Operator edition
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Raid Setups and individual Builds:
THE JORDAS VERDICT: pastebin.com
Warframe Raid Schoolbus: Hide your power lvl and follow the rules: discord.gg
Droptables and Data: github.com
Another Datamine / Warframe News: semlar.com
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com
DPS calculator and build planner No.2: warframe-builder.com
Top guns: docs.google.com
Frames and Modding: pastebin.com
Tierqueer Filters: git.io
CURRENT UPDATE: Octavia's Anthem 20.6.0
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/wfg/ /kysg/ - Warframe and Keystone General
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Post keystone webms please. Cant find anything in youtube.
Honestly, they need to semi-revert back to the "weapon skill grid" type of system that used ot exist, but not implemented in a retarded fashion.
Roll the damage boost from serration into base stats that increase linearly per level until it hits 30. Mods that increase damage (except elements), rof, multishot, or punchthrough would be removed, leaving only "utility" mods.
Every 5 levels, give a bonus effect opportunity that forces the player to choose between one or another utility/offense stats. Each of these options then continues down another few levels until they "max out".
For example:
level 5 split
- increased magazine size (10%)
--- 20, 30, 40
- decreased reload time (10%)
--- 20, 30, 40
level 10 split
- decreased recoil (7.5%)
--- 15, 22.5, 30
- increased rate of fire (10%)
--- 15, 20, 25
level 15 split
- ammo conversion (10%)
--- 15, 20, 25
- increased max ammo pool (10%)
--- 15, 20, 25
level 20 split
- increased damage while aiming (10%)
--- 15, 20, 25
- punch through (1m)
--- 2, 3, 4
level 30 split
- multishot (25%)
--- 50, 75, 100
- increased damage (25%)
--- 50, 75, 100
fuck off Scott[DE], no snitches here
Guy from previous thread that didn't knew a thing about trading.
How good/bad Loki is for soloing missions nowadays? Should I just start over?
Loki is still, and has always been, king of solo. Especially now that Irradiating Disarm exists.
Proto Armor Excalibur is thicc
>uncolorable parts
He's one of the best frames in the game.
Reminder if you have a question about frames or if you're wondering whether a frame is good, consult the guide FIRST.
No changes since last time.
If you disagree with anything in the guide or want to make a suggestion, state WHY.
Reminder to ignore the "Frames and Modding" guide and the "Top guns" guide in the OP. They both fucking suck ass and contain bad information because they were written by a shitter who has no idea how to play the game.
please stop
>all those fucking frames
I can only remember 5 or 7. Damn when I started playing there were only 3.
>not implemented in a retarded fashion.
>tfw God is real
inb4 shit rolls rerolls
double damage from MP effectively works as a buff
What are the frames you like but know can do better?
What are your hopes for their eventually look at by DE?
What are your fears?
Personally I just fucking love pirateframe but he needs too much work to even be "sortie viable" and even then he falls short on almost everything else besides interception and farming.
I hope his 1 gets more duration, his 2 augment is hot garbage since it only lasts for 14 seconds with max duration, his 3 needs the ability to move without surfacing and deal percentage damage, and his tentacle swarm needs to chase enemies down instead of being a fixed spawn.
I'm worried they're somehow gonna make him worse than he already is with his eventual rework.
The real question now, since Oberon got buffed, is this:
Who's the worst frame in the game? Hydroid or Oberon?
Hydroid at least has Pilfering Swarm.
Oberon is just Oberon.
its 200%, so effectively triple damage
should i get her drop aug, im considering it if it works on allies bullets too and not just enemies
Both have a discount CP
Both can heal teammates
It's a tied game
>its 200%, so effectively triple damage
it is 200%, not +200%, so it is effectively double damage
ah gotcha
post frames, rate others
>spending real dollaridoos on this game
Really not a lot of Keystone discussion, huh?
We're allowed to talk about it, just can't show gameplay/screenshots. Does no one care?
>oberon has 0 good things going for him
But user
I'm on console
Only the goy dick sucking DE faggots in training care. Anybody can create a FPS, especially when you're just piggybacking and copying previous titles. Oh look we added Warframe mods to the mix, fuck off.
It probably plays like the Windows 95 maze screensaver with guns.
Why the fuck would we care about keystone? This is a Warframe general. KYStone has nothing to do with warframe beyond the fact they're both made by the same company. Do you see Diablo discussion in Starcraft threads? Do you see Half Life discussion in Dota threads?
goddamn people who play KYStone are fucking retarded. It's a shitty overwatch clone among other shitty overwatch clones with literally nothing else behind it other than the fact it was made by DE, which is a fucking NEGATIVE
wanted to sleep but theres happenings in londong
Happy Ramadan!
That's not a buff tho, it's a debuff
I want everything to be dead at all times, which frame of the following do I play - Mesa, Equinox or Nova?
thready reminder for newfriends not to listen to this retard
If its DEAC then Ember, If it isn't then mesa
seeMesa and Equinox are much better damage frames than Nova (Nova is primarily CC)
I would suggest Mesa, she's good against every faction and has great survivability. Equinox sucks against armored units
identical in practice
no, faggot, nobody cares about your viral marketing
what does DEAC mean?
i'd say hydroid is the worst now
need a rework with zephyr
star chart missions where you can get by with whatever as long as you're keeping up with basic mods- beyond that is shit like sorties and raids where being meta really matters
DE approved content, and I'd also include sortie 1
>identical in practice
it's really not, beyond the simple semantics of the source and target explicitly constituting a debuff applied to enemies in common terminology, the actual effect and practicalities (range, duration, eligible targets, etc) of when, how, to what, and from what it is applied are very different from a "buff"
Is there anything better than baiting butthurt edgelords in chat?
Not that user but why is it in the title then?
Because someone thought it'd be epic to do so and no one has bothered to remove it.
Rivens back to back for so rtie rewards.
Now warframe is really motivating me to stay.
Who oper8or frame here?
Thats not loki or ivara
Because it abbreviates to kys
>warframe and kill yourself
How accurate for everything in this general
Yeah but Nyx has the most oper8or animations my dude
DE needs to rework so many fuckign frames.
Zephyr and Atlas are my personal favourite frames and i really like them, but they and Hydroid etc need some goddamn rework.
>Nightmare corpus
I rather deal with 100 bombards at once than one Scrambler
>tfw the only times I get any real use from Shatlas is during sortie 2-3 elemental resistance missions
Feels good punching the ever living shit out of entire mobs as my teammates struggle since they're relying on elements but even under those specific conditions I know other frames would do better. I only wish punching things in the dick was as beneficial as it is satisfying, you know?
nah, hydroid actually has a few different niches he can fill right now, including being the only "guaranteed" extra drop frame that exists since the nekros nerf
corroding barrage, healing poolwhatever, and obviously SUCC tentacles are all useful in different capacities
zephyr is 90% useless, literally only worth taking for the look-ma-i'm-not-mesa-really aoe shield
her ultimate is arguably a negative in every way, and her 1 and 2 are utterly useless
Yeah i really like his concept, but his execution was absolutely garbage. His 1 is good, but the rest is absolutely bad. He needs more attention, but sadly nobody plays him due to his shit quest.
I think his design is fantastic for a golem of earth and his theme would be fucking neat.
Lets just hope DE gets their shit together, because i wont.
atleast I have more than 2 uses for hydroid which really cant be said for alot of frames in the game.
zephyr had one and DE removed it
Atlas is the only one of those that needs a rework, Hydroid just needs a buff, and maybe make his puddle do something useful.
No idea about Zephyr, i just know her third ability is good and her 4th ability is really annoying, but i don't know how you could make her any better.
Kys muslim pork
Hope is all we have left.
Strangely enough 3/4th of the elemental frames are among the least used: Atlas, Hydroid(without his Pilfering) and Zephyr.
Ember is the only one being actively used.
I just want my Atlas to get buffed so i wont get bullied in literal every game.
I have an inquiry, /wfg/. I stopped playing around the time they introduced Kubrows. Not sure when they implimented Syndicates - I remember not paying too much attention to them. I just picked the one I liked the most, realized there's more grinding, and stopped. After starting again recently because of a friend, and I wanted to know if the augment mods worth the trouble to get - Specifically for Volt, since he's my most used frame. They don't seem all too useful, except for maybe Capacitance, but they look fun. Could I see some Volt builds so I can compare them to mine?
saryn is an elemental
And Frost.
do you not consider the other "elements" in that? saryn, frost, volt, and ember all represent the actual basic elements used in warframe (also the only ones with an elemental damage buff besides oberon with his mostly useless composite element buff), if not the four traditional western elements
And Volt
Like earth, fire, water and wind i meant.
Those gay elements dont exist in the future anymore, Frost, Saryn, Ember and Volt are where it's at.
I main Zephyr, and I wouldn't really want to see her skills completely changed or removed, just buffed and/or modified to make them more practical and logical. Like, 1 & 2 should just be alt modes of each other, with effect depending on camera angle, plus the dash ragdolling enemies away and the slam either doing more damage or with longer knockdown.
3 should be buffed to work vs basically every non-melee, because it makes no sense that it can blow away bullets and beams but not clouds of fire/toxin AOE.
Tornadoes need more damage and more control somehow. Being able to aim and launch 4 individual tornadoes (or one big steerable tornado that could be detonated into smaller ones that behave like the current ones or something) would be much more usable.
Simple toggle flight would be nice as a new power or even a Limbo-style passive. Roll mid-air to enter hover mode or whatever you want to call it. It's never made sense that Birdframe can't fucking fly. I don't mean wings flapping or anything that complicated, just let me run through the air or float like AW minus the hardware or some shit.
I didnt know zephyr was a girl woops
how about this for a passive
using the glide allows you bullet jump in air, gliding again allows you to do so again, as much as you want
You've never seen the Warframe Anime Waifu pic?
irrelevant, they make everything into girls.
Can anyone t-trade me a Zenurik lens? I can give a Madurai lens and some prime junk in return.
That will get you banned user >:(
B...but Ember's futa horsecock.
>mfw I don't have a single new PA item and no desire to get any of it
Name a SINGLE PA worse than this one.
Trinitys, but that was before her nerf.
You've been redpilled.
What the hell happened to maiming strike prices? Did some faggot youtuber tell everyone they needed it?
>can't handle 5 more waves solo
its all adding up now
i still can't make a profit. call me back when it peaks 900
That looks real good.
>>can't handle 5 more waves solo
not when I'm trying for maximum affinity jewing
>click Battle as soon as the screen pops up so that everyone follows along without a second thought
>switch to Extract when the timer hits 1
>he doesn't know
>leeches for affinity
>is surprised when others dump his useless ass wave 5
>he memes he knows
Volt Prime access dumbass
>>>>>>>>>>>>Odanata Prime
Arsewing is still worse than notapaladin frame
>operator edition
Truly woke man do that on higher waves when you're carrying the team.
it's akkad you dumb mumb
yes and?
capacitance and shocking speed are the only useful ones
cum on man you can do better than this
I've also got the arcane helmet for another 15%, but I'm not going to give up copro or vitality for power overload or whatever that mod that gives you +50% to next cast is
I use dispatch overdrive on atterax with this build for maximumfast
>use one spell
>out of energy