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Is it save to do placements now? Or is everything full of trolls?

Jamison Fawkes!

man i sure love it when placements put you 200sr below what you're meant to be, i can't wait to start climbing out of gold again it'll be really fucking enjoyable

Orisa is the cutest and if you disagree then that's just fine

>comp game lasts 30 minutes
>this guy spent an hour throwing

>just want to have some fun in QP
>enemy team has a Mercy

How Overwatchbois can even compete?

I hope you have a great day.

Maybe the reason why Mccree is a bad defense hero is because he is supposed to be idiot

Give me names for a Mercy only account.

Thank you, user! I hope you have a great day too!

I just did my first placement and I immediately got paired with retards. Welp, I guess I should wait one more month.


Daddy issues

do it in korean

What game and is it an official render?

your performance is more important than the wins for your placement

Didn't realize it was so close to the end of the thread, I'll repost. Thanks to the other guy for a response though.

Which heroes do you absolutely NOT want on Offense, and which heroes do you absolutely NOT want on Defense?

And does map factor in, or is it generally the same everywhere?

I can't be the only one looking at this and thinking Splatoon X Overwatch...also typical Lucio would have a splatroller.

HotS, and it's a skin for Tychus.

give me names for an Ana only account

Tracer and Reinhardt massacring the muslim population of London in retaliation.

>paint brush, spray cans, and roller and the first thing that pops up is Splatoon
Really nigga?


Generally you don't want Torb/Symmetra on attack. Furthermore Hanzo/Widow are actually BETTER on attack than on defense because of how much more value picking off an enemy can be.

Heroes like Winston and Genji are generally better on attack than on defense but a good player can make them work.

As for maps, generally King of the Hill maps are not good for heroes like Torb/Symmetra/Hanzo/Widow. Also any hero with environmental kill potential are generally good for KoTH

I wish Blizzards patch notes were actually complete. They added an aim assist size slider last patch and never mentioned it.

What gives? Bioware sucks balls at this too, they didn't even bother with half the singleplayer changes.

Is it really so hard for devs to be fucking consistent?

It's usually based on map and team composition.

So which gold are you buying next? Pic related.
How close are you to it? 60 wins if I get Diamond this season, 100 if I get Plat.
Which do you already have? D.Va, Ana.

I guess it's a "Tracer is bad" kind of day, huh?

Only as a character.

>go junkrat on king of the hill
>get screamed at
>meanwhile enemy team has a junkrat who has been ulting like every fucking 30 seconds

She's been a bad carpet muncher and needs to be punished.

If your opponent doesn't get physically tired of playing against you as tracer, than you're not playing tracer right.

Koreans are next level

Tracer would watch the London Bridge shooting on Liveleak with her muslim lesbian girlfriend and laugh.

Hog's M2 delay is a fucking bitch, ain't it?

Blizz is notorious for making unlisted changes for no reason.

>the ginger is Muslim
How'd that work?

Fucking kill me.

They could at least comment on them fucking up Linear Ramp. I have no idea how they managed that.

> Winston
> less than 10 wins away
> Lucio, Symmetra and Hanzo

FULL UP, my god, I have gotten like 5 out of my 35 games in low masters filled with trolls. I have no idea what its like in lower elos.

winning or losing has nothing to do with placement

That's a relief I guess, I got gold elims and damage as Sombra, I shouldn't be having both of those.

I don't think Windowlicker is a Muslim

>be me
>from best korea (worst korea to you northerners)
>fast hand passed down from parent's masturbation due to lack of bf/gf
>basically use echolocation to know where the enemy is
>immediately know how to win every single video game created from birth
>head and crosshairs are one and the same
>win every game, even if i lose i still have the best k/d ratio in the match

Thanks ribbit

>Koth bad for Torb

Fuck so does this mean a gunslinger engie playstyle doesn't translate well into this game? Engineer was my favorite in TF2

>be orisa on ilios because i want them sweet enviro kills
>nobody else on the team bothers getting on the point, lose first round quickly
>not even sure what they were doing, they were dicking around on the other side of the map near enemy spawn instead of fighting the enemy team at the point
>clearly they don't want to win, so switch to torbjorn and just fuck around next round
>lose because now nobody is trying to get the point, but its no big deal
>the people who were previously clearly not trying to win start shit talking me as if its my fault we lost

You faggots can't have it both ways, either try to win or don't. Don't come crying to me when I give up trying to capture the point by myself because you're too busy fucking around elsewhere

You'll be fine, Torbjorn played aggressively can be extremely damaging, especially if you ration your armour packs.

Hammond if he is real, have 500 saved, maybe Torbjorn next. Have Mercy, Bastion, and Symmetra.

>giving up
>implying you have the high ground

The second you join their level you have nothing to bitch about

>if you don't 1v6 for 2 rounds in a row you have nothing to bitch about


Hi /owg/
Just stopping by to say Nintendo stands for family and to boycott Sony.
Also to say maining is cancer

She's one of the white women who convert because they see the evil of the white man and try to atone by working towards their own destruction. She's travelling to Syria this year to offer her body to ISIS.

is these anything worse then a player throwing because of another players poor performance?

Yes. Mainers.

They still have gay pride parades? Fuck that.

they're right you fucking pussy

You can make any hero work if you're good enough. Torb is just a little harder for KoTH because it can be hard to get a good turret up

Why do people give up so easily in comp? Like what do you have to lose by trying? I was boosting my friend from silver and i noticed the same trend, whenever a single thing went wrong (for example losing the first point immediately) they start blaming each other and sometimes give up 2 mins to the match.

Is it a defense mechanism because they can't take a fair loss?

real talk if you refuse to fucking switch when its obvious your main isnt working you deserve the loss

Buying a brand new PS4 just for you.

>we had an IRL team wipe in the uprising event today

Question for everyone.

Do you want to be healed? Do you like having your damage boosted?

Then why aren't you keeping track of your Mercy?

Im keeping track of my mercy she is too fucking busy being glued to her duo queue buddy to care about the rest of team

the rest of the team doesn't though. throwing a game you are winning for 5 people to punish 1 is real shitty behaviour

>team has Mercy
>she's grouped with someone running Pharah
>never get healed

Fuck Mercy players

lrn2shift out of danger you indignant faggot. Believe it or not, it can actually be your fault.

>Just stopping to say that vomit is better than shit

>Buying a brand new turd just for you

Console peasants stop being puppets, how easy is it to rile you guys up to camps, you're worse than AMD / Nvidia fan boys that refuse to use the components of the competitor

>muh customer loyalty
Don't forget to work the shaft while you gobble corporate balls

>Its a "Mercy forgets she can Lshift" episode
>Its a "Mercy forgets she has a pistol" episode

It's because they are bad, it at playing a hero, but at game starg

They are moba players. Look at the extent lol had to go to discipline its playerbase. Moba babies shit the bed over anything and their natural reaction is to scream and throw.

I'll favor a well played Reaper or a Zarya who knows what they're doing, but nine times out of ten when I've respawned and need to get back quickly, no one is paying attention to the Mercy spamming "Group Up", leaving me to watch my team go from yellow, to red, to fucking dead.
You can't left shift if everyone is hiding behind walls user. And I've taken out more than enough Zens, Tracers and Genji's I shouldn't have too.

Christ I'm not even a Mercy main, I just went Mercy because no one else wanted to and surprise surprise, when people pay attention, we can fucking wreck.

It means the world to Mercy if you take a few seconds to taxi her back to the battlefield, she has a massive target painted on her at all times, she's got enough to deal with, cut her some slack.

Dont use Zenyatta for such an autistic post

I hadn't played in a while until this evening when some friends asked me to play

I heard Orissa was garbage but she seems really fun/strong.. did she get buffed or did people just figure her out

It's the same thing as Ana and Sombra, she's great when played well in the right situations, but not to the same extent as Ana and Sombra.

But generally I'll take a Zarya or Rein over Orisa, they're just more reliable.

what's the worst designed ability in the game and why is it resurrect?

Shes shit. You can 1 shot her with some heroes if her shield is not up.

No Mercy player has ever forgotten they can shift to people.

It's a matter of if her team remembers that she needs line of sight.

Main Orisa weakness is flankers
She is ok in other situations

>tripfag defends mercyshitters

its like poetry

Dunning and Krueger effect, they know that something is wrong since the game is going bad, they start looking for the reason, they cannot blame themselves because they don't know they are doing something wrong

Now imagine there is a guy who is doing what he is supposed to, now imagine some drooling moron starts flaming him for doing his job, now we enter the cycle of defeat, D&K guy blames the one guy and the one guy blame D&K guy, neither of them think they are shit and both are too juvenile to let it go so they spend their time bitching
Now the other 4 people look at the two idiots fighting over bullshit, mister low morale gives up (oh boy here we go again, we always lose at this point might as well have fun while doing so) and he becomes part of the problem with his sniper Reaper meta breaker
3 guys left, one of them gets the on fire and immediately starts to shit talk his team in all chat (wow look at this team, gee thanks blizz nice MM!), no mister egos job is no longer to win but to make enemy team know it is not his fault he lost
Then we have the no mic girl/little kid who sees all this chaos and now has bad vibes or something and starts to suck even harder than she/he did before
Last guy is the usual "you" guy, surely you aren't shit, but you can't carry hard enough to make the game tip back into your teams favor, have fun hitting your head against a brick wall trying to save the game

>HotS got swimsuits outfits before Overwatch did


Uhm, OWbabs?

>mercyfaggots think they are beyond reproach, never to blame for anything, like they're some kind of fucking godsend to their teams
Give me Anafags 11 times out of 10.
nearly 100 hours on mercy btw

Tbh Tracer swimsuit look exactly like her summer games skin. It's not even a bikini

>playing Genji mainly
>always stuck between flanking and getting flankers off of healers, namely Mercy because no one else will and we need the healer
>always taxi Mercys

Doesnt have an autism cape ill take it.

>Bot match
>AI Zenyatta shoots me through the wall
>"Haha well maybe it was lag or something lets see the kill c-"
>Kill cam shows him shooting me through the wall

V-Very funny Blizzard....

Wraith Form.

It's basically a "Oh I'm fucked if I take more damage." beacon to the entire enemy team, that doesn't last long enough, to survive a moshpit, doesn't speed you up enough to outrun pursuers, and has a delay before you can fire again.

It needs to be reworked like Dva's Defence Matrix.

I wonder if theyll ever get the courage to display her bust, the early concepts had her time machine worn around her tits

I love you, I fucking love you. I always throw some extra attention on Genji for this reason, your mobility makes you excellent taxis.

Sadly Tracer always has to have the accelerator strapped to her so that's the skimpiest you can get with her.


You realize the poster-girl for Overwatch is gay right?

>sharing a flat with a woman

Technically wrong, she can take it off, but has to keep it within a certain distance.

Honestly this Roadhog nerf can't come sooner, its complete and utter bullshit that a 600hp hero can 1-shot 80% of the fucking cast, i'm loving every single satly tear shed by tank shitters with no skill losing their crutch

It's only gay if dicks involved
Lesbians are anti-gay
