Battlefield General

Dead game

One could only speculate if /bfg/ was actually right about not being ded...

Is this because BF1 is a bad game?


Cheaters heaven, FF (Dice's anticheat) fucking sucks, it'll only flag you if you go some crazy score like 120-1 or something

bf1 sucks cause of that

>it's another week with no new medals
>/bfg/ died again

I wonder what the Russian DLC Elite Class is

pls no elite scout

because this game is fucking dead

>we want the chink cheater market
t. dice

Don't make a general without the correct OP retard, use fireden if you can't find it.

Nobody on Veeky Forums actually reads the OP except to bully them for making a mistake.

re: faggots that don't rush midpoint on linear maps
what is your deal

This is the only problem I have with the game. There's people clearly aimbotting and DICE is doing Jack shit about it. Either way i'm excited for that naval warfare expansion (pic related). I'll keep playing it but damn the cheaters are fucking me up.

New players definitely do, please never make a OP.

Please accept the commander's orders. I'm in charge here.

>still play bf4 because poorfag
>lock onto heli with igla
>heli pops flares
>shoot again
>hit heli for a bit of damage
>shoot again
>heli pops flares again
>lol no more missiles left
How the fuck

the funny part is they've justified each step in the "restrict server-control" (first to servers you could only "rent" from a list of 3rd parties, then to a monopoly on renting servers).

Though Im not one who suspects the initial motivation being a pure nickel&Dime-setup as much as a bid for "consistency" when the platforms (PC, PS4, Xbone) are not consistent, I mean PS4 and Xbone generally are consistent with each other, neither are really consistent with PC.

PC gaming has ups and downs that consoles simply don't, and to not take advantage of that (or allow others/hackers/modders to take advantage of that) merely leaves you with the disadvantages.

What I mean is that by giving User-hosted-dedicated servers, and some degree (however minor) of recognition that players/community will mod it allows for the positive aspects of the PC as a gaming platform to shine through. Hackers/cheaters will be a problem regardless, aimbots and the like will simply get more sophisticated and require ever more clever and intrusive methods of countering.

tldr: PC gaming will always have hackers, DICE/EA are idiots for not allowing user-hosted-dedicated-servers or mods.

I literally do shit like that all the time, Score doesn't mean shit. If you want someone banned, spectate them and send it to DICE, they DO ban with proof if FF doesn't pick it up. Otherwise, all you people bitching, stop being shit. You were spotted years before coming around that corner ya cucks.

BF4 is still where it is at

at least add the OP next time


so this keeps happening...

its because of origin

>tfw getting a shit ton of Conquest Control points on Ops

Seriously had like 60k points on Grappa due to the regular injection of 1000 points.

Good going DICE