Does it make sense for a Veeky Forumsinessman to learn Chinese? Have anyone considered it or are you learning Chinese now?
Learning Chinese
China is a horrible place. Learn the language of a country you would actually like to work in given the chance.
Pic request of user who regrets learning mandrin
Sure, sounds fantastic
Pic related
no, the should learn english or fuck them!
i think knowing chinese will get you far in business than spanish. i'd rather learn japanese for some reason though.
Thanks for sharing that user.
Looks like I'm going to brush up my German instead.
Since were in this thread.
Is there any benefit of a gaijin knowing japanese? Like, is a gaijin actually able to get rich off a job in japan as opposed to america? During the 2008 recession, was it easier for a gaijin who knows japanese to get a job in japan than america? Im around jlpt n3 level, but actually moving it up to n1 sounds more of a hassle than its worth especially if american jobs pay way more.
I am an American College student studying Mandarin and, while it is challenging, I love it. I've gotten offers for everything I've ever applied for despite less than stellar stats. Ama if you have questions.
No. All chink businesses cater to English speakers.
Why would your chinese be of any value if its not on fluency/natural level?
I am essentially fluent and not done with my studies yet. Natural is irrelevant and uneccessary for obvious reasons.
Even if an American's Chinese doesn't reach a professional level, so many American companies do business with China that Westerners who have enough language skill to simply get by there are even in demand.
Is there a demand for japanese ? Although, im not completely fucked, i have taken mandairn in highschool. I just have more passion for japanese and fear no one will give a fuck about china 10 years from now.
No clue really but they're more isolationist so unless you have other skills I doubt it's as easy. As for your other concern about nobody giving a fuck about China, it is fucking retarted. You may need a useful second language more than you know...
Knowing the language itself won't do you much good. You need another skill or career to put it to use. It's not like being bilingual will give you THAT much of an advantage, because there are a ton of English speaking Japanese. You basically have to find a niche where they want a native English speaker who also speaks Japanese.
Oh, im not talking about being a soul translator. Im going into finance and plus some coding knowledge.
Are there any business companies that deal with japan in america?
Not all china. Also china will have double the US and EU combined gdp in 30 years.
If you were to fluent few languages, native language, english and china that would probably be worth than any education degree alone.
The only Japanese company I know of JGC, which is an oil and gas company, and I only know that because I'm in oil and gas. Finance is pretty open though. Good luck with that.
I can't believe all the gweilos falling for the learn Chinese meme.
There are tens of millions of Chinese who speak fluent English.
All of China is shit and their economy will be in the garbage like Japan's in 30 years.
Retards like you (that or 50 cent party member lmao) fall for the Asian tiger meme every generation.
But not many are eligible to be hired by the many western companies that do business with China. ..nor do those companies want to necessarily hire a bunch of Chinese ...
Fucking lel'd at the time, because it's on Veeky Forums of all place.
True. Before China, everybody was predicting that Japan was going to take over the world economy and that never happened.