Old: eyosongive.us
Stop the Ionian Summer Camp Edition
Old: eyosongive.us
Stop the Ionian Summer Camp Edition
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Tell me a secret
xth for all waifus a shit especially lulu.
What character is that?
I want to Megastuff sona!
I really like Taliyah and I feel like I do better with her than other mid laners even when I have a pretty neutral score.
I really miss comfy bfs user but im glad jes happier now
It's technically most effectively used to flank and just ult their back line for a free win. The issue with this is that you're essentially an escapeless ranged assassin who can get counterengaged on and just straight bursted and kill
another way to use it is to bait the enemy like my support got baited and wait for your support to look out of position only to turn on them when they use all their shit on him
the other way you use it is to make some cheeky mid lane roams and give'em the real classic 4 man mid
at least that's the only way i know how to use his stealth
this all becomes easier the lower your elo so that's why it's not super common to see this in high elo streams
don't forget it's also an AS buff
i defined everything about sona in one picture
xth for NTR/Mindbreak/Impregnation.
I can't get out of gold.
How often do you guys see the Xayah support/Thresh adc combo?
So is gameover just shit or what?
You must have had a bad game against Sona.
>when Riot puts a lot of faith in you but you let them down
This is the ideal female body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
shota is a terrible fetish, particularly ss
>tfw no try full movies prior to purchase
>Start E amumu with talisman
>do raptors while your laners get 1-2 extra CS from not leashing
>hit level 2 with half the camp alive still, toss bandage at assassin and then walk off, recall, and farm your jungle without ever losing HP
>farm the enemy jungle while they gank
>get 100CS in literally 10 minutes and then just press R whenever you can
>get Plat V
Very important poll - ninja rap edition
So I play Tristana in norms (inb4 she's shit).
Is rushing bork still an option on her or do I go back to IE rush now with the nerfs in place?
I'm silver and don't want people here to bully me for it.
>plat v
Ok thanks give me a guide to get diamond please
>thiccer than mf
who has the image with mf's shirt saying "the chest sonafags wish their waifu had"?
Haven't played since they added Jhin, whats new?
youre playing norms who gives a shit?
I want to play her in ranked and I don't need people telling me to stop playing her if I enjoy her.
I am missing shit 4800IP champs and Illaoi.
Do I wait until the next champ comes out or reroll 3 champ shards now and try to get Illaoi or Brand
Its like when Im against Twitch he appears on top of me and my health disappears but when I use him, I approach in stealth from odd angles and they just throw skill shots on me and I eat billions of CC
then dont ask for help, the best advice anyone can tell you for playing trist in ranked is to pick someone better or learn to accept losing
>any champion in league requiring skill
He's the best!
And my husband!
magical girl anime aren't that bad if they contain some element of tragedy
May or may not be of interest.
What's with the lack of futa suggestions in the contest so far? We gotta get some feminine dicks in there
Is that supposed to be Xayah once Azir mind breaks her?
>get on
>friend asks to play
>we play blind pick normals with some of his friends
>one gets soloed like twice
>runs it down mid
>everyone else is 0/4 or worse
>only kills on my team
>Draven jungle
Guess I'll just take the hint..
>basic bitch probably likes madoka
>liking magical girls at all
I didnt think you could get any worse than you already were, welcome to the lulu tier you cancer
>I want to play her in ranked and I don't need people telling me to stop playing her if I enjoy her.
Then stick to norms instead of making people in ranked suffer and lose LP because you want to be special.
No, it's Xayah after I mindbreak her.
So I've gotten back into this game since about a month ago after about 4 years. I started off in Bronze 4 and now I am Silver 2. I have been promoted to Silver 1 6 times now only to lose x in a row and drop right back out. I notice sometimes I have a very hard time concentrating on last hitting. Whether is be missing a CS by 1 damage or the minion just instantly dying. However I do notice the games that I can actually focus and CS properly are the ones I usually win.
I typically play Top lane with Fiora, Jarvan, Jax or Galio. If I jungle I usually play Udyr which I have a pretty decent w/l with on him. I watch plenty of streams of top laners. I want to improve but I feel like I am lacking something.
I also tend to lose my cursor when teamfights break out.
It is kind of depressing when I'm watching players in Diamond play like they are retarded match after match.
Any tips? I just want to improve.
What happened to that retard?
who hype for
,meme stream team?
go away dotard
Is Sejuani really a free ticket out of silver even with the miserable state she got dumped in
why are you so angry?
i make one post a thread
take a chill pill
Meepo doesn't require skill, he requires autism
>Oh I can press W and right click on 6 individual characters! I'm so skillful this takes so much skill!
You don't really have to do that much more impressive to play Meepo. You can compare playing him to Starcraft but in Starcraft your micromanaging involves more things than right clicking and throwing a net/poofing.
Invoker does take skill though, I will give you that.
That seems helpful. I always rush bork yet my team gives me shit for doing it since they nerfed the life steal. I feel like I trust op.gg more than my silver teammates.
got a bf, doesnt need us anymore
anyone else hate when this retard shows up in your champ select
I sent that faggot back to Ezreal, Most alpha, most cute.
Lee Sin? Yeah.
Good riddance
This image is really fucking pathetic.
>botlane feeds double kills to draven in the 2v2 at level 1 and then again when they are level 2
>jg dies
>mid dies twice
>I die once
>score quickly becomes 10-0 by the 7 minute mark
>we decide to open
>adc complains and asks enemy to report us all
when are these people going to accept the reality some games are lost when they fuck up so hard?
That's hilarious. Yeah, just ignore them.
Please refrain from giving the Silver Ezreal player attention.
I genuinely find League of Legends fun.
Because it's the only way i can keep my friends.
I own all of Diana's skins and like her but almost never play her because I can't play her worth a damn.
Why so, you seem upset that cute girls like cute guys?
Stop shitposting with shoebill
I thought I was an Ass man all this time but I think I'm starting to turn
My libido is crazy high to the point that I'm almost perpetually horny.
you came like 2 months after he was gone, he may be a cancerous faggot but youve managed to be even fucking worse
we need to find bfs for all the faggots that post in this general so they can all finally fuck off
also need to find a way to get rid of lulufuckers and this ezfag whos matching up to vladfags delusional annoyance tier
do you guys get stuck on itemization for mid-laner in mid game when you have 1000+gold but have no slot, and you do not want to sell doran's coz you do not have enough mana?
I like a girl, but she is slowly starting to drift away from me and I'm considering just telling her to fuck off and dumping all of her n00dz on this shitty website to save myself from potentially feeling bad about having cared for her and losing her to begin with.
Betas are in a state of chaos in denial, they can't handle my alphaness or the jealously so they try to plug their ears.
no because im not a retard, wait out to 1100 gold then sell dorans trash for a fucking NLR
do it faggot
Losing focus could be a sign you're spamming too many games. Remember that improving your health is just as effective as spamming queue. Get good sleep and exercise, read books before games to get your critical thinking skills awake.
I wouldn't worry about losing your cursor, but what I find really effective in teamfighting is pre-planning. As Fiora and Jax, think about what cc they will use on you and what you need to kill their carries, and only go in when that's out of the way. Likewise with tanks do the opposite for your carries, peeling for them. It seems really obvious, but it's important not to forget to do this frequently and every game.
thanks for the suggestion user that was a really fun game.
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA
The results are in!
Thats legitimately fucking juvenile to even consider. Unless she cheated on your ass just let her go man.
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums +3
5 picks which champion i play for the next 10 games
Why would I do that
Which champions are morally gray?
i cant wait for sion with essence thief
>tfw passive 800 FREE health after like 280cs
I gave up trying to get a gf several years ago and just masturbate all the time instead. I really have no desire for a gf anymore and sate myself entirely just masturbating constantly.
>Tfw there is not enough time and too much porn in the world for me to fap to all of it
I know this feel as well.
>get a good pick on the enemy team
>jinx/zyra/trundle runs down mid and dies
>cant do anything and enemy team gets drag/baron
>repeat for 56 mins
i love vgs
I want ThyRelief to relieve me with his thighs
Full Crit Zed
Don't forget the bond of stone support for that extra 5%!
should i join
Bless your soul.
The biggest issues I've run into is the lack of waveclear. E poke is often obnoxious enough to zone people from the wave, though.
You're right, it is pretty juvenile. I'm an emotionally stunted 22 year old man who hasn't ever really felt love for anyone besides his family.
Probably will in the next week if I end up going through with it.
Tahm Kench, jungle
10 minutes into lane and chill when your support gives you this look
What do you do?
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums bets
yea the wave clear is really bad i might try rageblade cuz i saw pornstar zilean do it and destroy.
nunu however/wherever you want
shitpost on lolg
Grin seductively and whisper "good kitty".
What does kill participation mean? Is it your assists or something? Is it important? Sorry for the dumb newfag questions.
why leddit love DIG so much?
>teammate afk
>enemy gets a full lp win and I get a full lp loss
why is this allowed?