fucking lulufags edition
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fucking lulufags edition
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hmmm I'm sorry user but you made this thread 4 posts too early, we're gonna have to delete it :^)
>TFW you pick renekton into gragas and lose
weirdest looking lulus I've seen
can someone post the nice screenshot of those posts?
I kind of feel sad that Lourlo's team is shit
I enjoy watching his streams, he's pretty chill compared to the other toplaners that have retarded personalities or speak too much during games
what's under the blanket /lolg/?
Champion Idea :
Yordle with a pet (I was thinking a theropod dinosaur but maybe something else), each time you rank up your ult the pet grows (at level 6 the Yordle mounts it) and your abilities change
At level 16 the pet grows to full size and eats the yordle permanently
Just accept defeat already, you'll get to make next thread tho, just trying to make a thread that is somewhat related to whats happening in legal leggings instead of waifuposting :^(
post winrates
>tfw shit kdas
idk why i play shit other than vlad and darius desu, dont have much experience on anything but them.
Don't you ever listen to mic checks? He's screaming like a little girl from excitement every time his team does something right. Not that it's a bad thing. It's better than souless gooktalk.
holy shit TL just let Darshit poo all over their loo
>Yordle with a theropod dinosaur
Skarl is a lizard, but yeah I know
>tfw when tilting a fizz just by playing teemo
>calls me a camper
>progressively makes worse and worse dives as he enrages
Why do people get tilted in an aram? It's fucking aram lol.
>implying I'm the lulufag making those threads
Champion Idea :
The champs name is OP, he starts at level 18 with 100k gold and his ult instantly destroys the enemies nexus
I've never really bothered going back and listening to the mic check things.
He's easy to watch when he's streaming, it's nice to have on next to playing league.
easiest to rank up during esports bets
um, what patch??????
PLZ NO MORE FUCKING FURRY YORDLES. Make yordles like Trist and Lulu
>want to play xayah but she's not the support
feels bad
Be my support slave
Is this matchup just this bad for Kassadin or is Froggen just that good?
Winning games as Rakan is difficult :(
That nami ult was great
Which Lulu skins are these??
just this bad for kass
Kassadin or Katarina? I play mid/jungle with Karthus+Annie+TF/Nunu+WW+Gragas but sometimes I think something more mobile would fit the team better. Or do I save for Swain and try to go back top which is what I used to play.
looking for duo on NA silver,gold on NA!Play mainly mid and bot both adcarry and support.
They could have got a kill there if stixxay placed his trap correctly
Fellow supports how do you deal with an adc that is too dumb to live?
your role is support, not "babysit-the-adc-the-entire-game"
Play very safe and focus on your other teammates.
>tfw no thick yordle gf to sit on your lap and give you a boner and then give you a buttjob
>ywn help Noxus capture Lux and let Noxian soldiers use her as "stress relief"
Why live?
Lourlo trolling now?
Like the rest of the team liquid association he is in a perpetual state of confusion
>all less then 50 games played
will TL ever make worlds?
Sorry dude I play solo.
Play around your team, play around map pressure, not only your adc. Also don't play team dependent shit like Janna/Soraka too much if you can't trust your adc or you're basically surrendering your lane for a loss of pressure bot side.
I'd recommend buying Swain and taking him top.
Kassadin is great, though, of course. Just keep in mind his early game and rough matchups.
>tfw you're WAY BETTER at landing charms with your waifu than pros
this is the power of love
>Wildpositioning dies facechecking bushes
Some things never change
If you play ranked regularly and aren't AT LEAST diamond 5 after a year of playing, you are probably retarded.
What skin would best sexualize the Lulu
Damn Stixxay is actually as good or better than Piglet
okay ill bite
post 'em
>play pixel perfect skillshot AP mid laner
>2/11 yasuo
>20m in
>yasuo have 100% crit and 20% lifesteal and can 3vs1 people anyways
Why fuck play anything that is not a baller AD auto attack champ
> those kdas
I just started the ranked season 3 weeks ago.
>tfw Mojarin will never draw a series of doujins with thicc Yordles
Champion Idea
Twin Brothers mutated by the Void
P:One brother takes 50% reduced physical damage while the other takes 50% reduced magical damage. Both brothers share health AND damage making HP 2X more effective when close to one other .
Q:Void Bolt/Shadow Heal. Shoot a bolt of void energy at a target/ Heal target ally doubled if used on brother
W: Berserk: Increase attack speed and damage output temporarily. Duration increases whenever a brother lands a auto attack up to 15 seconds.
E:Blizzard/Greater cleave: Summon a Blizzard in area slowing and damaging units/ swing sword in a wide arc dealing damage.Deals double damage to minions
R:Swap control: Allows you to switch control between both brothers
> play fragile high risk mid reward midlaner
> die
Perhaps, although he was never a shotcaller- just a mechanically gifted cog in a machine, one that now operates like a chicken with its head cut off
>playing for kda
>high risk
>press a key to block everything
>press R to jump into anything
>le yasuo jump mechanics
I like the idea but it would definitly need some changes, peraps different set of abilities per brother too
also make them loli sisters
And you better bet your bottom dollar, that these two brothers know how to handle business
I've had a lot of days and some weeks of not touching this game so my climb is really slow.
why are people even playing jhin? he cant kill anything without having to reload and his ult is the least threatening ability in the game.
Yordle jungler girl
Passive: Ranyar, a land piranha
Ranyar will attack targets being attacked by her, or targets attacking her.
50% of his damage is true damage. He has 80% of her total AD.
Ranyar is imume to slows. He takes 50% reduces damage from AoE attacks and his HP that scales with total AD.
Q Net shot
Shoots a projectile that slows targets it collides with or where it lands, Deals AoE physical damage.
Ranyar will leap towards the targetted location and grant vision for a brief while, and begin attacking targets hit by the net.
W Dig
Burrows a small hole, gain stealth, break stealth upon moving.
further levels reduce both its cooldown and channel time.
E Harpoon shot: Shoots projectile that travels towards a location, collides with monsters/enemy champions or at max range.
Can be reactivated within 2/3/4 seconds to jump towards its location
R Grog sip
Gain bonus MS for 3 seconds, after which your next attack will stun an enemy.
Heal a flat amount over the 2 seconds.
Available from level 1.
Because he was strong for so long and people took a liking to him, he's still fun.
Reminder on unplayable champs
Are you talking about competitive or solo queue?
I guess people just find him fun
Never change, TL
No I didn't
>high risk
>mid laner
What are the odds of going pro at this game?
Asking for a friend that's failing/dropping out of HS.
stay in school fucktard
the same as you getting a girlfriend
You did fagtt
See you in court
S-stop laughing at us, please. Don't we suffer enough
i mean you can """camp""" with teemo anywhere with his passive
The only thing that matters is how good you are
If he can't get top 50 at least he probably should not pursue that right
Take the number of pros in a region. Divide by the number of ranked players in that region.
Hais shot calling
Sometimes i wonder whats going on in piglet tiny gook mind right about now
Confession time
>I was on a win streak into promos with high mmr
>Decide to buy a 3 game duo boost to seal the deal
>I play well both games
>Feeding bot lane can't stop feeding
>Trashuo top lane decides to quit then the adc
>Play 1 more have to play Ahri top because this faggot takes Kha mid
>Kha gets fed and decides to 1vs5 int until thier late game comp and we get shit on
>Booster tilts and quits
>I wasted money and time
Moral of the story don't buy a boost especially on weekends when the kids are out.
I know it's esports time but I got bored and felt like coloring something so I colored a Sona I drew.
I've got some time so I can do some quick lewd requests. Or lengthier ones too I guess but probably can't deliver today on them. Azir/Xayah one coming soon. Shyvana ideas also get priority I think.
Captain Flowers is a pretty decent play by play and I like hearing his puns more than Phreak, his personality is as cartoonish as his Crimson Chin- it's nice seeing someone finding success from a grassroots beginning rather than muh nepotism, even if reddit was his networking tool
Team Liquid """""""""''fans"""""""""""""""'
deserve to be gassed
C9 vs TSM goys
prepare your >TSM memes
I refuse to believe he's playing the game starcraft macro style
What do you mean?
thenk tyrone
He literally is though