>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
Tharja a best and canon
kill all tripniggers
Azura a best!
Azura is shit
Only fun junk allowed past this point.
>14k feathers from these artist maps
woo lad
I don't think I'll hit 20k unless I put in some stamina potions, but I might do just that. No idea what else I'd use these 100 potions for.
*Block your path*
*Rip off your pants*
What do, /feg/?
shoot them
they're worthless units
No chicken posting is allowed in MY thread!
Now do your duty and post cute!
I love Faye
>tfw I fed clair to camilla for the hit-and-run
>reddit's Camilla
You first
>already see people giving camus fury AND QR
>on a guy with like 36 speed (37 with speed seal, and 40 with buffs)
i was glad when that stupid cock meme stopped
What the fuck Takumi, I thought doing that completely hides that shitposter from my view? All it does is close the comment
Go fuck yourself
>/feg/ just can't let a meme that died 7 months ago die in peace
They're just dumb.
QR is for Xander, Vantage is for Camus.
>go back to finish Conquest after SoV
>no voice acting
>no mila's turnwheel to roll back after some bullshit
I didn't expect SoV to make older titles unplayable.
i like azura
name 1 good /feg/ meme
you cant
>go back to finish SoV after messing around in a new Conquest run
>maps worse than Awakening
>only "difficulty" is summoners and witch cheesing, which can easily be dealt with by abusing the turnwheel
I didn't expect SoV to be made unplayable by older titles.
She's the best
Maybe you should just stop playing
Does TLP count?
Ven Athena?
Is Camus worth 5*ing
Which Fire Emblem is the best at conveying the scope and scale that war brings? Huge armies, drawn out battles...
I will immediately not count Fates because Fates was absolute garbage in that regard (and every other regard).
Just kiss already
He's better than xander. I swear to god, xander died to anything and never did any fucking damage. Leveling him was painful.
He's good if thats what you're asking
S-shut up, Tobin.
Best night of my life
If you need a tanky blue with distant counter built in then yeah. He's pretty solid other than that.
>Apparently nuns aren't allowed to masturbate either
Silque is probably very sensitive and pent up as fuck. No wonder she stayed with the bandits when Celica came to get her.
What's your secret to getting defense wins, user?
You have gotten a defense win already this season....right?
Never bully my wife's wife ever again
I unironically laughed all the way through, it was the funniest shit
i want the bridecuck banner to end already
>reddit-tier meta autism
Fuck off
>reddit humor
a dancer
a dancer is a guaranteed win against anyone since they're fucking unpredictable
dancer reinhardt/cordelia
wings of mercy
I'm almost enjoying my rage
Leveling Xander was pretty painful, yeah. Had to reset for mostly greens and even when it was a mage I had to make sure I could either one shot or use a dancer to two round him.
Best thin about Camus is he may not be as bulky but he can double things which is really really nice.
Hopefully they become a whole lot better at 5-stars
I've got 2, but with no bonus units. The only bride I pulled was lyn and she's hot garbage for defense. Lloyd is trash also and I have no other bonus units of decent level.
I think that you guys are too spoiled into kill something on player phase.
Xander just need QR ASAP.
One thing come to my mind is FE6 but just because of chapter 21. Not exactly the most representative map for the whole game.
RIP Jaques "Spear a queer" Belkabro, your BTFOing of Tharjafag will never be forgotten
>a dancer is a guaranteed win against anyone since they're fucking unpredictable
>have run a dancer and two fully-decked Fury units for months
>oscillate between zero and two defenses a week
>everything is reddit
So (you)'re one of those low quality shitposters.
Yuri shit needs to be purged.
>I don't like this character
>therefore reddit likes them
This meme again.
Camilla isn't even that bad anyway, and Sonya could have been really interesting if she weren't optional.
So, random question
Who would you pair Faye with, if not Alm?
Clive so I can have Mathilda
I like Hana
Grieth or Jedah.
Only good as a bandit's fleshlight or Duma Faithful plaything.
She does end up with another Villager, so...Atlas
I like (You)
I wish echoes gave us a support between Kliff and Luthier just because of the autism it would give.
I wonder if that crazy bastard boinked his mom yet
the gallows
hello r.eddit
As proof of my devotion to the stupidest meme in /feg/ I am making SoV-style status screens of Mario characters
I'll post an update [soon]
I don't even know. I now have 7 with Roy, Catria, Cecilia and Lloyd. I can only conclude that I'm going against retarded people.
You're a bit late reddit
Me and you and we'd be depressed together.
Me too. Best Girl
Itsudemo I love Lilina!
Establishment of the FayeAnon Faithful when?
>improves rates dont carry over from gacha to gacha
What the fuck, I was told they were. What's even the point in rolling unless you have 440 orbs then?
dont do that
>new IP
>he waited this long in the thread for something to appear that could be labeled as reddit so he could call it reddit
>this is what he wants his entry into the thread to be associated with
truly this is the blackest kettle
Who is this?
Genealogy, easily.
right now
So, /feg/, how does it feel knowing that FEH will be dead within a year?
A Londoner.
I made him a Great Knight and he performed very well.
young nergal, obviously
his hat became black after he became evil
>put 0 real dollars into the game
I'll give precisely the same amount of fucks
Feels pretty good
Holy shit, that looks massive.
>1 Def