/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward General

Far Eastern Steppies Edition

>The Make It Rain Campaign Event May 29th-June 12th

>Stormblood - A Tour of the East Trailer

>Pre-Order FINAL FANTASY® XIV: STORMBLOOD™ (Early Access Begins June 16th)

>New Features, Jobs, Skills, and Changes Coming in Stormblood

>Callback Campaign for Returning Players

>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells

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tfw no hyur gf for steppies

They were kidding with the WHM tooltip right? RIGHT?!

Have any of you run POTD 100+ with random pugs? How did it go? Can I expect any decent players?
Also, it's been a while since I last did any 100+ shit, so tips would also be appreciated.

which one

Would you rather have ARR sized zones with better textures and more detail or HW sized zones the way they are now?

You guys are legit insane.

And DRAKN houses them all

as someone in DRAKN who has autism this is really mean


The latter.

In an ideal world we would have huge zones without loading screens.

Why so your leader uses the word as an insult, you should be used to it.

Smooth one user, but where is the proof?

Just to bump this question
Does anyone really know if I can play FFXIV ARR and HW if I buy this complete edition right now store.na.square-enix.com/product/444583/final-fantasy-xiv-online-complete-edition-pc-download
I would really rather not wait 17 days before I can even play the game itself.

I think you should be able to. Hard to say since it's not likely anyone here would have bought it to try it.`

What a cute pic.
I love lalafell so much, they are super adorable.

One word, Epperson

>Balmung has Ul'dah's bench
>Gilgamesh has Limsa's tree
>Odin has...?
Europoors BTFO

moni is the cutest and most pettable fc leader!!

>Odin has...?
Playing the actual game.

Was there a banwave

>he's not in the super secret Odin ERP FC.

Haven't been playing for a while.
Who is she? Is she the governor of Doma like how Zenos is the governor of Ala Mhigo?
Or is she someone from the japan zone

Gridania's aetheryte


i have a 40pld and a 39nin. which one is faster to level up before the addon is released.

Odin doesn't have ERP.



What all skills is Dragoon losing in SB? Or rather, did anyone make a site that lists all the lost/new skills?

There was a lizard fishing for ERP in the thread for over 6 hours

Floor: 189
Chimeras: 7
Rage poms: 0


Have a wonderful thread

She's been around this entire time.

Where is the proof?

what if they have to fish here because they can't find erp on odin? :thinking:

Sandspic. Seriously think about removing yourself from this general. No one, absolutely no one likes you here. You get baited easily by people who never want to meet you and you live on miserably here in this general, not taking the fucking point.

You won't make anymore friends here, you won't find people to chat with or share bullshit fetishes or "comfy" shit either. Remember at the end of the day, you're hated and are even worse than beepy. Least he doesn't wallow like you do.

So do you guys think SB will launch with a new deep dungeon?

why the highlights

why do people think highlights are ok

No seriously they are fixing WHM right?

replied to you in the last thread, my 2 pug runs of potd were respectively floor 181 and floor 170

force voice chat after floor 150 would be my advice for callouts on mobs and pomanders, it gets very annoying without it

Eb me

plain hair is boring as hell. highlights make it look cooler as long as the colors are complimenting

Um if you have to use your hair to find a way to stand out especially in this game then your glamour game is weak

Says the person with FotM hair

>as long as the colors are complimenting
Which you've managed to fail spectacularly at with your Hot Topic shopping teenager hair. Jared Leto's Joker is less DAMAGED than your character. Get an ink pad, I'll stamp it out on your fucking forehead so hard that maybe it'll knock some basic color coordination fashion sense into you.

Looking for a elzn wife on Balmung pst..

Anyone on Balmung want to do fun content or something?

tfw no super shy masked thicc pre-anorexia Meria gf


Serrit secretly gay

Cat or lizard? I'm stuck in character creation hell after I got tired of my midget.

anyone in ultros? i'm looking for friends to play with

theres no way that's actually me


>trash or gabage
who cares lmao

Highlander you'll get more attention if that's what your going for

it's not you, it's meria.
it's obviously her room too
looked so much better before she went skeleton mode

Either one is a mistake if you are switching from Lalafell.


Me too


Elezen futa dick!

i miss lala


im a lala


Hey guys. How much will Stormblood cost?
Right now it is only showing the collectors edition for pre order, which costs a full $60.
When the Expansion is released, will it be cheaper?

How's Excalibur as a server?

Where did the Lalas go?

Same as HW

Regular pre-order is $39.99

i was going to write meria, but then i derped

do you like cats...............

At least you can cast holy without having to worry about switching stances and double edged assize

It's fine, but not many people who post here play on it. Overall it has a good population though

Not even me you're replying to, they can be using any hair

But people enjoy highlights because its an extra layer of personalization you can do for your toon, so we use it. You can mix and max colors to personal preference

why would you say there's no way that's her? it's her room and the mask picture was her discord avatar for a few days months ago
on her twitter too but she deletes every selfie after a week tops

How do I get rid of the flower next to my player name?

Any word on if the Slydra mount is gonna be useable outside of the water?


You let me deflower you.

Is that the loch ness monster one?

It can go on land and fly if so.

Excalibur or Leviathan?

Keep playing. It'll go away as time passes.

He's going to put you in diapers.

be my wife.. please.......

I was already level 60, but I might of re-enabled it after coming back from a long break.

idk because that body looks so ugly?

Are the Carls Jr codes only able to be used once?Trying to find the cheapest way to buy XIV for a couple buddies.

Ah, is it the blooming flower? You can go in and turn it off. Open your "edit search info" and use the drop down menu.

Hey guys!
How does it work with PC and PS4 cross play. I am on pc and my friend is on ps4
We can play together from the start and see each other right?

it was pre anorexia meria lol
she was normal weight early last year when she took the pic
looks disgustingly sickly thin now

yes, if you're on the same server


Mado don't you dare cheat on me bitch. I will pound your ass into the ground tonight if I find out you did.

Is a second soft drink really that big an investment?

alright sweet. One more question. My friend on ps4, if he plugs in a keyboard to his ps4, can he type in chat to me? Or are we going to just have to use discord to talk?
