/fhg/ - For Honor General

ded game edition

old >Updated Season 2 Info: Character and Map details

>Patch 1.07: RAIIIDEEER

>New players:

>Multiple hero video guides


>Character damage values

>Gear modifier values

>Gear appearances

>Friends list sign up Doc:

>For those that have signed up:

>War of Factions:

>PVP Stat Tracker:

>Story mode collectibles:

Other urls found in this thread:


This game better not die before I get to play the highlander.

First for change the 1.07 patch link in the op to the 1.08 patch

>hear that you shouldn't even attempt multiplayer until you can regularly shrek lvl 3 bots in how to play
>bots start cheating at lvl 2 and lvl 3 bots are better than 80% of the playerbase even without accounting cheating

What the fuck.

Actually bots are terrible for training. For one, you can't bait parries, which is a decent part of multiplayer.

Secondly, they don't panic, so there's no mindgames involved.

Become the centurion poster

The one who spammed DONT DIE TILL TGE ROMAN

I'm just gonna hop in, I've been playing against lvl 3 bots for an hour and I'm sick of being guardbroken as my hits connect.

At the very least make sure you know the fundamentals: counter-GB, heavy parrying, light parrying, and feints.

>Play duel for order
>Cent, of course
Haha. I bet he thinks he is the first one to ever say that. Hahaha.

The only thing I don't have down is parrying lights, but I feel like that will come naturally the more I play.

I don't want this game to die...

That fucking does it. I'm sick of learning and improving shit tier classes only to stomp bad players and get shit on from good ones.

From today on I'll get into Warlord until the Kensei buffs come out

Literally how is this even possible. 0 kills on 3 of them and all of them actually fought, they weren't afk or anything.

I'm doing the opposite today, I let my OP characters rest a bit to enjoy Kensei. Winning is much more satisfying with him.

The game isn't dead. It's the old playerbase that died of the kick traumata

Jesus. They could at least have killed a captain or something to not have 0 score.

Wahlad the wall is closer.

Valk would be a decent 4v4 pick if you could get executions off her Spear Sweep -> Top Heavy like holy fuck it's impossible to get a heavy in unless it's a gank.

I can understand no executions on Cent's Talons but everyone and their grandmother can dodge sweeps now so there's no incentive to use them outside of idiots/ganks.

I actually enjoy playing Elimination because people there seem to be a lot worse. No idea why, maybe it's the pressure of having more people in one match.

>tfw I just found out Shugoki gets guardbreaks after EVERY parry, even heavies from a long-range character

Oh boy

The problem with Elim and most 4v4 game mode in general is highlighted really well in this guys screenshot It is almost always a stomp, on one end or the other. With the way feats work, its just too hard to counter momentum from the enemy team often enough to make it worth playing past the first minute. Elim is the worst for this, all you need is those strong second tier feats like 25% damage reduction or Haymaker and you have a huge advantage to win.

had a guy do this and a load of other bullshit and talking latin and whatnot last night. until i banged him down with a reverse 3-0

the moral of the story is, dont even speak until you win. 2-0 doesnt mean shit

Elimination I feel is more fair than Dominion because it starts with a duel.

in elim if you have even 1 honor fag on your team, or a shitter that always loses his 1v1 then youre almost guaranteed to lose

its a good idea on paper as a game mode because it works so well in FPS games, but in FH where stunlocking is so prevalent and one shot kills are impossible outside of feats, the odds of turning a player deficit around is miniscule

normally it starts with me chasing an orochi

>Shinobi spams kick over and over
>leaves mid-round after immediately getting carried off a ledge
really makes you think

I want to spank the Peacekeeper and the Nobushi.

>"only thing I don't have down is partying lights"
Pk/Valk complainer inc

But spamming lights is easier than parrying them. Therefore PK is not balanced.

Not to mention trading GB with any attack because of hyperarmour

I can't do this consistently. What's the timing like?

>getting beat by spammed attacks in a turtle meta
Kek ok

you want your gb to connect right after their attack animation finishes. If you gb while they're mid-swing, it'll bounce off.

When the attack indicator comes up you toss out a GB instead of trying to parry. The window is much bigger than a parry, but you take damage as a trade off. Alternatively if you're really good at reading opponents and toss it out right before they throw out their attack, I'm pretty sure they can't tech it and you don't take any damage.

The main advantage of this is that you can use this move to wallbang or ledge them when they thought they were safe from a GB by tossing out a quick light that you might not be able to parry

Why? They don't misbehave and are pure. Unlike those unmannered Vikings and their "women"

Yeah, I dunno. The PK looks like the kind of girl that would do her nasty trick behind your back and then act pure. Better to be sure and spank her.

I want Valk to spank me

>fight a guys
>gg after every fight, 2-2
>win last one
>no gg

She's pretty fit. She'd make you cry like a little boy.



>Warend has no face under his helmet
What is he?


Who would win between a Rep 2 Orochi against a Centurion and Rep 10 Orochi? Tune in at 11 to find out; the answer might shock you.

He's just black

Does anyone have the specific numbers on what feats do? Like how much defense Fear Itself takes off or how much attack Fury gives you. I remember there being a spreadsheet but I cant find it


Dunno how often this gets worked on.

Naughty user.

Fuck off with your shitty self advertisement

>when yo bitch could run away to anotha nigga but she kno you got a mean dick

You retard.


>literal clickbait
Fuck off with your shitty youtube channel.

>just wanted to post a clip of a fun fight I had without taking the time to convert it to a webm
>user accuses me of trying to advertise my 3 video YT account with five subscribers I don't even know why I have
>days now ruined because my one attempt at socializing went like this
Why user

What are your even talking about at this point?

Thanks for the laugh

>wants to socialize
>goes on Veeky Forums where no one has friends

I don't have anywhere else to go. You guys're the closest thing I have to friends.

It's ok, this general has slowly progressed to death, im sure you'll meet some good friends in other generals as well.

Yeeaaah... I think she needs more than a spanking.
Shit, she might enjoy it.

This is the only living general I have any interest in...

These guys really put me in a genuinely depressed mood. I've been having a rough time lately and just wanted to share a fun clip and I didn't know how to convert it to a webm. Now I've gone from finally enjoying the game and not being miserable to just quitting game after game. Why do people have to be so mean, man.

>56 replies
>page 6


Pick one

More alive than the literally non-existent Darkest Dungeon general, the only other one I had any interest in.

>first μ's
>then titanfall 2
>now this game and the general
Everything I truly fall in love with dies within months. What is this curse? What have I done wrong?

You should rather ask yourself
"Why the fuck do they fuck up games with such potential?"

The game freeze for anyone else after some 4v4 matches? Shit is infuriating.

Well, should anyone even make a new thread at this point?

>These orders
who the fuck thought this was okay


thread gets a bit dead on the weekend so what, its pretty active most of the time

>Not allowed to RP or have fun unless you win
>Every joke has to be original and clever

>every player's feeling playing conqueror

>Both Rep 5
>0 Kills, +5 deaths

What the fuck. Were they fucking boosting or something? How can someone be that terrible?

>tfw you felt that way too untill you discovered his dirty feinting secrets

>The noises Cent makes during "The Intellectual" taunt.

Christ man, calm down.

>Be Raider vs Conq
>he doesn't bash
>in between all his full block feints I cant try parries
>I cant throw heavies
>he can bash me from unblockable

holy fuck how to win this?

God damn it, Centurion and Shinobi are so fucking retarded. It seems Ubi went the Hi-Rez way: release completely broken new content to make kiddies spent real money on season pass, fix them only when the complaints reach the boiling point.

I really hope they do something about Cent in team games at least. There's literally not a thing you can do when you're 1v2+ Centurions.

>faggot named covfefe on my team
>screaming like dsp in all chat
>wow cant block woooow fuckin ubiSHIT woooow
>just as im killing the last guy winning us the game he leaves
>crashes the lobby
i hate you covfefe

The only way Centurions lose games, is because they decide to 3 or 4-man gank, and run around the map, instead of just holding the points. 1 Centurion is more than enough to kill anything that moves anyway.

>Start up a Brawl
>Wew what a surprise
>Centurion walks over to me
>Game goes in to a pre-rendered cutscene that shows the Centurion killing my character in seconds brutally
>My character doesn't even have time to react
>Cutscene ends
Wow that was weird

>complete domination

this is the fucking stupidest order

>play 6 heroes and miss out on 6 matches worth of Exp

stop being bad

Centurion is trash if he doesn't have backup, though. Seriously, in 1v1s Cent is fucking useless. All he gets is good punishes: having an offense as Cent is nearly impossible.

I play as Conker

Conq is amazing against Cent user.

but conker reks cent

What's the counter to getting Ryse QTEd to death then, my Cent maining friend?

Conq fucking destroys Cent are you retarded

You bounce his heavies so he can't start his chains even if you're bad at parrying, and you can easily punish his kicks and jabs with a dodge into bash.

Seriously, what part of Centurion's kit is giving you trouble? I am legitimately curious.

>plays as stronk conk
>gets revenge
>doesn't go into full stance and doesn't dodge cent's unblockables to throw him on the ground with a shield bash for a free heavy

There's no excuse for that user

Dude what? He just needs to land one of his twenty ublockables to chain them into a combo that removes half of year health. Or all of it, if you're against a wall. He can do it whenever he wants, on offense or defense, doesn't matter.

Not having garbage reaction time, mostly. Everything he does is either parryable or dodgable.

If a Cent ever tries to be remotely aggressive, you can shit on him and his tiny health pool.

well what can cent do vs conq?

>light attack
>cant heavy because you get a free gb for blocking it
>cant kick because you can dodge bash him
>unblockable ez to parry

>Not having garbage reaction time
>TV has 300ms lag
Y-yeah, I'll get right on that...

>Getting hit by a jab removes half your health
>Jab only confirms a single light for like 15 damage
>Kick only confirms a single light for like 15 damage
>Unblockable heavy can't be canceled so it's the easiest thing in the world to parry
>Ever getting hit by a charged jab outside of being pinned


well thats your fault, conk beats cent easy

>Plays with a handicap

You have only yourself to blame.

I wasn't the first user, I was asking about counters because I need some way to counteract the handicap I can't afford to fix.

rob a telly

Make sure your TV is in game mode.

Buy a cheap monitor instead.

For some reason against the DLC characters I get hit despite blocking. It only happens against Shinobi or Centurion.
They hit left, I block left, take full damage.
They hit right, I block right, take full damage.
This doesn't apply to anyone else.
I've been playing Brawls all day and this is a phenomenon I can't explain.
I can't dodge the kick because the tracking is retarded. Don't know what direction I'm supposed to be dodging but no direction is good enough.
>As Conk

I actually tried my TV's game mode, but it's so old and shitty that it was basically like setting a video to 240p. It dims the screen and muffles the audio in a way that gives my ears the same feeling as adjusting to a different acclamation. I'd buy a new TV if I wasn't completely out of money altogether.

Not those anons but that emote spam at the end of the game makes me think you're cancer.

Being an orochi player makes it even worse

I wasn't trying to be a dick, I think emote spam looks more funny than annoying and I was excited after pulling that off since I'm not very high tier skill-wise. And I main Conq, hence my Roach being only Rep 2.

Bitch I paid 22k steel for my exploding pony rides Im gonna spam that shit as much as I like.