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The best way to talk to /gw2g/ers is to join a guild for their own discords. Use this recruitment discord to get it or whisper someone listed on the pastebin below:
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but otherwise malk would just be like every other clan, exaggerating the insanity bits was a good way to make their playthrough very unique
You're the one spamming the thread about how bad Warmane triggers you kek, just leave the general if people playing a TBC server you don't like bothers you so bad its not a big deal
Shut the fuck up Magnamon and let me fuck some already
DAY 243
Still no Etrian V translation or official announcement, getting salty, losing my mind. The captain got married today with a mermaid and the other lads are still talking about the same things as yesterday. When will the gods hear my plea?
You should have popped the Ether while he was in the air so you didn't have to go into MP Charge to begin with.
Also if you see him dragging into the ground, don't waste MP for Reflect. Guarding will work just fine.
I got mine for Majora's mask.
Is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
Who wants to play videogameeeees?
I know that's not how it's done.
You know its good user. The only reason people shit on it is because its contrarian and right now its popular to be contrarian
free mounts :0
space cow
>59 posters
>204 replies
what the fuck is going here? from what i read its a faggot being a faggot
Linux girl
>change one thing and everyone goes full retard
autism like this is why ur shit game never gets patched
i mean obviously not, where else are you even going to get health from
at least dd^mak has the (dumb) excuse of "i'm waiting for the passive makh heals"
Really? I thought it was the easiest SRW (with J being the next) because ranged weapons was broken. Now 64 on the other hand, fuck that 7 dummy or whatever crap.
GW2 for best MMO currently.
The worst part is that Bloodborne's visuals aren't even noteworthy enough to justify the drops. While there are some standout areas, too many places have very samey aesthetics. So much of Bloodborne is a blur to me and I've played through it twice.
Could say the same about literally any other genre.
FPS? All CoD or Battlefield clones. RPGs? All Final Fantasies, or Skyrims. Adventure? Nothing but Zelda. Etc...
So if you could only have one handheld gaming system what would it be?
I'm suddenly interested in buying something but I haven't followed this shit at all. All I have is a PC.
Also, I'm an rpg-fag.
*kills /gsg/*
>everyone thinks Lilly is the best its a fact
>can you stop trying to argue over who's best
So does Lilly does attract retards as fans.
thanks for the great threads, user, it's been fun. Hope to see you back soon
You aren't going to like DaS1. Bloodborne would be more your alley, but it seems like it's not possible for you to play that game. .
Pretend the series only had one game.
DaS3 just goes through the motions.
no need to snap, just tossing ideas out there
thinking about this now, maybe the nightmare gloves because of the passive
but that's it
No shit. Inafune's is a hack, and his companies are dying or dead.
His books would only be worth reading as a joke.
I just finished downloading the game does any user want to share their Recruit?
its about clearing frigates
Anyone else have problems with keeping Odin alive in ABX? This nigga's shield should be up 100% of the time.
Which one of those is good?
i like that goat
ded gaem
>and use a super long extension cord.
thanks bubble shield guy
muh dik
>Not Thor
fuck off
Snes9x is faster than bsnes. Also, bsnes has many glitch issues.
I forgot.
Inside the switch menu go down till you reach a "No Wait Mode" option and turn that on or the Retroarch turbo button won't work.
just make all your devs stand
It's an obvious choice for this topic, but all aspects of Elite strike me as strangely anachronistic for its time.
God, Chie's such a bitch.
>literally duel links except for the DM pandering
manchilds are a mistake
Is there anything more painful than trying to shade hair?
KOF 98, KOF 99 for K'.
Darkstalkers 3
And a forgotten gem, Pocket Fighters for PSX.
saihara tiny dick
Who says elves can't be barbarians
i just want an official mother 3
Can you even get 0% hispanic
because there aren't
>plays better than HD Rremix
Is it faster? Smoother? More balanced?
I'm interested to see what I get this year. Last year wasn't too difficult with Thief/Summoner/Ninja/Dancer.
couldn't they have just put a normal sized guy in a bigger suit tho
it means that if my dick is hard I can fuck yourself no lube and you'll moan in pleasure and ask for more
look up cards for Yumi
Doesn't make the story any less good.
Leave story and bosses to P2.
>You'll get spied on no matter what you use even if you go to console. fuck off and grow up
i think you're fucking retarded
See you later, ho!
im gay
They're penguins.
You're dodging the core issue. The original Japanese says that Inafune was responsible for RE's success, and that he created mega man.
I like the actual design of nuLara. The personality sucks, but the design is good.
>All those solutions normally use composite.
That's why we're 99% PC mustard rice here.
Just doing my job.
Either they'd have to section out the chapters into separate parts thus taking away one of the defining aspects of Half-Life or JUST FUCK MY RAM UP
v0.98 is really good, has options for performance and is only about a year old.
What games do you think somebody should experience? If somebody were to ask for a recommendation on something they NEED to play, what would come to your mind?
Mario 64 and Link To the Past are up there for sure.
Cultures similar to roman, arabic and mongol appear but it's not set in the past. It's low magic. And magic isn't really "magic":
bad user, bad!
name ten things objectively wrong with Zelda 2
even 12 year olds that have never touched DKC2 have nostalgia for stickerbrush. it's not fair that that song exists
where is dream boy?
>No HD versions of these backgrounds
>Ever EVER
It does PS1 perfectly. N64 isn't great tbqh but then again what, short of original hardware, is?
dont. it fucking sucks. TR2013 definitive edition is great. inb4 autism. the original tomb raider games were never good, even at release.
Seasons might be the best GBC game. Ricky's the man.
Also, turn off the rumble to reduce chances of freezing. It doesn't completely solve the problem, though.
No Geth in Andromeda, therefore Destroy is Canon.
I would use a walk through or guide on a second play through. I don't care if i miss everything.
Most any game I blind run unless I feel like I'm wasting my time like with the first zelda.
Strongfat is such an underrated bodytype for villains. Even though he was ripped as fuck in OoT, Ganon looks way more intimidating now that he's older and stockier.
What game is this OP?
Why does the light tank seem to attract the biggest 50+/1 kdr attacking on Ops autism lords?
How many cute girls does your game have /rpgmg/?
How about a 7% chance?
>AAA doesn't mean anything
I disagree. It has a simple meaning that can be applied retroactively to the time before it was invented: "AAA games" are those whose budget is among the largest in the industry at that point.
MoH is much better.