(To find out why, read OP FAQ right below this, under "Which edition should I buy?" section)
>/r6g/ FAQ, Guide, and Links (Newfriends, read this first before asking questions)
>Stat Checking
>/r6g/ OP Pastebin & Groups
PS4: Add dazint8
Xbone: Add IMadSpykeI
>/r6g/ Drawfriend Gallery
>Teamspeak for /r6g/ operations
The password is: Operations
IP address:
>Official News & Known Issues
Operation Health is live. Fuckall has changed, though. Waiting on the actual fixes still.
Hong Kong season has been delayed. Poland map has been canceled. GROM operators will be released together with HK and SK operators.
Casual matchmaking will be relaxed for better queue times.
Friendly Mission Successful:
/r6g/ - Rainbow Six General
Other urls found in this thread:
>people that have passive gadgets but don't ever deploy them
We will be playing the final match of the VGL 8 qualifiers versus /fgg/ at 1:40pm Eastern.
Stream link is in the wiki link above, first paragraph where it says "smashcast channel".
We would have to get a very specific result to move on up, but whatever happens thanks a lot to all involved for making it happen, specially soccer-user, it's been really fun to follow (specially yesterday's match).
Good luck!
So, for us to advance, there are two possibilities:
>/skg/ wins their match against /ss13g/ and we win our match against /fgg/
>/skg/ loses and we win with a result that makes our GD bigger than /skg/'s
there's still some hope, I guess
This is Ubisoft improving the "health" of the game
>people complain about how shit the DLC maps have been
>ubi cancels a DLC map
>*autistic screeching*
>they're still buttblasted
Looks like somebody called the Ubisoft Defense Force that will happily take the corporate dick up their ass for no reason
I mean, Coast line isn't exactly the best R6S has to offer but it was at least okay and another chance to not play on house/plane/hereford.
I've got money I don't give a shit about and operators I want to play
Should I buy year 1's DLC, or buy the pass for year 2 and bank on it being good?
Get the Y1 ops. Some are great, some fun, you know what you're getting.
>tfw you drive the drone around the hostage and the enemy kill it
Hi! An aspiring artist here, I would gladly try my best and do some /6g/ drawfriend stuff. (Nothing too complicated pls). So if you have any wishes, just say the word and I'll deliver as fast as I can!
Mira with her face plastered against the interior side of one of her one-way mirrors
Sledge fucking echo
Requesting pic but with birb rook
Buck waving and smiling
Two panels. In one Valkyrie's throwing a camera to a wall. In the next one, she's smiling and posing and the camera flashes, indicating she just took a selfie with it.
FOOKIN LASER SIGHTS (Thatcher), REALLY BIG FUCKING GOAL (Thermite), Social Cues (Jager), and Ash (Speedy Jew) all dressed in soccer uniforms posing together with a soccer ball nearby. Thatcher should be in the middle of the group since he's captain.
This one is mandatory, given the ocassion
Rook opening a duffle bag and telling everyone to get a sweater on because it's cold outside.
>Mute puts down a jammer at the top of the stairs after bomb/objective as been found
>just leaves it there
>doesn't fuze-proof a single window
No bueno.
Yesterday's match: /r6g/ vs /skg/. Final result: 2-2
Starts at 52:50
Friday's match: /r6g/ vs /ss13g/. Final result: 0-1
Starts at 54:00
Also, today's match is in roughly ~2 hours 20 minutes (1:40 pm eastern)
My last game last night on Dust I jumped after the guy rappelling with the hostage and knifed him. Only I heard something about an injured hostage and the feed said that he killed the hostage. My focus was on the jumping and stabbing so I didn't hear it clearly, I even thought I had knifed the hostage and lost the game at first.
Does rappelling too fast down the hostage, causing it to die when I knifed him? I thought for sure that couldn't happen. He was shooting at me with his gun, but I don't see how he could have possibly hit the hostage he was escorting.
this isn't cs:go, user
The middle eastern map. I haven't played regularly since Frost came out, so I have no clue what the new maps are called. Could have sworn it was something with Dust in it.
When you are an attacker, if you vault off a high enough height, you can injure or outright kill the hostage you are carrying. Specially if the hostage took some damage during the round.
If you are rappelling, and you get killed while rappelling, it is possible the game applies the same logic: you were carrying the hostage and you suddenly dropped it from a height (because you died) so that means it's your responsibility that the hostage died.
It's called Border
When you knifed the guy he dropped the hostage, who then fell to the ground and took enough fall damage to die. I don't really know how the game determines whose fault that is though.
You probably are talking about Border.
you mean Border? it came out with operation Dust Line
do this one
that's not a PT92
Oh yeah, it's Border. I was definitely thinking of the Dust Line operation. With the generally dusty look of the map, as well.
And I guess the fall damage makes sense, I've just never seen it happen when someone rappelled. Only when they jump. I thought I knifed him when we were like one or two feet from the ground, definitely not enough for fall-damage, but maybe the game just calculated the fall-damage weirdly because they hadn't touched the ground yet, giving the hostage the full fall damage? Or I just knifed him higher up than I thought.
Will operation health fix bullshit with shields that getting knifed in back by fast operators?
I didn't know I wanted this so much until now.
Cringe af
Hi plebbit
8/10, solely because it's not Twitch, only Twitch deserves 10/10
Are you implying Caveira is actually a man
That's a good cosplay. She looks short too.
>tfw no siege cosplay gf
I wish more people would cosplay characters other than GSG9.
>Ubisoft fucks you hard
t. brainlet
Am I the only one who's glad operation health is a thing? I bought the season pass and would like new operators as much as the next guy, but a better functioning game with more opportunities to unlock things that were previously behind a pay wall is much more appealing to me than getting two new people to shooty gun with.
people aren't glad because they are extremely skeptical (and rightfully so) that Ubisoft will not be able to deliver any significant improvements at all during this period. They would rather have new content and a semi broken game then no content and a semi broken game.
That role is reserved for Frost
Lol wheres multi, has he recovered yet? Also post ash
Will Multi ever recover?
he will never ever recover.
>putting Veeky Forums filenames on those pictures to pretend you didnt make them
I always put Veeky Forums filenames on, I see no reason to turn them off.
Are there any off-season tourneys planned?
it is called a unix timestamp btw you moron
The VGL 8 Qualifiers final day starts in approximately 10 minutes. We are fighting for promotion to the main VGL and we are playing against /fgg/ - Fighting Games General. We will be playing at home so come on and watch the stream to enjoy the match and cheer us on!
We are the second game of the day and we need a win to promote! Let's go out there and eliminate some enemies!
Blackbeard is the only operator left to unlock. Any of you fellas know of a good way to get quick renowns?
for those who want to know what we need to qualify, see
link stream
I really hate to say it, but that looks pretty cute
For everyone that is asking where it's going to be streamed, it's in the website of pic related. Spam filter keeps catching it if I post it.
When are we playing?
After this match
Man you guys really picked a terrible fucking anthem by the way
Yeah the music and goalhorns suck
how long do these usually go on for?
What's wrong with the anthem being Siege's theme?
What would you pick?
The goalhorns were alright, the only one that sucks a bit is Thermite's because they had an outdated music sheet. It was supposed to be the WTF BOOM sound.
20 minutes per game
2 10 minute halves
They were your suggestions...........
There were a lot of great goalhorns suggested but I don't know why those few were picked. I like speedy jew's and the russian ones though.
skg is already at a 2-0 lead
the dream is alive boys
just ignore the brainlets
>tfw no USSR theme for the rooskies
We're no shitty commies here m8
What the fuck am i looking at?
Goalhorns need to be hype and high energy
For anthems it doesn't really matter as much.
what is the goal horn?
Wait till our match starts and the anthem plays and try telling me that soundtrack fits as any kind of "anthem".
It's an okay background menu song sure, but not anything close to an anthem. If you want a good theme, listen to the 'Victory Anthem' pick which is a 10/10 choice btw
I'm trying to get a good wtf boom for thermite but goalhorns usually last around a minute. Send suggestions in replies to this post for a goalhorn.
I mean't what is our goal atm
Depends who fucking scores
Look at the list of goalhorns in the link
shut the fuck up and don't ever (You) me again
For thermite maybe?
whAt The FUCK!!??
This could work but this song is about fire......
/skg/ won, so now if we win we advance to the main event.
I like it, use this one!
ignore my suggestion it's not as good tbqh
>Not this for Thermite
We next boys
best so far
this is actually pretty good