Fighting Games General /fgg/
Reminder that the concurrent player count for SFV on Steam is inflated.
Reminder that SFV and T7 are identically bad. Both have horrendous input lag, terrible online experience, a lack of character variety, and sparse on features.
Reminder that if you promote either of these games you're a fighting game killing scrub.
So which of your favorite dead games did Namco and Capcom kill
tfw not a sensitive input lag bitcher
feels good
if everyone is playing with the same lag why should it mater really
tekkens too hard, how do niggas even get good at this game
Try solving this, tekkentards
How did we hit the bump limit so quickly?
>kekken already down to 11,583 In-Game
reminder that it took sfv 2 whole weeks to drop below 5k active players
kekken 7 is about to drop that low in under a week if it keeps losing players at this rate...
/tekgen/ BTFO by the it's not fair user once again
Combo crafting is fun.
Tekkens story is ridiculous my dudes.
Play Carol's game
What is it about Smash Bros., or Nintendo fighters in general, that makes them stand out so much compared to other fighting games? I can barely find a scene for anyone else to play some SF or Marvel with in the area, and we end up getting cucked out of televisions to use by Smashtards on campus cause they come out of the woodwork so early in the morning and don't actually attend any of their classes.
>Tekken 7 frames
I don't understand how people are actually offended by fake dank trips. don't you understand the entire point of the trip is to make people mad?
ff x tekken when??
once all the casual player finish with story mode there won't be much to draw them in. then will see the real player base.
i need you sniffa
I need you Menat
>This is a modern day Egyptian martial artist
80 > 30
Factually correct
Any advice on dealing with people that actually know their spacing? I break when people know how to play good defense vs me because I don't know how to close gaps very efficiently as Miguel and Steve.
>I don't understand how redditors get mad at blatant trolling
wooow what a mystery
>tfw casual trash will stay in mvci because they can actually do combos pressing one button so they have a chance online
What's the most terrible thing in Tekken 7? I'm trying not to buy it. If something redeems it in your eyes, post it too, even if it's unrelated to your issue
it has the characters that many, MANY people grew up with and is simple as pie to pick up
more like "Capcom is paying me to write an Eventhubs shill article and I'm desperate to dig up dirt on the competition"
8 on the Break, XenoZero and NLBC. Those are pretty much the only half decent FGC locals in NJ/NYC. Maybe I'm missing one or two bigger ones, I know LI has something
dash up block, whiff punish if they like to press buttons in range, there's a reason why you'll see people just dash into each others faces and not press anything at times
She is just a poor little fortune teller, not a fighter.
Have you ever seen a 7 segment display in your life?
Street fighter timeline is pretty abstract
user that's not how it works.
when that woman puts a bra on
not really terrible but the difficulty curve is crazy
but it's really gratifying getting a w
I'm still a bit iffy about rage arts. I like the idea but I just think they do way too much damage and are a bit too safe. One wif being punished for 30-40% health kinda sucks.
is highwaystar actually Harada pretending to be a fat chinese man?
TMZ with the 2 scoops
wud iron fist!!
How to fix rage arts.
If you put someone into rage mode during your rage art, they survive with 1hp.
Better yet remove them but that's not going to happen.
What's difficult beside kbd and ewgf? And is kbd really important to master? I've played all tekkens beside the first tag, but never took it online
if they have rage art dash up and block
below yellow ranks 90% of the time they will hit RA in anticipation of a whiff
season 2 is gonna be dope
theres no good tekken porn man
hey you can't do that
>4 male characters
>2 female characters
Nice sausage fest.
Thats lewd but I approve
it's been like 6 months and we just got the third person, but I'm excited to see this butch amazonian
>tfw stuck with mediocre Jin combos since I can't reliably do his two electrics
what moves do I spam with heihachi to win
seems like all the female waifu characters have a million spammable bullshit moves and it's not fair
lmao who cares
Thats a good point. I guess its mostly the armor that annoys me.
>19 tekken 7 tourney wins
>still barely enough coins to give Akuma every single accessory
considering we expect to get 6 in a year, 3 in 6 months isn't really too bad
Play with mommy.
Who is the most honest character in Guilty Gear?
It feels a lot worse because they keep delaying everything. Are we even going to get a new character this month or will capcom delay it at the last second as usual?
Attend locals.
the tiger is kind of a dealbreaker
>still no pics of josie taking the big bear cock
Abigail might be dope
Don't worry, she stores it in another dimension.
fortune teller interests me the most
will attending locals make me stop being a socially awkward virgin homo
Abigail is FtM
They need to show all the characters...only Abigail at evo would be cringe with no hype and confusion
It'll turn you into someone like me
a thief in the night who robs people of their points and doesn't even say GG
I'm a rugged criminal
That only works if you're either sociable or you're good, I'm neither
who the fuck is 'abigail'
Treasure Battle was a mistake
All you get are the "XD so random" shit items while the good items take forever to get
And it's boring as fuck
I'd rather have everything except for a few rare items or something be buyable while the other stuff gets unlocked by winning tekken bowling or something.
Honest question, why do people hate her again?
a boss from final fight
>It'll turn you into someone like me
idk if i could eat that much
Because some waifushitter wouldn't shut up about her.
tekken makes me wanna gotdamn scream
She doesn't look like a man like most SF "females"
Boss from final fight, his artwork looks promising. He has that simple oldschool design that i always dig
2 EZ 4 me
nice pic. see you in 3 days.
who, who and who?
when I starred playing fighting games the lack of porn was really surprising to me, in basically every series almost all the girls are top tier, really disappointing stuff
Egyptian girl looks too skinny. I hope they make her thiccer in game.
People hate that faggot that wouldnt shut up about this bitch
literally one superautist, like most things in this thread actually
Don't worry senpai, they'll work their capcom magic on her to make her as unappealing as possible.
looks miles better than karin
wish that bitch wasn't in the game
I want her to be have a petite body type
Beauty comes in different sizes too user
nobody cares what you think /v/
The only different sizes beauty comes in is thicc and thiccer.
I wanted more new characters but eh. I sort of like Kolin and she has an interesting gimmick with her ice. Ed I would like much more if he weren't blatantly OP and plus the simplified control scheme just rubs me the wrong way with the way Capcom has been casualizing their fighting games. If he were in older SF game, I'd accept him.
Only incoming character I'm interested in is Menat. Zeku could be cool too. Abigail is just 'eh'. I have no idea who any of them are.
you have Karin for that.
Post good Egyptian fighting game characters.