/mmog/ - MMO General

This general is for discussing old, new, upcoming MMOs and MMOs with populations that are too small to sustain their own generals. If you are on one of these forgotten/niche games, looking for a guild, friends, or just want to know the state of the game, ask here.


>Game databases

>Popular foreign MMOs & MMOs in development

>Other upcoming crowdfunded MMOs
Albion Online: albiononline.com/en/home
Ashes of Creation: ashesofcreation.com
Camelot Unchained: camelotunchained.com/
Crowfall: crowfall.com/
Pantheon: pantheonmmo.com/

>Link to the OP pasta

>Example of welcome games
Kritika, Trickster Online, Guild Wars 2, Mabinogi, Ragnarok Online, Dungeon Fighter Online, Runescape, Project Gorgon, Maplestory, Wakfu, Dragon Nest, Rift, ArcheAge, EverQuest, Revelation Online, LOTRO, Vindictus, Wildstar, Tibia, Aura Kingdom

>Example of non-welcome games
Krösmägä, Shädöwvërsë, Dïäblö, Päth öf Ëxïlë, Gwënt, ÄRK, DÖTÄ, Lëägüë öf Lëgënds, Hëröës öf thë Störm, Wärfrämë

Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:



First for SONS

>Example of welcome games
>Guild Wars 2

at this point the gw2fags are going to make sure every thread is made by one of them


Or there's anons who don't believe in creating hugboxes because they don't like something. GW2posting hasn't been that bad, it's really the anti-shitters and people trolling them in response.

You're right, we should be able to at least get along with the more tolerable posters.

There was that comic where a bunch of flowers welcome a seedling to their group, and in the next panel, that seedling grew into a tree and kill all the flowers by blocking their sunlight. That is how it might turn out here.

oh shit a comic
all arguments are now invalidated

>false flagging gw2g refugee trying to get us to accept him so he can suicide bomb the thread

>There was that comic
i can't believe what i just read


And here you are trying to force your own hugbox. Funny how that argument works, huh?

>DC prices already steadily climbing back up to 40k

So what the fuck are they going to do next about

You're misusing the word hugbox, the purpose of this thread is stated in the OP, technically any MMOs are welcome, but it benefits games with struggling Veeky Forums or /v/ communities. So, when people suggest GW2, an MMO that meets both topic standards, is suggested to be unwelcome for subjective reasons like shitposters (which they enable as I mentioned), that turns /mmog/ into a hugbox.

Laugh at the people buying dc and not terranium

>anime poster logic
inb4 cheeky reply with anime post
inb4 reply about my inb4

how do we destroy those slimetales faggots

>the purpose of this thread is stated in the OP

Correct, so why are we having this meta discussion again? Shitposters will always shitpost. There is nothing to be gained from butting heads with them every single time this comes up.

I don't see a problem with this sort of meta discussion; I don't think the user I replied to is shitposting/trolling.either.

900 invites a day aint shit

The problem with this meta discussion is that it's not about MMOs. I just want people to talk about MMOs. Post pictures of cool stuff they're doing. Their experiences, the joy, the fun. I don't need /mmog/ to be another mirror of my life

How's Wildstar doing? Any Oceanic guilds still around?

Eww, gross.



Because your gear is trash.

Darkfall: new dawn or darkfall: rise of agon?



If someone appears to legitimately not understand why posting about GW2 should be acceptable, or why I was addressing other anons about it in the first place, there shouldn't be a filter against discussing it so they do understand. Appealing to your sentiment, it could affect on-topic discussion when people are telling certain posters to fuck off. I don't care about your life, no offense.

no you're not

>you can craft boss cards to use them as assists in dungeon


Why the fuck are people still playing DFO when they could play Closers?

My fmage girlfriend still plays dfo

But Closers is in Nihon only. I got tired of entering Japanese captcha each time I wanted to play.

Just play on the CODE: Closers private server. The translation is pretty awful, but it's pretty great otherwise.

Is my waifu there yet?

Yeah, it's got Nata, Harpy, and Levia added. No idea when they're planning on adding the rest of the new characters.

They'll destroy themselves. The leader of the Veeky Forums guild is a drama queen.

where my screeps bros at?

>when you run out of ideas to shitpost so you steep to lying

lmao @ ur life rn

Anyone playing p99?

Anyone playing old school Runescape? I'm a cute gf.

guy friend?


Didn't the private server shut down when some official localization was apparently underway?

Is there anyone here who HASN'T pretended to be a girl for free gf in-game bux?

Give me a good name and color for a xelor please




I made a female Xelor with the name Seiko back then. The name is based on a Japanese watch brand. You can take it since the name was in Phaeris.

Go for default colour.

She's cute

Female Mages...

You wait a month.

Literally all you have to do. Veeky Forums guilds never last.

lolnah it's still ded senpai

You really gonna continue playing a server that has taken half a year to recover from what was projected to be a 24 hour patch?

They have one developer user. Also, their GMs are notoriously shit.

I know you're too invested to quit, but for the love of god don't trick other anons into playing your garbage server.

Btw, I played it for a few months so I'm not talking out my ass either.


They're technically on a v83 client now, and haven't ruled out adding new content. They also have the biggest population of any Maplestory private server right now.

Looking far more promising than Legends.

so, are we rolling on royals now or what

>They also have the biggest population of any Maplestory private server right now.

Not true, and there's no way you could know either because their number of online players counter is still not up.

Just because they're high rank in gtop, doesn't mean people are playing. Lots of people vote but don't play. I used to be one of them.

Also, those admins love to argue something is or isn't "nostalgic" like there is a solid definition. Good luck.

Who else here is hyped for Bless Online

Once it's fully functional, yes. It looks like they're wrapping things up.

but why. the private server was down for over a week, seems like a pretty shitty server

does anyone from this thread even play it? i doubt there's a Veeky Forums guild


>hype for a dead game
you can do better than that

>MapleRoyals won... AGAIN


What were you expecting?

all this samefagging, should be ashamed

It was always going to come good eventually. Hopefully the GMs will broaden their horizon a bit with regards to content.

I still say the current Maplestory pserver scene is very weak.


despite playing cute females exclusively by now, that doesnt mean im a whore like you

This. If I play a cute female character, it's because I want to dress her up, not whore her for goodies.

Played NosTale. Got my 1st Specialization Card; I can get my 2nd one but it's too fucking hard.

Here's some good things about it.
The pets and partners. Some monsters in the wild can be captured and made into your companion. It will attack, tank and some even buff you. You can even take control of it by clicking their portrait. You can let it stay in place so it doesn't kill itself or you can send it across a dungeon room tanking every monster while you stay safe.
Partners are the same but you get them from quests. They function the same as pets but you can equip them with armor and weapons. You can even equip them with Specialization Cards (it basically means you can advance them to other jobs).

A lot of jobs to choose from. But they're not really jobs like how you would think from regular MMOs. They're basically some type of equipment, a card in this case, that makes your character specialize in something. For example my mage got her 1st SP Card which is Red Mage, it means my mage now focuses on fire skills and AoEs. I don't keep my mage's skill set and gain new skills. There are 3 classes and there are 8 specialization for each one. Having trouble in a dungeon full of undead? Use the Light specialization. How about a monster that's immune to fire? Use the Water specialization. There's a skill set for everything.

Timed dungeons. Some might hate this but I like it. It forces me do the dungeon aggressively instead of sitting around waiting for my cooldowns to come off. I've always hated waiting for party members because they don't want to go to the next room because they're waiting for their skills (looking at you, Mabinogi). There's even a highscrore system in place.

The bad stuff.
Quests. There's hardly any info on what you need to do. There's no quest arrow pointing you in the right direction, or autopathing to move you to the place you need to go, there's not even any helpful quest dialogue in your quest window. I have a quest right now that tells me to get Vampie Pellets, except I have no idea where to get them. There's nothing telling me where to go or what to kill. Even talking to the quest giver tells me nothing.

Walking speed. It's slow, unbelievably slow. I have no idea where to get a mount and there is a lot of walking. Thankfully there are teleport items to get you back to the town and the last field you were in.

Remember Specialization Cards? Well, they're not exactly permanent, they kinda have a 'stamina' system in place so once you run out you cannot specialize anymore. You have Specialization Points and every time you kill something your SP goes down. You have limited SP per day and every day it resets. Left over SP is transferred to another bar (you have two, one for daily SP and one for leftovers from previous days) but only 10% of the previous day is transferred. However I've been killing stuff and I haven't seen my SP drop below 90%, that's because all mobs drops an item that gives back SP. I can't comment on what it's like at higher levels though.

Now stuff I haven't tried.
It has a family system. Kinda like MapleStory. It gives buffs and stuff.
Crafting, a lot of it. You can't buy potions, you have to craft them. But I've been hunting my own potions so I never used it.
Cooking, it gives a temporary HP and MP buff.

That's all I got.

>there will never be another mmo as good as WoW
Feels bad man

>There's no quest arrow pointing you in the right direction, or autopathing to move you to the place you need to go

Gameforge server?

Vendetta private server.

Have a good day.

*rips off pants*
it's not time to sleep yet boiii
*rips off your pajamas*
scream for me boiii, scream for me and please me boiiii

Thx qt user, u2

>playing on private server for the first time in my life
I feel so... dirty. But apparently nips don't want me to play Closers officially, so it's their fault.

>tfw you are still looking for a gf to play mmo's in 2017.
Please, this genre cant die...

-not a private server
-high English speaking player pop
-alt-tabable (doesn't always require full attention)
-comfy game world
-option to peacefully craft and grind for hours
-f2p or at the least an optional subscription

Help me fin something pls

What the heck? I press 'create' button and it goes blacked and nothing else happens.
This is eu server dragon nest client.

literally runescape


>tfw every MMO is shit

I know that feel. I'm playing GW2 and ESO until Pantheon comes out.

Pantheon is going to be shit isn't it.

I run into GW2 a couple days ago and i liked it. Dynamic events is amazing idea and action fighting system too. We with group of ~30 people was chasing some huge yellow naked boss about half an hour and then he exploded and we all died. This was fucking cool.
You can (as I managed to understand) collect endless quantity of materials for crafting.
Sadly i have 14 fps on lowest settings with native render sampling.

Damn son, that's some sick bantz.

When will there be an MMO to end all lesser MMOs

you madman

SlimeTales we waiting u

I tried downloading it.
It's dumb. Who uses google drive?
Then when I finally downloaded it it wont run.
So I switched locales but it wont run again.
I used their exe that changes the dll file to fix my dll error but it also doesn't work. Not to mention the dll change fucked up my computer and had to do a system restore.

>132 online

works on my machine
>mfw slimetales has more online then legends and royals combined

>mfw slimetales has more online then legends and royals combined
>Legend : 369

Why you be lying

try another name tardo

Wrong post?

Reminder to never join the Veeky Forums guild even if you want to try SpyTales. It's full of /r9k/ tier neets blogging about their lives.