/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1675

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Sky Compass Guide (now includes air dates)

>Schedule for June:
5/31 - 6/8 - Little Skyfarer a la Sacre Blumiel!
6/9 - 6/21 - iM@S Collab
6/22 - 6/29 - Guild War (Dark)
6/30 - Story event

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

Previous Thread

Other urls found in this thread:


I love being semi-casual!

already a shit thread

Host longdongs.

Yeah, because you posted.

Kissing Cog

Making an esports /gbfg/ guild. Minimum rank 140, at least top 40k contribution every GW is required. Must have at least sk10 pools for every element. Must be be able to participate in the morning rush, preferably late night rush too.

How many people can I gather?


You should probably post your own profile and grids if you're going to set requirements that high.

t. newfag who wasn't here during the glorious era of when people in this general actually played the game and competed against one another

>tfw you were alive for the age of paid GBF pros and a proper pro scene.
Is this happiness?

Post your grids


Fuck off casual


There shouldn't be a minimum rank. Just the minimum top 40k should be good enough. Autism wins GW. If you want high average rank for intimidation tactics, then you'd need something like min rank 165 or 170 than just 140+.

user, here's a Bakamut for you! Please join! Or else I'll bully you!


Thanks again to all anons who hosted Celeste normal and hard so I could finish Six today.

I'm a Virasexual.

congrats user!

I love Gabumama!



Holy shit that team is a 10/10
Explode yourself.

>/gbfg/ keeps getting more lewd with every thread that passes
>soon we'll be at /xivg/ levels of degeneracy where everyone does nothing but post ERP sessions and lewd pictures of themselves.

Anything for cuties like you!

/gbfg/ crews with empty slots at this very moment: (slots may be reserved)
Lum1 (2)
Falz Flag (2)
NoFlipCity (4)
(You) (3)
OppaiSuki (6)
Aion no Me (1)
Fleet (2)
Beafriends (28)
BellaBarca (5)
(You) Too (20)

>Beafriends (28)

But that's just a straight-up MMO where there are dedicated ERP servers just like Moon Guard in WoW, it won't get THAT bad.

>Beafriends (28)
Every time

Since GBF isn't a proper MMO where we can't have avatars actually interact, that won't happen.
Too bad there isn't a GBF MMO, it would be fun.

we're all Virasexual.

>oppai suki still considered gbfg when they're blatantly refilling their slots after getting gutted last GW, with non gbfg players


How many of Beafriends' slots are reserved?

My crush is constantly on my mind!

/gbfg/ will never be good.

>Beafriends (28)

>40 distinctions for class weapon
>can only buy 30 a month
>20 distinctions for each class
>can only earn 25 a week
>assuming you time it right you can only make your weapon and not even get a class for another week during your first two weeks of HL
>the next week you'll only be able to buy 1 class and be 5 distinctions short from a second
>also can't buy the class you made the weapon for until the next month

I know there's RQ too, but the numbers for what you can earn vs redeem are pretty awkward.

97CE19F4 Grande

Thanks for coming!

speak for yourself fag

Once a Veeky Forums peaks in esports it'll never reach that same peak. Anons are very egotistical but spaghetti easily and so once a Veeky Forums guild reaches critical esports mass it'll shitpost everything into oblivion. This makes new and less skilled/powerful players less inclined to improving themselves, since they're constantly told how shit they are and how they'll never make it into the prestigious Veeky Forums esports guild.

Once the esports guild dies due to burning out etc. people will nostalgically talk about how good the esports guild was and how nothing will ever match it, again setting a standard way too high for new players to even bother trying.

Kind of like what you're doing now.

If you want to try making an esports guild you have to find the most dedicated (not necessarily the most powerful or skilled right now) players, make a core around them, and hope that eventually they'll make it somewhere. That's how prominent Veeky Forums guilds have been made in the past. By freak accident over a long period of time.

You don't know true pain.

J-just imagine the kind of lewd things they do at Beafriends.



I made this since I thought it would be more useful than just exact chances. Make sure to spark during legfest!


You can buy 30 of multiple types a month, user. The only class you'll wait for is if the weapon you made used that type.


I want to fuck this

You used to have to buy them daily right? That must have been awful.

Now do it again.

I'm constantly on your crush's mind!
Who opened?


Yeah, and before you could only get distinctions from RQ share chests since petals didn't exist.

Time to rant like an old man spouting "Back in my days".

My wife

Lum1 is actually recruiting if anyone is interested

>complaining about distinctions now when it used to take a month + to get them if you didnt start immediately after hitting 101 and KMR already made it easier for newshitters like you to get them


Why join a dead guild full of obnoxious pretend esporters?

RIP gabu

Holy shit. Did you still need the same amount for the weapons and classes? I feel very lucky now.

When I said timing I meant entering HL in the last week of the month. I bought my 25 for my weapon before the end of last month and couldn't get any more.

me on the left

It's all Lum1's fault. They took all the esports members of developing guilds and then turned to shit.

>Holy shit. Did you still need the same amount for the weapons and classes? I feel very lucky now.
Yep, that's why people used to make Nebu a lot.

Orgies and gangbangs are more fun than one on ones.

We were shit from the start

all is fun until a dick goes where it shouldnt.

Thanks for the Baha!

My fault for not noticing the post got deleted and opening it up to the public.

On the bright side, you got a bunch of class distinctions squared away by the time you finished a class weapon, because you had to buy sets of 2-3 in parallel every day to not waste prestige.

i'm new and i know this is a stupid question, but what is PWR and how does it correlate to those little stars on quests?

Are all beaposts on /gbfg/ made by two people?

Thanks for the timegate crystal.

>we dindu nuthin
>it's the other guilds' fault for being casual

Your HP and ATK stats added together. It's supposed to show what quests you're ready for, but in practice it's completely meaningless.

So cute!

>in practice it's completely meaningless.
So its just like me.

Don't worry, everyone else is equally meaningless.

If esports isn't fun for you, then there's no point in pursuing it!
I'm having fun just being a casual and doing things at my own pace, and finally after 11 months of playing, in one more rank I'll be HL ready!
Just be yourself!

Anglosphere community power rankings?

put your trip back on so i can filter you

So what is the strongest crew here and does anyone else even come close to it?

how do I get sponsored, lads? Are there any guilds that pay members yet?

I know we have to donate for the privilege of being in Triad Penis, but I think my talents are better served elsewhere.

>trying to revive esports in a soon-to-be dead game


Is this crew recruiting and how can I join

I'm a windmeme but making Oliver for Row VI is a waste because I don't need to elechange it.

Should I just go the sword way? It's the fastest right?

are we measuring strength by levels of lewdness now?

The old guilds are all retirement homes but any of them would still destroy ChocoShitters. Cowshitters too.

Is ChocoCats the lewdest guild in /gbfg/?

AE2F7E96 Flam HL could use a Sage or a water debuffer.

Fuck off Gran, stop trying to cuck Naoise.

Baha HL co-op room 13/18 1E0E55

See, it's your fault for thinking Lum1 did anything with the intent of being esports.

Get in line friend!


Yeah, sure they would.

Why is ChocoCats associated with ERP again?

>a waste because I don't need to elechange it.
How did you come to this conclusion?