When you're up five kills but it doesn't matter because it's SKT edition
When you're up five kills but it doesn't matter because it's SKT edition
Other urls found in this thread:
1st for jinx best girl
Please help me.
3rd for Veigar is for Lulu and Teemo is for Tristana!
xth for Ahri
best girl
rip original Ahribro
pick 1 champ
just play that champ
== Results from bdsmtest.org ==
90% Vanilla
75% Pet
74% Switch
68% Degradee
65% Degrader
61% Submissive
56% Brat
55% Primal (Hunter)
54% Master/Mistress
52% Dominant
45% Ageplayer
43% Rigger
42% Daddy/Mommy
41% Slave
39% Owner
33% Masochist
33% Non-monogamist
28% Rope bunny
27% Primal (Prey)
21% Boy/Girl
16% Sadist
5% Experimentalist
0% Exhibitionist
0% Voyeur
you can play league on smartphones now?
shut up nerd
this, senpai
you learn the mechanics and tricks for that one champ instead of always being incompetent, and when your champ kit is a static every game, then you have a proper perspective to learn the general skills of the game.
what are the best support champs currently that are also qt? i haven't played league in a long time
>there are people in this thread who missed pizzafeets
truly dark times
You can play Shyvana, I never said you can't. A good coordinated support and ADC can make your experience very miserable tho.
But no worries sempoi, I can guarantee you that the good majority of supports are garbage at this game and have no clue how to play their role.
oh hey her sword is reminiscent of the old logo
Pool Party Taliyah is such an obvious choice for a pool party skin but Riot won't do it.
someone help me decide which skin to keep and which to get rid of please.
Which players have the largest dicks and why do they all play pantheon?
a masterpiece
What's keping Trundle out of the jungle? The fucker still looks unkillable and his ganks are decent.
>his ganks are decent
nigger get off the wiki, get the pics from the client itself
>literally just slightly inconveniences you and runs a little faster
>decent ganks
slow clear time.
Which is more productive as a jungler?
>camping a lane that your laner loses early to prevent the enemy laner from snowballing
>camping a lane that your laner can play aggressive in to help them snowball super hard
> Pantheon that picks teleport
Everything checks out. You're a sparky little slut, aren't ya, user?
lux silver support reporting in
i play bard
any questions
Why are those hips so wide jesus she's gonna launch her baby to the fucking moon
the latter
Both have their ups and downs. It's best to check CS and see which laner is doing better and give him a gank or two. Camping is a pretty bad practice because a good jungler will pick up on their opponent junglers habits and will punish you in the jungle or at objectives. Being less predictable and taking opportunities when they arise is the best way to play jungle.
Dont question just fapm
>Her baby
user, you weren't around for the shocking riven reveal were you?
I just want to play a splitpusher and interact with my team as little as possible. Who besides Trynd is a good pick?
>pantheon that picks ignite but still loses lane
When you go on the only board that's supposedly about video game discussion and not just another waifu infested cesspool of degenerates and the first thing you read on a thread is "blablabla best girl"
time to quit Veeky Forums for good.
>hardly any hits
Nah, what's up?
See you tomorrow
Keep that Ekko, Arclight Velkoz, and Thresh skins.
Irelia, but you don't deserve her.
>That person that says gg at a remake
where is her big nose and brown hair?
>tfw too smart to be in league
Some riven fag asked a riot employee about being able to inseminate riven and the guy basically just said Riven insides are messed up and she can't have kids. Had something to do with Singed if I remember properly. I know there's a picture somewhere but I can't find it.
"good grief"
The dirty stuff that comes to mind every time i see this avatar.
they did it on purpose?
Altough I somewhat agree when the same poster posts the same waifu 50 times in a thread it can get kinda annoying. BUT without waifuposting it'd just be people complaining about their silver games and some contrarian opinion on some new skin. WE'D DIE WITHOUT THEM user
this has never happened
the people that say ggwp when it was a one sided stomp.
>This guy gets released today
What would his lore and kit be?
Do I max Hookshot or Precision Protocols on Camille? I've tried both but I think it depends on the match up or if my jungler is going to gank often.
they might have
>People who don't say gg back and just leave
>answers own question
Generally, you max Q otherwise your trades arent as strong and it makes you less dependant on needing your E to trade.
i need validation... daddy...
Ganking a lane without CC is kind of pointless, but if they flash before pillar they're fucked. I'm not saying he should be picked every game but I never see him anymore.
This is very true although I don't think he's slower than, let's say Warwick.
Snowballing lanes that are ahead by a lot, counterganks are a thing.
you overestimate high bronze:
>typing in 'lol fertile riven' gets me a hyper pregnant redeemed riven
wew lads
>that guy who picks pantheon and expects to win after 25 mins
the wiki has an answer for that
also his thing is the baron buff icon so yeah
Yes it does
>Riven no longer fertile
Riven is worst waifu confirmed.
>this was before they made elise the elise we know now
jesus christ how horrifying
damn right my man
>losing against bronze Trynd as panth
that is pretty bad, at least he got a triple
I had better expect to win around 25 minutes
thankfully the new items seem to give him enough lategame burst to take down at least the adc though
How much milk do you think Sona produces each day?
Mana crystal akin to GP or Dorans for Corki top?
Q or escape first? Maybe escape against shit like Riven who might all in your level 1
This panth actually lost the game
How do I lane against garen as Riven?
When do you not buy Cleaver
Who the fuck asks these cringey questions wtf hahahaha. He probably said that to shut him down extra hard.
>final game of promos to platinum in flex
>get silver that played shaco first time in his life
>adc with 70 farm at 20 minutes
only because he had a shit noob team
also he didn't aa to kill without flash
what shits on Yasuo, If I don't ban him he just gets fed everygame.
League is a special meme hell where no sane living being dwells
Is Darius perma banned now that there are 10 bans?
I uninstalled league a few months ago and was thinking about playing again but I don't want to be stuck playing normals just so I can use my favorite champion.
Like to bite back, eh? Arrangements can be made.
Pantheon, Renekton, Annie used to but I'm not sure with the AA range she has now.
Don't play then. fuck Darius and fuck you
t. Garen
see this pirate?
it isnt GP, and i dont see this on the wiki anywhere its also in veigar's folder
Only if youre above silver
You should try Darius if you haven't already. Being able to 1 vs 3 after just a few kills is a great feeling.
>Being able to 1 vs 5 after a kill is a great feeling.
Darius is a cheap noskill champion for losers who don't want to be challenged in any capacity
>Being in woodleague is a great feeling
I don't understand. Are you saying that Darius is perma banned in mid to high elo?
You can only do that against retards. Most people know to walk forward to avoid axe heal and stay out of hook range if they're squishy.