what are your weaknesses? What do you say to this? Last interview I said grades/academics, since my grades in college sucked. This good answer or retarded thing to say?
Interview tips? weaknesses
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Doing your mom
What role do you see yourself in 5 years from now?
Your job
I jest but seriously, be sure to bring up politics in the first few minutes as an ice breaker. It also wastes time so they're grilling you for less total time.
Asian girls with daddy issues
Pick something that's a weakness but also a strength.
> I focus quite seriously on my work, and sometimes can get tunnel vision and not pay attention to what's happening around me like conversations.
This is an actual weakness that has possible repercussions in the workplace, but it's a manageable one that they'll like due to your work ethic. Anything along those lines is a good answer, as long as the rest of your interview isn't shit.
I'm a bit of a perfectionist. For me, its either the best or nottin a'tall. If things get a bit dodgy I just cannot be bothered!
i say my biggest weakness is that i always tell the truth. (Which is true)
Then i give examples of why thats a negative and positive. When i worked retail i would tell people if the shoes they were buying were cheaply made or id they could wait a week because theres a sale coming up. Which near term hurt profit margins of the company but long term that person will respect my honesty and come back because i was straight up with them
In an older role of mine, I regularly groomed some of my reports for advancement, and also conducted a lot of interviews, so I'll give what I always said if they asked this question, which it looks like someone already did; Say you can sometimes get too focused on the job in-front of you, which may lead to hitting dead ends, or missing the bigger picture. This is good for entry-level, but absolutely not one to use in very unlikely event they'd ask this for more upper roles.
More common of a question for upper roles would be "What kind of manager do you see yourself as?" which the answer should always be "I see my self as a leader who delegates. There's no way I can do everything myself, so I find it important and most effective to develop a team where everyone has responsibilities where they can not only be held accountable, but also show and develop their strengths."
>leadership: check
>teamwork: check
>responsible: check
>developing team members: check
>holding team accountable: check
My favorite though, but only applies to guys, is when anyone is nervous before an interview I always tell them that when they're brought in for the interview, just unzip their pants and slam their dick on the desk, tell them that's your resume. Always kills the nerves, haha.
I always turn my weakness into a strength. For example, I often use the "im not a naturally organised person, however i have been making a conscious effort to improve on this by keeping a digital calendar and keeping notes".
my weakness is that i never squat
but i make up for it with deadlifts
"Im not a morning person. I prefer to show up at 10 and stay longer in the evening"
Thats better than any "I work too hard" bullshit. They know its a lie.
>I keep work at work along with my relationship with the co-workers, sure i may chit-chat with them during the break but never really bother to see them outside of work.
They don't want actual weaknesses you retards, and they don't want weaknesses which can be perceived as strengths like "I work too hard haha".
They want a mixture of honesty and a demonstration of competence in the face of your perception of your own weakness, and only if it's relevant to the role i.e. weaknesses which you're aware of and which you strive to better, so that you can make the company more money.
E.g. as a programmer "My knowledge of language/concept x isn't as good as I'd like it to be, but I'm pursuing a course in x at night, and I read about x daily and contribute to x's open source community, attending conferences also. You can see my contributions to project x on my Github."
This, they want to see that you can look at yourself and see where you need to improve -- and that you do it.
The interview is over. Call me when you got something interesting to ask.
>Bangs the door
>what are your weaknesses?
your mom
I am a perfectionist and as a result am often times unhappy with my work, however this motivates me to continuously improve my efforts.
Dont you feel disgusted by the jelly flubby feeling of your leg?
I seriously hope you don't think this bullshit is a good answer
it's the most standard answer possible
It's literally what every retard says and no one falls for it
You niggas always overthink this shit. Just be honest. Consider what personality flaws you have that would be relevant in the world of business. A good one you can default to is say you have difficulty being confrontational.
My boss actually went to an interview yesterday and told us what she loves to see. (I work for a 15-20 billion dollar company) She LOVES it when you say you could be better at time management. This is because literially everyone suffers from it and you are being hnest. Anyone who pulls the, "oh my weakness is being too good at my job" is actually cut out becasue they are seen as untrustworthy. Pick a weakness everyone has.
As soon as you say you're a perfectionist, they will no longer take you seriously becasue it is such a bullshit answer. If you are a perfectionsit, there are bigger weaknesses and you are trying to sound good, and if you arent youre just lying and they can see right through that shit
I tell them I'm pretty shy at first and sometimes have a hard time speaking my opinion in a group but that it's gotten much better now that I have a few years of experience. And that it gets especially easy when I get comfortable with the team.
That's pretty honest and shouldn't be that much of a deal breaker since it's fairly neutral.
>She LOVES it when you say you could be better at time management
to me this is just as meaningless an answer as "I'm a perfectionist", if you can't plan your day or manage your time by the time you get out of college you should get your shit together, if this is your answer at least tell them you're flexible enough to adapt to changes in your schedule
t. someone working for a 120 billion dollar company
Any place that asks those dumb fucking questions is a place you don't want to work.
My current employer is a small business and they really stressed that they valued honesty. So when they asked me about my weaknesses:
- I can get lazy at times, especially if the work isn't engaging
- I get hyperfocused on particular problems if they are engaging
- I over-communicate when I'm unsure
Despite these, they hired me. The response has been that "a lazy sysadmin is a good sysadmin", I get told (shouted at almost) to go take lunch and they have appreciated my level of communication.