the place to BEE - edition
the place to BEE - edition
lulu is not for lewd
xth for NTR/Rape/Mindbreak/Impreg/Handholding.
lulu is probably the ugliest character in league and doesnt deserve any of the love these betas give her.
>Women literally have to befriend the crown prince to attain a half-respective position, still aren't afforded any leadership opportunity
I think you're mistaken, Noxus is the meritocracy.
Post BEE skins
thinking about it, i cant name a single elise skin
>when the xannys kick in
You're right, but in all fairness to Jarvan himself he's not really cut from the same cloth as his predecessors and kind of struggles with the fact that he's going to have to lead these niggas some day. If anything the fact that he comes to respect Shyvana and Quinn and as he does is proof of it if anything. Honestly thinking about it, Swain and Darius are similar in that "Might makes right" mindset, only Jarvan is obviously more noble than Swain is and Darius is more cutthroat and hardened due to his experiences.
>tfw just found out lyte left riot
Holy I have missed so much
why is riv allowed to be a caster? Hes actually in silver and he has NO IDEA what hes talking about.
would it also surprise that he was the one doing the cucking instead of being cucked
Best guy!
almost pic related????
Why is Xayah really bad with Rakan but ELDER GOD TIER with Blitzcrank?
tomo I already told you
so im guessing Xayah is the new cuck champion or is it still Ahri
Demacia is a lionized USSR
Noxus is a demonized USA
The League was originally a proxy for the UN; OG lore was a thinly veiled analogy for the Cold War
I played a game on Annie just there and I sucked balls. Any tips for getting good with this champion?
>Noxus is the meritocracy.
>Darius's entire story is about how the nobles in Noxus are plotting le sneaky merchants born into power spitting on everything Noxus stands for
I need MORE information.
I wanna fly with Lulu!
Stop posting my Boyfriend!
Back off!
cool bleed+lifesteal champion!!!
dont blindpick malph
To the best of my knowledge I'm the only one with a crippling urge to cuck Rakan, so I think Ahri still has the cuck crown (last I checked there were like 3 Ahricucks).
He's obviously bad for her. She deserves a real man.
Check it out guys. Today I did a little experiment. Im Plat 5 with Gold 4 Elo hell. I won all my games today that I begged other players in my champ select to join my discord server. Then I tried without voice comm and lost them all. My lost games I could admit I played bad and I could have adjusted my playstyle. But the games I Did win witb Discord I felt as if I was in complete control of the shotcalling leading to winning my games.
I also did see alot of other fellow plat borders in the loading screen on my team that seem very tilted. Some simple voice comms made them play alot better. My yasuo mains were not feeding and my Dravens were getting snowballed.
Voice chat OP
If you're doing bad with annie just give up and go play call of duty
senpai you need to look up all the news you missed about him, trust me you will not be able to guess this shit.
>being a cuck
I wanna go to the beach with Lulu!
>Like Diana's general design and character
>Always have mixed feelings about her kit and wish she was more of a fighter than an assassin
>She is in the toilet right now on top of it
>But her Blood Moon skin is 10/10 and I really fucking want that shit
I fucking hate this game sometimes
Make Noxus Great Again
Ahri is the champ for the cuckolds
Xayah is the champ for the guys that want to be the "bad guy" in the NTR scenario
>Draven will never pollinate you
~8 game sample size
youve cracked the code user!
>Diana rework turns her into basically ap irelia with lichbane, nashors, and then tank
victorious, death blossom, blood moon
is that it?
what happened to /ourgirl/?
she gave up on being pro?
>Xayah is the champ for the guys that want to be the "bad guy" in the NTR scenario
I'll settle for being the "old fat guy with the big dick who makes her call him Oji-san" guy.
she needs more skins
expanding on her spooder theme
wow that is a great and large sample size
i'm sure you've finally reached league of legends' endgame user
Stop encouraging him
>Lulu is my favourite support by far
>this dumb lewdposter is ruining her reputation
why not lewd Ahri or Lux or something?
when the fuck will mods step up and purge /lolg/
this general doesn't deserve to exist
Well fuk u then I'll prove you wrong, I will fix my MMR soon
forgot skt
>Not goshujin-sama
Step up nigga
Every female champ has dumb posters associated with them.
Right after they off SC2
I know that feeling lulu user
my favorite champion back when you could solo lane with her
She's actually a sub for P1 iirc
yeah its ashame they removed solo lane Lulu while shit like zilean, who is the ultimate buzzkill, is allowed to sololane.
Shes still decent top though.
and they tried to buff her sololane last year but didnt went through with it.
What did he do?
I mean yeah, he banned all of the "toxic" shitters and made the fucking dumb ass word toxic popular.
Oh-kay I was gone for a minute but I'm back now
Sit the fuck back down
ah okay yeah that makes sense
she's not a succubus, its just easier to seduce men than to kill them and you get less shit for it
ahh i couldn't remember whether or not she had a lolisports skin, they're all so butt ugly i don't pay attention
these casters sound so bored and have no synergy
I live in london
can I just say
death to muslims
Him and Karma were her replacements actually
The only way to bring her back is by giving back her waveclear
>tfw AP fighter characters are next to impossible to balance because of the itemization of AP and MR
>tfw theyre always outright assassins when built full AP and the closest we ever got was Rumble who still melts your face off in 3 seconds
im completely convinced if Diana ever got a update they would make her AD . Ap fighters are next to non existent
WOW I can't believe I'm reading such hateful and intolerant hate speech on my Vietnamese basket weaving forum. Did you ever stop to think about the backlash the poor Muslims are going to receive from this? They're the true victims here.
you're literally as bad as terrorists for saying that
no, she's not
just because there's pathetic cuckfags here waifuing her doesn't mean she's le cuck reddit champ xD
yeah but they removed Lulu because it was "non interactive"
While zilean is literally ungankable, presses Q on every wave twice after level 5 and you have even less kill pressure due to his revive ult
Sort of hypocrite from Riot.
I loved playing Lulu into Zed to turn those edgelords into cuddlycreatures.
Zilean cucks him too but eh its not the same
foreverial tiedup delitized
>EUfags in charge of actually vetting their immigrants/refugees
LMAO @ U. There's a reason we don't have this shit happen in the US every other week
What did xPeke mean by this?
meant to
zilean doesn't have all the support shit lulu does and his stuff is also delayed instead of instant. he also has WAY higher mana costs
Why the fuck can you only open 25 boxes a day
For literally what purpose
you do though, but since its just nonwhites killing eachother you dont give a shit
kys. your. self. famalam.
gambling is bad mmkay
>get premium box
>ashe and fucking garen
im literally shaking rn.
sorry but the mods need to be aware of such heinous hate speech
>tfw you find out riot lyte cheated on his wife
can't make this shit up
woah, take it easy, big guy. Racism isn't funny. Islam is a religion of peace
It's my fucking money what the fuck
>was G2 last season and was gold consistently before every season
>stop playing game for a year almost
>got placed into S2
>go up and down between S3 and S1
>can't crawl out of this hellhole
god fucking damn it
Why does all of sonas fat go to her bust and butt?
Anyone else having low framerate problems while spectating after the Windows 10 Creators Update?
it's their game
take it like the bitch you are
Creators update has some bugs user
Superior breeding genetics
Are you fucking kidding me? Last thread a guy got his thread deleted for making it 20 posts early
Lulufag makes like FORTY fucking posts early says "migrat when ready :^)" and is allowed to stay
This so stupid. It's so fucking obvious.
>Think Sona looks nice
>She's a fucking shitty support
Fucking shit
Yeah, like not being able to organize files in folders because they default back to alphabetical when you close or refresh. That's the most aggravating thing for me.
Just bee urself
So shit SKT played her at MSI.
>>Think Sona looks nice
she's literally Miku
so just nut to the original instead
Shit I worded it wrongly I meant that I hate playing supports.
>she's extra thicc Miku
Sonas pretty good right now
She's actually a significantly improved Miku actually
oh boy i love league of legends!
You're no better than the crazed muslims for saying that, though.
On the other hand, it's more proof that willingly taking in millions immigrants without applying any real restrictions or regulations (regardless of their circumstances as war refugees) is just a fucking terrible idea in general.
Old news.
That and the twitter tweets from his wife pretty much state that he's either a covert-narcissist or a covert-sociopath that put on a facade as a """""friendly"""" anti-toxic social system designer with a PHD in psychology & neuroscience to mask his true degenerate self. Doesn't surprise me at all honestly. People like him have a habit of pursuing or finding themselves in those kind of job positions and careers.
She's suited for more aggressive AD carries like Ezreal and Lucian who can capitalize on her poke and trading capabilities. I wouldn't call her bad by any stretch of the imagination, but she's not as useful as other picks in as many situations.
Giving Miku cow tits was a stroke of genius though
Lulu is the best. Deal with it, you fucking nerd
WOW I love being DIAMOND. DIAMOND is one of the most prestigious ranks in all of league of legends and it's staggering to realize that I'm better than all but 0.7% of the people browsing this very thread right now. I have no regrets about the privilege of being able to be in this highly coveted elo and am assuaged of the notion that I am a skilled player who deserves to be where he is.
She's hardly the best