/svg/ Shadowverse General


Street Fighter Leaders will be up for sale until June 13th, remember to buy before it's too late!

Crystal sale going on: $80 for 7500 crystals (can purchase up to 3x)

Sleeves/Emblems from older seasons are avaible once again for Crystals
>Bellringer, Urd, Liza, Elana, Otohime's Guards, Elana

Just change the language of your client to chinese and claim 8 free packs on your crate.

Official Website:

Tool for deckbuilding and card checking

Useful Links:pastebin.com/SZNKYEMi

Old thread

Other urls found in this thread:


Stop posting fake leaks nigger


>Kirika, Purple Lotus Elite Assassain
>Fanfarre: Summon "Purple Lotus Assassain" to your field. Last words: Summon "Purple Lotus Assassain" to your field.
>Evo: Kill any follower this card battles with during your turn. (medusa like effect)

Report this motherfucker for fake leaks


>shadowbabs mad at Sword new hot legendary

Shut the fuck up you autistic lying faggot, the name says "Ogre Hunter Momo"

Nice try but i can at least read her name as Ogre Hunter Momo.

literal perfection

Its trash though


Real translation

>Ogre Hunter Momo
>Banish an evolved enemy follower
>Your opponent can't evolve as long this card is on the field

those wings are pretty based dbh
Are all angels in granblue like that?

Where's the trailer? That's the only thing I care about before release.

>10 memes early

>turn 8
>can't evolve
Literally a turn 8 do nothing.

Reminder to vote or change your votes as more cards are released.
If you want to vote for neutral just pick a class that you think will utilize neutralcraft the best

sword already has walfrid for 8 lol

You won't fool me, the evolution is some about opponent follower then 2 damage to opponent leader or something.

>picture has a 1 and a 2 in the evolve section
>no mention of it in all the translations so far
apply yourselves

REAL translation:
>Ogre Hunter Momo
>Fanfare: Put Old Man and Old Woman onto your field; after that evolve all your Old Man and Old Woman
>Evolve: Destroy an enemy follower; after that deal 2 damage to the enemy leader

I'm guessworking my kanji, someone rate

Ogre Hunter Momo
Fanfare: Summon Old Man and Woman, do something (evolve I think) all your Old Man and Woman
Evolve: Whenever one of your opponent's followers die, the opponent takes 2 damage

still a banish desu

almost got it right, well done. better than the other guys

Oh yeah, this is much better. Not sure why I thought it was a persistent effect.

Gobu is for _____

Consensual missionary.

>summon grandpas and evolve them
durandal value desu

>Another "Sword got a busted as fuck Legendary" Episode

It's fake stupid umaru poster

If this card is real, they printed a board clear for Sword at 8PP. It seems quite early to show another legendary and there's no source, so I'm assuming that's a stupid OC.

Do these Odile cards actually mean you summon a follower for the enemy when you play them?

Why is the OP so bad 90% of the time? It's either off topic garbage, or just pictures of luna and/or eris. At this point I'd suck a dick for someone to make a good thread before retards like do.

her lower body looks fucked up

>Banish an evolved enemy follower
Whenever someone says banish in you can immediately tell it's fake translation and they are just butthurt about shadow.
Don't be so obvious next time.

Is there any stuff like pic related of seraph? I need it

This is what Aegis should've been.

Is 2 aegis reason enough to keep a reroll
everything else is shit

Is it bad that I wanna fuck seraph?

>Putting OC on the op
This general just keeps getting worse

Of course it's fucking fake. They don't even know about the class color coded gems on each card when making their shitty OC.

Yeah. That's pretty sad.

How long before we get special edition Aegis like Ta-g and AGRS?
Make it called Seraph: Awakened and I would buy the shit out of it.

are you the retard who put SFV in the op and cried about the thread getting deleted?

I'm pretty sure this card is meant to make Castle in the Sky work

Free evolve to old man and old woman
2/5 +1/+1 so 3/6
6/7 +1/+1 sp 7/8 from Momo
Evolve Momo to get rid of any pesky ward follower and 2 damage to enemy leader

3 + 3 +7 + 2 = 15 damage plus any other followers you have in play

>kind of want to make a kys deck
>get soul dealer from mission pack
I guess it's fate.

>make alt account with bluestacks
>first ranked game with a soul dealer/snek deck
>it's against a shadow netdecker
You filthy faggots are just everywhere.

Odette and Odile each summon eachother when played, but the free evolve lets them kill the summon instantly and live at 1 HP. They're not very efficient at all if played like that though.

>I don't like Sword getting legendaries
>B-bad cc-card!!

KYS Shadowbabs


You don't deserve a (You). No one said anything about it being for shadow. Kill yourself.

But Castle already works.

Need a concede

There's something oddly sexual about that guy's art even though the content is all innocent.

Why is Cursed Soldier always on those shadow characters compilation things. I know he was played a lot as a finished back in DE days, but it it really that recognizable that it deserves a place in there.

>cursed soldier

Nigga I am not signing up for an account just to watch a meme video

>he doesn't own a nico account

hi leddit

No idea. Pic related is better in every way


Cursed Soldier is the first Shadowcraft card to ever get nerfed. He used to be 5 mana in beta. He's also a rather popular meme character in Japan.

nico is fucking shit so I can't blame him

do it

No one likes Kobayashitters.

Thanks birdman

Japs have weird taste.
They jump on girls like orthrus and Nep immediately but completely ignore Charon or Necrothigssassin for the most part.


Wow it's almost like orthrus and nep are good cards while the other 2 are shit

Orthus is a nazi.
Also Orthus means ass hole (as the body part) in spanish.

So basically a NAZI that likes ANAL. How hot is that?

Dunno if it's the same with that user's, but here you go. An otk deck castle meme deck. youtu.be/FDlp4_jmJ48 Anybody else watches this guy's videos? I'm liking him more than Satan cat. He's pretty fun to watch.

>he doesn't know about the broken 6pp combo that can kill ANY two followers
Also playability has little to do with fanart.

>bad card

Banish this

that's orto, you dum dum. orthus name in spanish is ortos, which means she's twice an asshole

>castle in the sky
>old man
Is sword the new meme class?

Necroassassin is pretty high status for a literalwho with no RoB/GBF fame.

Arena Kings like Charon, Soul Grinder, and Andras don't get enough love, unfortunately.


>make le ebbic meme
>post it to svg

you forgot gaywain and meme cannon

>20 dmg OTK

>it's ok when forest doesn't do it

Why aren't there more Tyrant/Minthe decks?

because it's not a netdeck on game-ai

>234568 nep
>with minthe and tyrant
Maybe because its fucking retarded and will work once in every 200 games?

(heavy breathing)

To answer your question, it's because Tyrant is an unreliable piece of shit that will never ever come out when you need it, then immediately pop up on the first turns the next game, bricking you.

I periodically watch the guy that does makes endless atomy/tyrant videos.

Minthe/Tyrant was my starting hand. I just stalled out till 20.


Just woke up.
Any new cards?

>didnt even bother giving dragon the original discard dragon
0/10 for effort

Fuck off Joey

They don't don't on weekends, anything you see today is shitposting.

make it cost 1

get your baby fur out of here

>You can discard this card to add up to 2 "Thunder Dragons" from your Deck to your hand.
>tfw this is what ouroboro should have been on his last word
>instead they made him bullshit: the card

What card did he play?

nah, just remove the heal or damage or both and ouro becomes much more manageable

I wonder how that card would work in SV
>4pp 3/3
>if this card is discarded, put up to two Thunder Dragons from your deck into your hand
>If you have two Thunder Dragons on your board, at the end of your turn, this follower combines with an allied Thunder Dragon to become Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon.

>anons crying Ouroboros is broken
>the same anons that mocked the cards the day it was spoiled and compared it to carrot

Shitters eating their own shit. It's like poetry