how many points they give; going by this, Aether boosts 5 points on average, Distant Counter boosts 3, Escape Route boosts 2.4, Vantage boosts 2, Seal Speed boosts 1.6, Atk+3 boosts 1.2, etc.
Yes. I always fluctuate from 2-3 wins to 15+ so I never have worries of going defenseless.
so, if I have Sophie and Soleil go A+ together, they can't do anything else?
Salam aleikum, infidels stole the concubine of Jungby. We will bring jihad upon Verdane.
Because he can't beat himself.
Yes. The difference between them is that A+ Rank is a one way road. Unit 1 can A+Rank with Unit 2 but Unit 2 can A+ Rank with Unit 3 if you want to. Ofcourse you can have Unit 1 and 2 A+ rank eachother if you want.
In Heroes
who is a good mage bait and a mage killer at the same time?
Someone that can take the hit and kill on the return.
Thanks user.
Berserk refference????
Unless you consult a writefag, best friends is all they'll be.
he beat Camus Lunatic on 1 turn.
*unsheathes red tome*
I have good news for people who wanted FE keychains but didn't want to pay $15+ bux for one. Empty made acrylic version and you actually can buy every character separately.
No I mean. Can I A+ Soleil with Sophie and still S rank Soleil myself?
They can marry other dudes.
Raven Cecilia and Julia take care of blue mages and there's nothing they can do to stop them
Xander has dogshit res but slap Vantage on him and watch green mages like Cecilia, Julia and Nino crash and burn on him.
Felicia and Niles are notorious for having high res, reasonably good speed and having natural access to Specials that add raw damage based on their total Res
>Sophie and Soleil
this is a canon ship anyway, just let them be lovers
i want to rub my semen on vaida's scars
Yep. Soleil also invites Sophia over when you fug if that happens
She's very good mage bait especially with Reddithard running around but she can't kill on the same turn.
Yes. A+ ranks are exclusive to same genders and S ranks to the opposite gender (Niles and Rhajat beign the obvious exceptions for the latter)
In FE: Echoes, is the Shadow Sword any good? Or is it better to "evolve" it to a Brave Sword?
Are you memeing me, my dude?
Okay, thank you.
Yeah she can, just give her distant counter.
Holy fuck. Did he hack the game? How did he get those awesome SI units?
I also really love the jap voices. Much better than the dub.
Is Caeda's JP voice Saori Hayami? Fuck now I'm even more upset I've never rolled her or Marth.
Do you want a Devil weapon or a Killing weapon?
>not wanting Sophie and Soleil to tag team you
Best part is that their fathers would be so proud of them
can someone webm this? I'm blocked on twitter forever
>just give her distant counter.
That's too expensive.
lmao /pol/ tard detected
maybe stop blaming jews and negros for all your problems
Julia, Nino and TA3 Raven Cecilia can kill both Green mages and blue ones with GTomebreaker and their high Res
Xander and Camus if cav buffed should be able to tank an hit and kill on the counter from the color their strong aganist
no i was drunk and i uploaded illegal porn to twitter instead of /b/
I always wanted to run Galeforce memes but admittedly I kind of like my Lyn. And no Cordelia.
At least its not -Atk
>illegal porn
You can't just stop the details there, user
But she and Caeda make very good use out of it thanks to their high res. Caeda has high speed as well, while Camilla is green which makes her very very scary when you slap on G-Tome breaker cause there's not many blue/green mages that can survive her bait and unlike Titania you don't get neutered by the BST.
Ok Noseberg
I don't have Hector and even if I did I wouldn't want to get rid of my Darting Blow.
Galeforce Camilla kills Camus with Brave Axe+. Galeforce Caeda kills right side axe horse with Brave Sword+. Camilla kills left side axe horse. Caeda kills red mage. Wings of Meme Catria warps next to Camilla to kill healer with Brave Lance+
Are any of the focus units on the Battling Camus banner good?
Is Fae worth my time when I already have a fully SI'd Nowi and an almost fully SI'd Julia?
Silque's ass is mine!
olwen is the best blue cav if you have the units to power her
Even more if you find her +Spd or at least +Atk
Perfect Olwen's aren't bad.
I just spend 40k feathers SI'ng Bride Charlotte so I'm gonna pass on another blue unit atm...
I have Reinhardt anyway
-Atk +Res Reinhardt....
No you would be stupid to waste orbs when the swimsuit banner is coming.
Not him but when's that? I have shit loads of orbs waiting.
nice vantage fodder
Swimsuit banner is going to be only boys.
Who knows? Just continue hoarding. We'll get there in no time.
>MAG boon Robin
Why does his mag always turn out shit for me?
I'm constantly getting tempted since I need lots of SI fodder but I'll keep it up. I just hope it's not disappointing like
Zephiel and Lloyd with DC.