/egg/ - Engineering Games General - Formerly /svgg/

Spengies fix edition
previous ded: The thread is dedicated to all games about building machines and systems out of blocks, in space or otherwise. Also, all these games are ded. Only ded games may join, otherwise they must have their own thread.
Whether or not a game belongs in /egg/ is a case by case matter, however games that would belong in /svgg/, space voxel games general, are automatically considered /egg/

WebM for physicians:

List of currently known and vaguely not dead /egg/ games (this list is not fully inclusive and if you think a game might belong here, feel free to ask):
>Chode - Children of a Dead Earth
>Empyrion - Galactic Survival
>From the Depths
>Garry's mod
>Homebrew - Vehicle Sandbox
>Intersteller Rift
>KOHCTPYKTOP: Engineer of the People
>Robot Arena 2
>Scrap Mechanic
>Space Engineers
>StarMaden b

Games that are definitely not /egg/:
>The general that quite literally cannot be named. The Mexican scam artist one. With the shitposters. Fuck off.
>Hearthstone, found in the hearthstone general, /hsg/, not in this general
>Shadowverse, found in the shadowverse general, /svg/, not in this general

Information about these games, such as where to get them if they're not on steam, trailers, /egg/ conquered/hosted servers, and other shit can be found in this pad:

OP pad for future /ded/s

Warbros Serb is back online, open to pubbies, look in serb browser

Other urls found in this thread:


1st for fuck gayjin


fugbots wen?

in futur

Whats with crossout letting you join ongoing game? Fuck that.

It seems to combine a matchmaking system with traditional persistent lobby structure. It's different, almost refreshing, but I'm left questioning why they did this.

fug pirates
I managed to neutralize the incisor, but then found out this is apparently a normal grid (one grid), so i logged off for now. gonna make some penisships later though


jew conflict had that as well

>both /hsg/ and /svg/
yes! yes! the list must grow

I dont mind if I can spectate around, but locking it is stupid.

Reminder that no matter how bad and broken our games get, nothing will ever equal sheer faggotry of the minecraft modding community
Be glad spengies will never attract these people

>minecraft mods exist
>people still think paid mods are a good idea

>current minecraft modders and those who make "mod packs" are faggots and cancer
I knew this but not on the scale of the mental gymnastics of this blog post I only scratched.
strict tiering systems are trash

>Been like two years since I've been on /egg/
>I wonder what those fuckers are up to
Is Spengies 100% ded yet? Or at the very least more optimized?
Please say yes

>get into 3500+ power thing
>rocket spam
I'm getting ptsd here.

>more optimized?
Yes, #multithreadingphysics

it is a shambling corpse of CLANG and lemons

still buggy and shitty as ever

So nothing really changed, then, aside from
May as well give it another go and see what's up.

>Been like two years since I've been on /egg/
We found nu fun, jump in as long as it's not ded.

pls don't bully marek. it's not his fault. he just wants to make AI. he knows the game is shit, you can see it in his eyes every time he plays on stream


Nothing happens at keen without marek's approval. It's all his fault.

Fucking bought the Rapier for 145coins only for it to drop to 120 30mins later, this fuckin luck

I love Berserk and this new series pisses me off so much. By the way what anime was in that webm?

Play the scrap speculation game m8, it's gonna be a goldmine.

Im just gonna horde copper till the easy raids dissapear so it goes back up in price, too many ps1000 to 2000 shitters ruining my raids

Just last week I saw a gamedev talk about nerfing real probability by preventing players from getting hugely lucky or unlucky, e.g. consecutive failures or successes, even though the system is ergodic as a whole. Maybe a day will come when luck no longer exists in video games.

Shit has quite a recoil,saw some dude with 2. He lost a wheel and he shat all over the place with recoils.

No, do scrap. Weekly scrap limits cause the price to balloon on regular intervals. Copper is going to stay low. Wires have already tanked.


>hoard copper
>buy scrap
>craft rares

Just finished a mission and only got 72rep, what the actual fuck?

I found this website if you boys want it for makin them shekels

>"only" 72

when does the daily exp boost/free fuel reset

thats fuck all compared to what i usally get, every match before that i was getting 500-1000


very nice

>By the way what anime was in that webm?
Yes, really.


Oh, I meant the first webm of that truck chase scene he was replying to. I should've been more specific.

>image search it
>it pulls up wakfu porn

alright, found it, it's from a studio ghibli short called on your mark.

u gibe link plox


Seriously though, how did they get this from an image of a truck with a bigass trefoil on it?

Play the market m8. This is an exploitable blessing. Treat it like the AC stalk market.

I don't get the problem.
It's his intellectual property and he's explaining why making alterations to his mods can result in cascade of effects that, more often than not, aren't exactly desiderable.
I personally, have mixed feeling with them, on one hand they may be extremely obnoxious, on the other they give a distinct feeling of progression, rather than "grind for 90 hour at tier 1, jump straight into tier 50, everything inbetween be damned"

look at the response
>hurr I don't care you don't liek my change
>durr I send all people with crashes to you, not my problem

Error: equivocal statement
Define origin of "response"

vimeo.com/15103971 Wow, that was a really comfy video.

>aren't exactly desiderable
That's up to the end user to decide

Thing is, someone modifies thing, things break down the line, other user encounter broken thing, user that encountered broken thing REEEEEEs at mod maker.

>mfw no easy sheckels anymore

Still up to the end user. Authors aren't required to respond to anything ever.

uhm, pic...

Even though the mod (and modder) might get a undeserved reputation as "that mod that always fucks up and the author is a retard"?

>kikeout market keeps spiraling down

If it means more usability then yes. Either go all out for the public or make it entirely private, half measures like this only end up hurting the only thing that matter, the end users.

>88mm cannon on wheels is below 2500 score
At least that guy couldn't aim, choose targets, maneuver or move with the rest of the team.

Didn't he laid out a bunch of rules for what to and what not to do when making alterations?

It's a good thing maybe in a year's time $10 will buy you a shiny car with penis score to rival the fattest whale and the game will become fun

>>two T3 productivity modules everywhere, solid fuel is turned into rocket fuel, which is burned for refinery's steam input
I was reminded that rocket fuel is made in a machine that can accept up to four modules.
Redoing the calculations using three T3 productivity modules and 1 T3 speed module in the rocket fuel assembler(s), I get:

1 coal produces net gain of 0.06231467 rocket fuel, consuming 2600.90879 kJ electricity in the production.
The net gain is reduced to 0.039195481 rocket fuel if it's burned to provide the electricity for its own production.
Thus 8000 kJ fuel value is turned into 8818.98317 kJ (110% of original) fuel value, a net gain of 818.98317 kJ per coal.

So provided you can afford the modules, coal liquefaction can be used as a magic machine that increases available fuel value of coal.

Yes and that's the problem

>at the end of the month

He's the one getting bad press, he's the one who's gonna get blamed because some faggot admin couldn't comprehend why being retard is bad and one shouldn't go full retard.
It could be handled better, but it's his mod and he's the one who needs to keep it alive.

I get the feeling that they forgot to add a 0 on the number of brawls needed for each part

There's very few admins that are actually that retarded. Are you just playing devils advocate to be contrarian?

If he was getting 5 messages daily about his mod being fucked up by fucked up admins, it means there's quite a bunch of retards out there.

>very few admins that are actually that retarded
>when talking about minecraft server owners

Everyone who plays memecraft in [current year] is a retard by definition

Getting fucked up because he installed DRM preventing them from using a mod that let them customize their own mod experience.

few Proper admins
teenagers and younger do not count

Doesn't the code just cause rotarycraft to be disabled though?

What is the best? Bob's mods or Angel's mods?



It's all his mods. And Minetweaker is used to fix crafting conflicts between mods with identical or broken recipes. It's like a game refusing to install because you have cheat engine or a JSON editor on your computer.

>It's like a game refusing to install because you have cheat engine or a JSON editor on your computer.
>windows 10, year 2018

So both at the same time? I don't think I'm ready for that much autism.

>windows 10, year 2018, every developer is now an emotionally stunted furry too

>I don't think I'm ready
you will

are you talking about minecraft

We're watching the trash heap burn and being thankful we never got thrown on

Good news:
Title is On Your Mark
Bad news:
It's a music video by Ghibli, so like 6 minutes long, that's all

did you take into account the power drain of the extra moduled assemblers?

>but teens and youngs don't count REEEEE
are you being retarded on purpose?

Any /egg/ clan with available space on Crossout ?

I'm not sure I understand.
The 2600 kJ electricity consumed includes refineries, chemical plants and assemblers.

#1 full :/

ok then

first is full, but since there is /egg/cord you can just add all madmen to friends and add them to squad from there

Shame there's no way to make minecuck be 3d factorio without a gorillion monetized mods.

>open world infinifactory when

Pirate them, duh.


>KSP got bought by taketwo interactive
>they're infamous for microtransactions
>a few weeks later an article comes out that taketwo isn't charging their players enough
>KSP will soon be a microtransaction riddled piece of shit instead of a normal piece of shit

Point at them and laugh

the post was about Admins, not players
the players are shit no matter where you go

all utterances of catdick shitposting niggeropolis must burn
No mercy

my point remains.
this is [$currentYear], admins with any knowledge need not apply

dog washineering?