>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
Tharja shit
Delete this image.
Azura is shit
you have literally no excuse not to run cav team
Cecila - Free
Stalh - Free
Gunter - Free
Ursula - Free
Camus - Free
Xander - Free
Slayer of That Hoes Over There
Begone Tharja you have been outclassed.
Begone Faye you lose the Almb owl.
Begone Camilla red beats green.
I do not have the ~80k feathers and the Reinhardt to run a cavalry team
I have Cecilla, Xander, and Camus
Do I just go for Reinhardt when he's on a rateup?
How does this image make you feel?
yes but ursula is a good replacement until then
enjoy your low arena scores fools
What if I want to be a contrarian asshole who doesn't run the same shit that everyone else does?
Azura a best
Yes. You can use Ursula or Olwen, too. Olwen is arguably as good as him, so you can roll for her if you want.
Like throwing up.
Olwen is better if you have the willpower
Feathers are pretty damn good excuse, I need like 50k for promotions and promoting skill fodder.
How does this image make you, the Severafag feel?
Is it fathers day already
>Reddit TV shows
Fernand's death scene made me cry desu
how tf do i do the tri angle attack
Reminder that being Zeke's side bitch is the most Tatiana can ever hope to be.
I'm currently building my +Atk -Res Bridelia, and SP is a real bitch.
She's already got her Brave Bow+ and L&D3 taken care of, and I just now hit 550 SP, so it's time to pick the next skill up.
Her Special, B, and C are all empty. I'm positive I'll be throwing Luna on her, so that's an easy one, but her B and C are a bit more tricky- I know Desperation w/ Ardent Sacrifice is popular for quad memes, but that's an even larger SP investment if I want to make it happen.
Do I just get Luna out of the way now and start the painful saving up towards Desperation/Ardent Sacrifice, or do I hold onto this SP until I have enough for the latter and wait until after those are done before I go on to Luna? The last two seem more useful overall but the first is something I can get for her right now.
>Whale enough where Camus and Ursula (and any GHB unit) aren't in my matchups
>Thundercock is in every horse team, never any sign of Thundercunt.
>Thundercock dies to my Julia turn 1 in nearly every map in each season
Literally free wins.
My wife isn't a cav unit
Zeke just wants a maiden to protect. After what Nyna did to poor old Hardin, she's not fit to be called a maiden.
>Doot yells "Watch me go!" when she attacks
>Clair, who is beside her, says "Now watch me go!" afterwards
Her special is only needed for very specific targets she can't nuke with the initial 2 first attacks. So you should put more priority on Desperation and Sacrifice before Luna.
> Low Arena scores
> Requires 40k+ feathers
> A fucking green mage or even Hector shuts down Horse's most used Member
Defend this, horsecucks.
>We can all agree though that the games before Awakening really just don't don't stack up next to it, right? I mean, it has the best cast, the best plot, and most of all comparatively pre-awakening games have no where near the gameplay polish that Awakening has, hell they don't even have stuff as basic as skills. Moreso, Awakening implemented fantastic persona-esque social sim elements that gives something for everyone in the new "Support" system, and broke new ground by implementing a second generation in "child units" that tied fantastically into the story.
>Plus the older ones are filled with horrible game design, I mean characters dying is ridiculous, and you can't even grind! How are you level your whole team without even being able to grind up, it's textbook bad game design.
>I can understand the older fans being upset at the rest of us, but the sad truth is that Awakening was strictly an improvement in all regards and raised the bar too high for the series. You can't really blame the modern fanbase for wanting to meet the standard of excellence established by Awakening and for Nintendo to push the titles before it into the past where they belong. It only makes sense.
Ursula is completely irrelevant thanks to thundercock and his sister's broken tomes
Luna now, I play her in arena and Luna is clutch in far more situations than Desperation/Ardent Sacrifice. But I also tend to face teams with an armor a lot which is where you want Luna.
Of the dragon variety?
I think we need a Lucina adventure spinoff game.
*unzips xander*
Initial 4 attacks, my bad.
There are plenty targets that are already nuked to death with 3 or 4. Whereas the special is only required for tanks like Xander
Who gets those?
What actually mean is the only horses you ever see at tier 18-19 are a lone thundercock, a lone Xander, or both merged in the same team, not a problem for me, I have cecilia for thundercock and my own special sharena to deal with Xander
That's what I was thinking, but is there any other B I should be considering before investing so heavily into the Desperation build? It's a shame to put that Rally Atk/Spd to waste.
I think her biggest weakness for me is in facing Ike or Hector- Desp/Sacrifice patches that right up. Luna is tempting in that it costs less SP and I can get it right now, though.
Never realized that Escape Route looks like someone is taking it up the ass.
Myrrh when?
Lightningdick beats hector easy if you let him kill something first so that D aura is charged up to 1
I'm not a horsecuck but saying that a green unit beats a blue unit literally isn't an argument.
*unzips Blade Linde or Thunderhands*
>oh my god
>I have these blue units for their red units and red units for their green units and green units for their blue units
really oogles my noodles
*unzips Effie*
Same as always, it's an art now though and it's pretty bad
>Laughs in Leo
I've become so quick it's as if my enemies stand still.
>effie getting in range of a 4 move unit
*unzips a slight breeze after Xander vantages them*
>I think her biggest weakness for me is in facing Ike or Hector- Desp/Sacrifice patches that right up. Luna is tempting in that it costs less SP and I can get it right now, though
Just go with what your team needs first. I run strong counters to Ike and Hector, so Bridelia just runs wild anyway.
>LaD 3
>27 spd
What the fuck are you doing with Reindhardt?
What are good Boons for Jaffar and what kills him as a bane?
Can he work with a not optimal boon?
Trying to roll for him and wanna brace for the IV impact.
Hmm. The improved crit chance makes it somewhat worthwhile. Though honestly it's not because of the steep HP cost that means that whatever pegapony does it probably dies if they don't land a finishing blow.
Well, the thing is that there isn't any other good B for the brave bow build.
Breakers are basically useless because she will double the vast majority of the cast, and those who aren't doubled by Cordelia will often be doomed by the brave bow double attack.
So you must take down anything that has distant counter, and only Desperation can insure a kill.
Ike and Hector will simply counter her hard if you don't outright kill them prior their counter attack, and unless you build your charge on another target, Luna won't be available against them. As such, considering their speed, it would best to have desperation against them.
But then again, like said, just use other units to cover Cordelia's weaknesses for now.
> Blarblade on THUNDERcock
What did he mean by this?
That team is a work in progress R-Right?
>intelligent (well-spoken king)
>nihilistic (wants to expunge humanity)
>wicked sense of humor (killed his dad at a fake funeral)
>loves dragons
>loves loli by expension
Zephiel is officially /our guy/
>He beats x if this condition is met first
Reddithards, everyone.
All he needs is one attack to kill about 95% of the cast through fury and HP +3
Making him kill Hector in 1 hit
>Blarblade on Reinhardt
What are you doing?
>>intelligent (well-spoken king)
Its an actual feat to kill both in Enemy phase, if youre not carefu with your choices a memed Thundercock can kill almost every green, theres a reason I run Cecilia and not Nino, Xander is on the same boat, He has so much def that most melee blues dont kill him in enemy phase, I run both Sharena and swordbreaker loli tiki for xander
>Mathilda will never sit on your face
Seriously why even live
dragon lolis are public property
Is Xander gay or is he a lolicon?
>like said, just use other units to cover Cordelia's weaknesses for now.
I think the issue is that my roster doesn't really have a hard counter to the two of them yet. I do have a counter to just about everything else physical or tanky, though, as well as a hard Rein counter.
>swordbreaker on a blue unit
>axebreaker on a red unit
>lancebreaker on a green unit
>27 speed Leo
>23 speed Rein without his Brave Toom
>32 speed Ursula who still won't be doubling even with a +6 buff
>New Moon
fucking kek
>Dracoshield - A skill: Grants +5 Def and Res, but -5 Atk and Spd.
>Close Defense - A skill: Grants +6 Def and Res when attacked by a close range weapon.
Quick Riposte or Vantage for Distant Def!Xander?
>horsememe is defeated by x condition
/feg/fags, everyone
Don't worry I'll spend all my swords on easy difficulty forfeits so your hector can get a win, that will cheer you up right?
Remember this is a blue killing a green solo, and hector having 1 mov 1 range ensures reinhardt will never be in range after killing something.
fucking retard
He wants the Lobster cock
What if Tatiana's biggest fetish is mustached men wearing turbans?
Are those body bags in the Sylvan Shrine?
repostan because noreplies
Currently thinking about replacing Moonbow on my Quick Riposte Ephraim (57 Atk, 35 Def, 25 Spd) since it seems quite useless 90% of the time.
Bonfire / Draconic Aura boost damage by 17
Ignis / Dragon Fang boost damage by 28
He's mainly used as buffbot for my blade memer and wall for red and blue physicals. Since he's so slow combat will usually go like:
Enemy -> Ephraim -> Enemy -> Ephraim
Most of the time the enemy would die on the second hit even without any special.
For reds, if their combined HP+Def is 68 or less, they get oneshot. This is true for Ryoma, Lucina and Eirika unless they use Fury or are +HP/Def
Now if I use Moonbow, one charge is wasted when the enemy gets their 2nd attack while it's already charged, and the special is wasted on my Quick Riposte and results in overkill.
If I use Bonfire / Draconic Aura with 3 charges, the special would be charged and ready just for Ephraim's Quick Riposte and again result in overkill.
If I use Ignis / Dragon Fang with 4 charges, he kills the red without using the special, charged and ready for the next round.
This would put him at 57 + 28 Atk, allowing him to initiate for 96 effective HP on reds, 85 on blues / colorless, or 74 for greens.
tl;dr Ignis worth it on QR Ephraim?
What's your actual team with Cordelia and your roster in general?
You do realize you can click on the infobox image to get a bigger version (if available), right?
>Mathilda's popularity in Japan dropped after she got Echoes redesign
>not having Reinhardt one-shot Hector with Dire Thunder
>using LaD when your units still won't be doubling
Hahaha holy shit, whales being retarded as usual
In a loving relationship with his wife Femui who may or may not be a loli depending
you guys are dips
We got full art of everyone now?
He's not gay, that's just a /v/ or Reddit meme. He#s 100% a lolicon.
just say Julia if you want a unit who actually wins against Reinhardt, it sure beats demonstrating a complete failure to understand the difference between Defense and Resistance
really? wouldn't surprise me though, nips have notoriously shit taste
>Japan has shit taste
What a revelation
Japan doesn't like dominant women. Matilda's new design looks like more dominant than her Gaiden one.
We know Reinhardt is a handlet but is he also a manlet?
>marrying Xander
Alright, I finally decided it's time to actually give my units real skill sets.
For starters, I was thinking for tharja fury, vantage, ???, ??? With her vengence, but what?