I have recently gotten my driver's license but I'm still scared shitless to drive.
What do I do? I have a manual car btw
pic unrelated
Fear of driving
Don't drive until you are confident/comfortable.
Driving is more than worrying about yourself, you need to be aware of everything going on around you. If you are scared, you are not going to have the concentration to drive safely.
how do I get confident if I never drive tho?
Keep driving and try pushing yourself out of your comfort zone a little bit at a time.
I started commuting by car last year, I was still scared as fuck of driving and now I happily take my car wherever I go.
Jump off the deep end end famflam.
I went from only having driven in a "city" of 20k people to driving in one with over a million, by the end of the day I had gotten the hang of it and it didn't phase me.
just drive during the night when all the roads are empty
This sounds nuts but try to drive on road trips. The highway is one of the best places to learn speed control, blind spot monitoring, merging, passing, and following distance.
thanks for the tips guys post more if you want
Just practice driving in places where it's easy then and work your way up.
I guess a manual car can be kinda tricky in the beginning but all I can say is that drive more and become more comfortable.
Just start driving. My first time after getting my drivers license, I was scared shitless, I was literally shaking before I got into the car. I turned the key, dropped the parking brake and when I stepped on the clutch went into first gear, most of the worries were gone. You just need to start driving. I was still scared to drive the next time, but I was looking forward to it.
Drive with music that you like, it will calm your nerves... That's what I did to keep from getting nervous shakes
Go to your local track find tha fastest Miata there and challenge him to a lap on the track
Doing so will awaken your inate ability to not be a massive faggot and you'll beat the Miata
Make sure you listen to eurobeat It's the only way to ensure victory plus it adds 50hp to whatever car your driving it's been scientifically proven
>Make sure you listen to eurobeat It's the only way to ensure victory plus it adds 50hp to whatever car your driving it's been scientifically proven
I can assure you that this is true
>first get license
>start driving to class
>drenched in sweat by the time I got there
It's just nerves, user. Drive short distances on roads you know well. Repeat.
After a couple of days or a week of driving, you'll start to get more comfortable.
Do this for two weeks, then venture on state highways.
Drive on the highway for few weeks then go out on the freeway/interstate.
Even though you aren't that good at driving yet, just know there are worse drivers than you on the road who commute everyday. You'll do fine, just get a parent or friend in the car with you and do some laps around the neighborhood or parking lot.
are you an asian woman?
>are you hot?
I thought that until I started driving school. Driving alone in city can be scary for first time. Find a friend and make circles in town, he she can help you out with rules etc until ur confident to try yourself. Also second driving at night, less traffic and more intimacy, just not on weekends when normies drive drunk.
Why are you scared chickenposter your lancer is DCT
This. The question we all need answered.
Work out why you're scared and find a solution.
Getting practice in low traffic areas/times is also a good solution.