Whats a scam which is low risk, high reward and virtually impossible to get caught?
Whats a scam which is low risk, high reward and virtually impossible to get caught?
If someone had a scam like this - why the fuck would they tell anyone about it? Sorta defeats the purpose of having a scam that's very profitable and impossible to get caught at...
suck dicks but you didn't suck with full pressure.
Trimming armor
i can even trim bronze and iron plates, chain mail too.
This right here. I've earnt billions doing this.
Promising to make America great again
This. Once you have capital and understand how TA works (and thus, all the bots the big investment banks use), you can do cool shit like inducing rallies.
>Find stock with undertraded volume, on a weakening downtrend
>break trend by buying shares, stock now goes sideways
>Wait till it hits next 'resistance marker'
>If it doesn't look like it will break through, don't worry, just buy more shares, don't have the money? Who cares, you don't have to settle for two days / can just use margin
>Buy enough volume to ram through resistance, the bots and quants go apeshit in reaction
>Stock rallies hard quickly, the retail investors tag along with FOMO kicking in, so stock goes even fucking higher
>Slowly exit your position
You can do the whole thing with credit ffs. You can literally induce it & be exited at a profit before you have to settle the shares. Shit is high risk as fuck though, so you need a company small enough that you can effect the price with concentrated bets (this is why downtrend / low volume is good) / large enough that the Shares you buy aren't completely worthless / enough capital to move the needle.
Charts are what people (and thus the bots written by people) react to, and you can influence those charts with money. When you know how other people will make their investment decisions, it's easy to influence what they decide to do.
working for a living and getting rich off of it
>create mold of a quarter
>pour water in it
>put it in the freezer
>use ice coin to buy soda from vending machine
making your own alt coin
be jewish
it has the added benefit that even if you are caught it doesnt matter
asking people to give you their ideas so you can make money from them
Human trafficking
>Price depends on age, gender, ethnicity location, probability of getting caught.
Drug dealer
>Buy kilo of drugs or grow on your own. Sell in portions and beat the competition of your local homies
>Be a female online that pretends to be a single white hot teen mother, that is about to be homeless. Use the tactics sjw and liberals use and profit off some numales, whiteknights and neckbeards.
>Sucking dick
Buy a quality kneepads and go to a nearby gay club and advertse to suck fucks for money.
did you learn that from experience?
when you have the sniffles or the flu, go around at night and lick door knobs.
this is fucking genius
>>If it doesn't look like it will break through, don't worry, just buy more shares, don't have the money? Who cares, you don't have to settle for two days / can just use margin
or am i being meme
>Trying to sell kilos of drugs
Enjoy getting murdered by the cartel or whatever gang runs the drugs in the are
>Human trafficking
Feasible but certainly not low risk and you have to abandon all morality and human decency to take part in this.
>Pretending to be a female on the internet
A lot of third worlders make money off of lonely, old, rich, gullible men by doing this. It's your best best, OP.
This sounds too good to be true. What's the catch?
Offer to pay people for their IDs and a remote connection from their house so you can open lots of betting accounts (since you are a professional gambler lol).
Open as many lines of credit as you can with your new identity and matching internet connection. Bank accounts, credit cards, see if the betting sites will give you credit.
Buy as much expensive resellable stuff as you can and ship it to an abandoned house where you're hanging out.
With 5+ betting accounts you should have been able to take advantage of bonus bets to make a bit of coin. Cash that to your own bank.
If you can hack their computer even better. If not sell their IDs on AlphaBay and congratulate yourself on a job well done.