OK guys seriously WTF happened here? Do people literally protest buy stocks? A stock can't seriously go up 7% because they dropped a clothing line.
OK guys seriously WTF happened here? Do people literally protest buy stocks...
People are getting tired of Trump's shenanigans. The more the bumbling retard "tweets" stuff, the more it loses it's potency over time
fucka u libshit
Go fuck yourself ya conservacunt
Maybe Ivanka made a deal with Nordstrom to drop her line of clothing in order to get media attention on their bullshit story. Free advertising for a company Ivanka has already seen great potential in and probably had a bunch of people buy in before it mooned. Tldr inside job?
Did I violate your safe space?
Anything tied to the Trump family right now is being mired in scandal by their scandalous behavior. Nordstrom decided that the inventory and shelf space of the product line was better filled by brands that didn't have that scandal attached to them and so they dropped the line.
The decision was more or less proven to be the correct one when *shudder* President Trump, leader of the free world, decided to take the time to have a twitter beef about it. You can't have that shit affecting your business.
Investors realized that Nordstrom was making the right move in distancing themselves from scandalous and volatile people and the stock moved up.
all the liberal kiddies will go buy there now
this +increase in reputation for 'standing up to a bully' and free advertising
Do you have to be so melodramatic?
You violated his NAP, enjoy your incoming tomahawk missile.
There is a line between melodramatic and dramatic. My point would not have been fully made had I not packaged enough drama into that statement. Let me say it again.
President Trump, de facto leader of the Free World, the Commander in Chief of the Armed Services, the Executive in Chief of the Civil Services, the Chief Diplomat of the Foreign Service, and the ceremonial Head of State has twitter beef on an almost daily basis and nobody can stop him.
No rational actor, after seeing this played out, wants to be tied financially or politically to the Trumps long term.
Eventually the stock of any company Trump mentions in a tweet will immediately go up regardless because of his huge twitter base and the inevitable media attention it will bring.
Sean Spicer sports an Ivanka original sleeveless
>No rational actor wants to be financially tied to the Trumps long term
Interesting you would interpret it that way considering his policies are going to affect literally every U.S. dollar.
Not all actors are rational.
Not all ties are voluntary.
>long term
Not everybody ration tied to him voluntarily wants him around long term, maybe just long enough to do some dirty business before they wrap him up for impeachment after midterm when it will do the least damage.
I believe she has no involvement with the company other than licensing her name.
Yeah you're living in a fantasy land if you think they'll impeach him over something he said on twitter.
>impeach him over something he said on twitter
I'm not sure if you're just dense or what the deal is. It isn't twitter anybody gives a fuck about, it's the fact that he's a volatile, temperamental nutbag rocking a lot of people's boats.
stick to twitter
Oh so perhaps a nerf to their stock price was baked in because of the Ivanka line dragging things down and so now its at a natural value relating to what its assets are saying. I see, thanks good explanation.
PS I think you can't say 'scandalous' without cause which is why that user got mad at you. Trump has had lots of controversy but no scandals.
Are you trigger?
>Do people literally protest buy stocks?
Probably a few, but mostly market psychology. I don't know their business, but according to Wikipedia it's a "chain of luxury department stores". Do you think the majority of Trump voters buys at luxury stores? It's probably a store tailored to well-off city-folk, i.e. mostly Democrats. Dropping Trump and aligning with the anti-Trump crowd was the right move, business-wise.
And the stock market goes off on emotions more than fundamentals.
Nordstroms customer base is liberals. This is free positive branding for them. Todays exuberance might be a bit overdone but think of this as a good advertising campaign.
Impeachment because you just don't like the guy is even less likely.
Ngl that *shudder* was pretty fucking gay. This isn't reddit you faggot. Pretty spot on for the rest of it.
Keyword was long term. Get your nose out of Trump's asshole and realize he's a fucking idiot when it comes to policy making. Who gives a fuck about PC culture when he's blatantly handing out Cabinet positions to corporate interests and deregulating industries with huge downside risks.
Trump is a giant fucking Mirror.
People tripping over themselves to fall for Trump's bait reveal more about themselves than anything else.
Would it be any better if he did it in person instead of on twitter? Why does the platform he uses to make an ass of himself matter?
Veeky Forums might not be the site for you friendo
I think boycotts do two things.
1) Short term economic gain from the people who hate the people you're pissing off.
2) Long term losses from the people you've made angry enough to stay away permanently, and the short term gain you got from those you made happy petering off because of the average consumer's attention span.
Look at the Target tranny thing. I know dozens of people who refused to shop there ever again because of it. Most just go to one of the other big name equivalents. The ones who were happy about their stand that I know of shopped there "extra" to show their support... for about two weeks.
Good advertising is staying out of politics entirely. Risking long term sales losses for literally no reason is awful.
If you need brand recognition that badly then you're going to fail eventually anyways.
This is retarded, and anyone who's truly investing into Nordstrom as a "slight" towards anyone is a bumbling moron. It's probably the same group of people who dumped their investments after Donald Trump was elected president.
there's 2 paths: 1) he's going to be removed from office, since he's well beyond 2nd term nixon, or 2) they judiciary and legislative neuter the executive. he just becomes a bumbling dementia-addled figurehead tweeting out insults to people who he thinks are his enemies.
Look at this cuck
It's going to be a long 8 years for you
You're the cuck.
His first weeks in office have been miserable failure from day 1. Has he succeeded in anything?
He has published a "First 100 days" list and is well on his way to completing about half of it already I think. Of course you would never hear about that from the media.
He's already reversed most of the disaster caused by the previous failure.
9th circuit has the most rulings over turned by the Supreme Court.
Trump will go down as one of the best presidents in history. The Democuck party won't even exist in a decade because of him.
>He has published a...
Progress gets noticed.
I've published lots of crap these last few weeks as well. Not changing the world one bit. Your prez is a lame duck. This will be more and more obvious as time passes.
so exactly why isn't the scenario a reproduction of Macy's casting shade? dead cat bounce?
>Says the increasingly nervous man
I agree. I think it's a reverse stock bump.
People have been anticipating trump hated companies to go down. After a bit of this the smart buyers realized it's a good play to buy companies he criticises.
100% accurate post.
Need a safe space snowflake?
Boots on the ground in Iran will do wonders for the mil stocks though.
>muh non sequitur will convince nobody but I will at least not feel tongue-tied and inferior
Make uhmerikkuh great kid, start with yerself
>will do wonders for the mil stocks
Yeah, especially during the 30yrs where you will be failing to stabilize the area.
Enjoy the draft!
I collect these images. Poast moar
You are the guy who admits he never reads the news because it might contain some pro-Trump stuff.
Anyway mods can delete this thread its fucked I just wanted to know if anyone had any quantitative data to share or any reason but yeah people are probably just investing because of a presumed backlash causing massive sales.
/shrug who knows or cares but it won't raise Nordstroms up much more because retail is irreparably fucked.
I want both SJW's and internet skinheads to die.
superior version
I'm too old, shame.
Don't stocks usually go down when corporations virtue signal though?
>*shudder* President Trump, leader of the free world
Literally shaking right now !!
This is the only post worth reading itt
unrelated but is nordstrom a good place to buy a first suit? I'm a broke college student
Free advertising worldwide
>You are the guy...
>muh second non sequitur and strawman will sureluh wurk when muh first uhn fell flat