/svg/ - Shadowverse General

Kill yourself Edition

Double daily mission rewards and 40 packs for Shadowverse's 1st birthday event.


Street Fighter Leaders will be up for sale until June 13th, remember to buy before it's too late!

Crystal sale going on: $80 for 7500 crystals (can purchase up to 3x)

Sleeves/Emblems from older seasons are avaible once again for Crystals
>Bellringer, Urd, Liza, Elana, Otohime's Guards, Elana

Just change the language of your client to chinese and claim 8 free packs on your crate.

Official Website:

Tool for deckbuilding and card checking

Useful Links:pastebin.com/SZNKYEMi


Other urls found in this thread:


Belphegor is unattractive and her voice is annoying.

t. Hulking giant

Post Erika

>dirt control

Erika? More like Bestika!

>wanting actual old hags
Teenagers such as luna, alisa and eris are superior


If you've played anything but Haven yourself the match would've ended long ago so don't pretend that you aren't part of the problem.

rip waifucraft

Oh no, I can't be late!

>his Seraph got Petrified

Asking again.

Why did ToG kill Shadowverse?



Twice actually, bahamut got bahamut'd and he played 3 calamitous rite. I'm gonna craft an Aegis this is not gonna happen again.

>control deck is more fatigued on card draw than the face deck
this always happens to me when I play control
am I doing something wrong, or am I just unlucky?

>you will never touch Erika's banner

>tfw no trap leader

You mean no Veight leader.

All shadownigggers must fucking hang.

Erika is not a tittymonster

>Click the card
>Click the enhance toggle
>It's enhanced
It's the same as the fucking evolve tutorial

Flat chest
White hair
Long hail
Exposed shoulders

DELET every play he makes. Generally have no or poor win conditions. The epitome of this was RoB dirt rune which regularly hit match times of nearly 30 minutes with its combination of wards and roping

A-are all sword players this mean?

Blood is Tier 1 now, post happy Vampy!

Give me some legitimate arguments as to why dshift shouldn't be nerfed when it can kill on turn 4 in its present state.

You are not welcome in T1 deck

40% winrate :^)

fuck off discord

Getting matched up against shadow as sword is pretty much autolose even if you get a perfect curve.
I hate them.


What combo can possibily kill on T4? Assuming a passing opponent, of course.

>try to do dailies
>lose 1000 rank
>still haven't won a single match
well it's not like I want the 10k reward or anything


Having a sub 50% winrate and still managing to piss you off is rune's gimmick

Turn 4 dshit kill against someone who had ward on board.
Defend this

Does Dshit even play Merlin anymore?

>Insight into Insight into Insight

>literally need the exact 50 cards in the exact order to pull off a turn 4 win
>sword can do this shit every single game with their eyes closed

Some idiots still run it, even though they don't need it anymore, which is part of the reason why they have a sub 50%

I wonder what sort of bullshit can cygames introduce that'll help with that

The doubled leggo count was a big factor in my personal disdain for the first two months. All I wanted to do was dick around with Hulking Giant before the meta settled down, but all I ended up getting were other shitty memes like Ginger, Anomaly, and Gawain (before he was even legal to play, mind you). Considering it took me 11 weeks to finish the emblem collection in RoB, I only saw things going downhill from there, especially as tier 0 Shadow and Dragon made their rise and I similarly lacked their core leggos. In fact, I still don't have Hulking, Djeanne, Eachtar, Israfil, Aegis, or Zeus.

I didn't understand the Catacomb nerf completely until I managed to beat midshadow as sword that drew all three Eachtars. They don't have the fuel for it.
The first Eachtar only pulled a single zombie after getting soul squashed last turn. The next Eachtar only pulled two zombies, not enough to clear my board where I can safely place Walfrid and go face. The final Eachtar was too late as I had one more evo and Alberto for le balanced 10 damage to face.

I only got like 6 legendaries throughout the entirety of ToG despite spending most of my rupies on it.
I honestly believe that kikegames fucked with the drop rates and just aren't telling us.

This is your hand for tonight.

Like daria tempo, mid shadow and kys are so overwhelmingly powerful compared to other midrange lists that they're obsolete
The speed and resilience of midshadow destroyed many control decks who simply couldn't stop it while beating out other lists with its robust skeleton ensuring consistency and power
For two months, lightning blast invalidated your deck list in 30% of your games outright if you were playing any kind of board/amulet deck due to the consistency of lb/bahamut/grimnir repeatedly shattering you. Combined with zell combos, it amounted to just concede and move on instead of even bothering. Thanks to ramp and ramp being more consistent, they were often unzipping win class cards 3,4 turns early which you simply couldn't answer as a slower control list or an off-meta deck
Grimnir is run in basically everything, kills entire boards of up to select 5, 6, and even 7 drops, doing up to TWELVE additional burn in ANY list during the game all while still being a defensively statted 3 drop ward which many libraries lacked. For aggro it covered their curve and for mid/control he stopped the push
Aegis resolved a lot of problems with seraph spamming wards, heals and removal every turn to seraph then spamming themis/bahamut/grimnir after breaking non-cancer decks
Many haven and dragon lists would get in excess of 15-20 healing per game
kys blood being able to field astonishing stats, storm, and burn while staying out of range of non-burn decks
All together it created a bog of you can't rush them down, you can't trade, you can't control them, your win cons are inferior and teching against one makes you autolose against the other

fuck you FUCK YOU you fucking nigger elf thank god you're in the shitter this expansion and hopefully the next one as well

In general, the increased power of the totg cards on top of the overpowered RoB cards lead to a devastating hit to the viability of off-meta decks that relied heavily on many cards from standard or darkness evolved.
This was worsened by the Daria/roach nerfs followed by near-obsoletion by the TotG cards setting a gigantic flotilla of bandwagoners loose that soon flocked to dragon/shadow. This created a consistent meta of matchups you couldn't win on your nut draw or mirror matches that came down to who lucked into a better mulligan/top decks. You couldn't play off-meta decks and facing the same 2 decks depending on your time zone got old quick.

Doubled legos combined with dud lego/golds really grated on people that were drawing poorly and getting bad cards. This was worsened by many archetype core cards being meh but still very expensive so not only would you not have them but you couldn't justify crafting them.

WD is going to continue this trend resulting in losing 50% of its numbers within a week as it sinks in that war never changes. More people will reduce down to dailies only then free packs only then quit

Roost being banished to the shadowverse is the #1 reason though

Some people had to dump 150~ USD just to get a fraction of all legos on release day. The drops are lowered when the expansion releases, at least. Sure, a random fag might get lucky and pull like 2 legos in a single pack but there's all sort of conspiracies about drops, most notably how rupies bought drops seem lower as a way to punish rupie hoarding.

It's not just about the shadows, Catacomb ensures that you'll almost always have a board for Eachtar/Cerb/Orthrus to buff and do chip damage for Cerb+Howl combo. The guy is nuts at 3pp. The only reason Dragon managed to go even with Midshadow pre-nerf was because of LB deleting Catacomb boards.

I hate sylvan justice so fucking much.
They ALWAYS fucking have it.

This about sums it up. I haven't even played 200 games this expansion or even finished the stories because it's so bad whereas I played 2000~ games in RoB. I'm pretty well off so I just buy everything instead of questing so it didn't affect me much but I can only imagine how frustrated F2Ps are from having to put up with that shit for so long.

The nerf was pretty big for Catacomb, but not big enough for Shadow.

The only other nerf I can see helping against the Eachtar menace is completely removing ZP's enhance.


Kill yourself, shadownigger.

>10 release packs and buy 37 packs
>On rate is 5 legos and 15 golds
>Got - 7 Legos, 25 Golds
Sometimes you just go on tilt my dude. I've been needing double to triple packs to get a lego for months then I got 7 legos in 22 packs with 3 of them animated. On the other hand I was getting over double the pull rate on golds.

Power of 3x and mulligan bro

It's honestly not helping me want to not kill myself. SV had so much potential and instead we've gotten blizzard style take turns at cancer. It doesn't help that arena is fucked so it's much harder to go infinite to try and band-aid your situation as a f2p. I've been playing since steam launch and I have so many holes in my library and so much I can't play it's agony.

>try out Dshit
>can't win a single game thanks to entire ladder being Shadowniggers

Congrats, you beat a retarded bandwagonner who didn't know how to build the deck to compensate for the lack of Prince shadow generation.

>whole-souled swing killing off 2-drop
>Jeno of free trading
>turn 5 5/7 face machine
And here we have a lesbofag who thinks they are victims when their turtle queen caused all the clear and flood.


Have you chemo'd some fools today svg?

>playing dshift to win
you're doing it wrong friend


Hello. I just came back after a month's break. How is the game now?

The main reason I'm currently sitting on 60k vials is because I don't want to waste them making a new deck archetype that isn't meta and thus total shit.
I blew 20k making Discard Dragon, had fun for a while until the endless onslaught of Daria decks took the fun out of me.
Ginger sound incredibly interesting to me but I'm not sure if I should spend the 14k vials required for the missing leggos.

This. The nerf only matters when it's a dumb bandwagoner without any sense that did nothing post-nerf and is pretending he still has infinite shadows


You deserve it

Eachtar is still in the game, what do you think?

what makes you think a bandwagoner wouldn't go find the new updated list post-nerf

did it ever occur to you to think for two seconds instead of firing off a buzzword and hitting submit

Dragon isn't cancer anymore.
They gave Shadow a slap on the wrist.

>still playing weabooverse

Shadow is still nigger.
Dragon was replaced by dickshift and Haven as the anti-fun police craft.
KYS blood is also tier 1 .

trash as long as shadowcraft exists

>falseflagging this hard
Kill yourselves shadowniggers. You never run out of shadows and the nerf did nothing.

Absolutely don't make ginger. Unless they make a way to giver her spellboost: reduce her pp cost she's dead. She's just too slow and you don't have a curve that can protect you. Anyone who will let you get to turn 9 will have more board clear and bahamuts than you can rebuild a hand that can beat them

Dead. If you're f2p and you seriously took a month off I'd advice just quitting unless you can reliably infinite in arena.

What makes you think he would when he's still playing like he's got infinite catacuck shadows.

Will Erika have her happy ending

Can someone give me a budget unga dragon deck so I can do this daily? I just reset a shadow one.

What? Why don't you go shit on the retard who is saying Shadow can't even generate shadows anymore for Eachtar, retard?

>If you're f2p and you seriously took a month off I'd advice just quitting unless you can reliably infinite in arena.
But why

>shadow """"generation""""
>shadow """"management"""""

just use a neutral deck, worked fine for me

What sort of dshift? Are you using flame leviathans or blade mages or what?

Make JO Grimnir. 0 (or 3) leggo required


The game has become unfixable unless Cygames decides to just delete Shadow from the game in its entirety. Look, you're a strong person. You managed to get away from the game once. You overcame the sunk cost fallacy. Don't be like the rest of us and let this cancer game consume your life.

>goblin princess
>immortal Thane
>zombie party
>normal death's breath
>ever running out of shadows
Nice meme.

>reading comprehension

That guy is wrong. Double rewards and the upcoming pack giveaways means this is a fine time for catching up. Just know that the meta is really tight at this time, most high tier decks have been figured out and optimised.

You can disconewt otk or run ramp and storm to rush down slow decks

You're already done with totg packs, it's saving season. Meanwhile you probably lack too many important cards.

>sword ungas mad that they can't get free wins by hitting face every turn anymore like in rob because something else is better at hitting face than them now

Unless he started at launch and didn't take a break up till that break, the double up isn't going to patch him up enough. There's going to be a lot of broken cards from WD and they're gonna go with the broke shit from TotG he doesn't have.

top retard

It added way too many powercreep cards in a game already overflown by powercreeps. The current situation of shadowverse is like pokemon. You bring fire and he brings water you can't win, except this time you can't trade pokemons so it's game over. There's little to no strategy, just draw and hope the opponent bricks. I find it a miracle a game this dumb survived for so long.

I honestly think the last game where I had legitimate fun was against some forest dude that had answers for my answers and I ended up winning with 2 hp left. Almost made me remember the fun I used to have with this game. But then next game came a daria witch, got a bullshit pull and won the game. Or shadow uses one of their numerous board flood cards and buff with eachtar for the kill. Most games are all like that.

Card games are supposed to be smarter than this. People got bored of it and left for something else.

You realize you are replying to someone who agrees with you right?
>see someone calling an user a retard for saying that Shadow "can't fuel Eachtar anymore"
>call him a falseflagger and proceed to ellaborate on his point
Get a fucking brain.

>tfw playing a pendant grinder deck and a daria dinosaur decks out against me cause he can't take the removal

>Card games are supposed to be smarter than this.
You can't be serious

I had a lot more fun in DE. Sure there were anti-fun "the game is decided" decks like Purgatory, but there was a lot more back and forth gameplay. The advent of evolution-less cards that do the same thing as the best evolutions (soul squasher, big guy in new set, etc) are really the final nail in the coffin.
It's strange to me that they designed evolution to address a common problem with online card games (one person rolling over the other with no comebacks), then totally fucked over evolutions with new sets. They had something good and decided to throw it in the trash.

All because Soul Squasher deals with the turn 5 5/7
I miss the turn 5 DoD


it's what an user said yesterday, the shadow hate has blinded some autists here to the point where if you have "shadow" in your post they'll just rage at you