Fighting Games General /fgg/
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Reminder that the concurrent player count for SFV on Steam is inflated.
Reminder that SFV and T7 are identically bad. Both have horrendous input lag, terrible online experience, a lack of character variety, and sparse on features.
Reminder that if you promote either of these games you're a fighting game community killing scrub equal to a Smash kiddie.
Why are smash players so autistic?
Top sniff
how would sfv ruin Oro, if he ever gets in
You won't see his junk. That's it.
his combos are now, xx special move
stubby normals
what do you look like in real life
Is Highwaystar Sam Hyde?
Can't jump without v trigger or something equally retarded
I want to be Asuka and get sniffmolested by Lili
Which Tekken 7 character has the easiest time switching sides? I want to intentionally throw people out of their element.
that's off topic
>Lili wants Asuka so much she moved into her house
Talk about thirsty
Sim and Chip can teleport all over the screen.
>lmao akuma spam so cheap
>you didn't sidestep once
>wtf I forgot about that
Actually being able to whiff punish in Tekken feels pretty good after a year of Jive.
>there are poor saps on this thread who never heard the part about KBD where to have a functional grasp of the technique you only need to be able to do it twice quickly
Like, after hearing that i just mastered doing the flick movement and it's real easy to create space
I'm sure its situationally useful to be able to be quickly fullscreen with 10kbds in a row but i would think for a newer player you would just want the bare minimum of whats good
I don't know where the stubby normals meme came from. Only people with stubby normals are the shotos, Nash and Gief, and it's only stupid for the first ones to have them.
are people often on voice chat online?
/fgg/ believes you shouldnt play a fighting game or a certain character if you can't do what the pros do without dropping it ever
I, too, would purchase Asuka.
I was lied to, /fgg/. The customization in tekken sucks ass. No long hair options for females, no own skin colors, barely any character specific costumes. It sucks.
She is, user, she truly is.
Shaheen has that slide move that does the trick. Or just do a screw attack with anyone and run over top of them to the other side.
I'm sorry /fgg/ but as I get better and better at tekken 7 I realize must also leave you behind
>tfw some shitty Hwoarang mashes buttons in your face all day and you're too shit at KBD to get out
What's a screw attack?
That is exactly what it feels like playing against Josie.
S-tier whores need not apply
One of those moves that sends them flying and spinning. It should create enough distance to start a run.
t. rose main
When was Rose ever S-tier nigga?
>Still haven't unlocked the shotgun
when people didn't know the mu at the beginning of ultra
I told myself for years that I was mentally stable and completely unaffected by the messages posted here but I believe that Veeky Forums and most specifically fgg has had a very negative impact on my subconscious.
I never used to get very angry at fighting games until browsing this gen, never used to feel worthless after losses. Never was so unenthused to try new games before. Never felt like I had to get so amazing at the game just to have fun. I used to just play, learn over time, and have fun. I think realizing this is what's most important is best for anyone who does actually want to improve. It's still a game, have fun.
>when you lose like 20-0 to elven shadow
are you guys bored of tekken 7 yet
>tfw I didn't know you could use the bat to repel akuma's fireballs
You can do WHAT
Just telling how it is.
Hwo and Josie feel extremely similar to play against.
no double jump outside of v trigger
thats is why I just throw pizza
you can also use any item projectile to get rid of them
I still get meter like I hit you though :^))))))))
Josie has like the same mixup over and over and over, Hwoarang I don't even know
although I found out a bunch more ways to get into Switch stance so you better bite the pillow senpai
Apparently it can also crash the game on PS4 if there's more than one fireball and you get hit by one of them. Not sure if that happens on PC.
*blocks your path*
Oh boy, more fuel for the shitposters
Ill just come back in a few hours
>starts the bat animation before Akuma even begins to throws fireball
make a webm of you doing it on reaction
i did it
i am retiring from ranked forever
holy shit
I'm not falling for that throw shit anymore
Man Tekken is so much fun as long as you aren't playing against faggot characters that are too overwhelming at low level.
Unless the rumored SSFV changes the gameplay in a very big manner (which, let's be honest, is very unlikely), SSFV will just be more of the same.
Also people have to consider that it isn't just the input lag to deviate the current gameplay over prediction rather than reaction. It's definitely a big reason, but not the only one. The other reason why the gameplay is more built around prediction than reaction has also to do with the way they designed animations. The animations are overly long and aren't really well thought out to be focused on a reactionary game. It's one of the reasons why they decided to change Ryu's cr.hp animation, even though someone could argue that it looks worse than before.
josie looks cute in biker clothing
Yep. We're getting a shit ton of stuff as DLC but it's paid, part of the season pass and all that
>James Chen doesn't sniff post with us anymore
I feel like I got left behind
Why is this imagery so fucking funny
>ebay already full of used copies of tekken 7
>make a webm of you doing it on reaction
Why? What do you want me to prove? I don't use the bat and that is a webm of the guy who found the glitch.
>bullying casuals who just like to play the story
>implying this doesn't happen with literally every game
I hate looking at this goofy dude.
Evens: Panda
Odds: Kuma
it's a taunt, it's just a nice touch that happens.
its a fucking feature stupid the bat reflecting projectiles has existed since tekken 5
ssfv will be new CAs for everyone, new moves for some chars and framedata changes.
fuck off 16
No you retard. There's a glitch if there's more than one fireball.
Are you that fucking dense you can't read everything before posting? Specially on
>only game i'm looking forward to is MvCI
>it's 3 months away
It's beautiful.
>Pot can YRC hammerfall into buster
so Pot is low tier because what again?
>year 2017
>fighting games everywhere on every platform
>"hurrdurr I only wanna play one that's not out"
Found the Sniffshitter.
hmm yeah hmm lemme thin about it what could be his weakness hmmmmm cant think of anything solid high-mid tier character
because it's still a hard call that will lose to backdash or jump
HF yrc just becomes unreactable so if they haven't started to avoid they have to take it
You can YRC Heat Knuckle to call out the jump but backdash is much harder to call out
you can sometimes 5h/6h to make the read but it doesn't always work
>says webm has the "glitch"
>what is in the webm is actually just a feature
*Gorilla noises*
People WILL defend this. Pathetic.
the fighting games i like are dead bro
show me the buttons
2S doesn't have vacuum
has to be on the receiving end of every character's bullshit and learn to how to deal with it
Are those first two hits even a natural combo?
>says webm has the "glitch"
Where did I say that? Do you even see two fireballs in the webm? I'm sorry you're too stupid to read, user.
they are, it's 21f and -16
Josie's breast physics are crazy.
don't patronize me I have autism you selfish asshole
capcom fighters are only somewhat worth it 1 year after release
my win rate in tekken is embarrassingly low
that roster tho
Built my first rig(aka my friends did it) and I ordered Tekken to it and it's pretty fun to play it in 1080p at 60fps(previous console pleb here, handt play vidya for this past 6 years but fuck me is it fun on the PC)
anyways, I had a Street Fighter IV FightStick TE for the xbox 360 and decided to try it, my PC reads it but doesnt play since it says it lacks a driver, I searched for it but nothing.
Meanwhile, I can use a xbox 360 controller all fine.
I tried to download the driver for the controllers of xbox 360 but didnt do shit either and windows troubleshooting can't find it
what the fuck do I do? the D-Pad on the controller makes me want to kill myself
The very first TEs have issues on modern chipsets. You might need to buy an extra USB card for that. I think they arent expensive, like ten bucks at most.
>believing a leak when the game itself will literally be playable in 4 days
yeah ok pal
As Claudio, what do I want to be using Starburst for? Which moves are useful and which are a waste?
Just play on keyboard desu
why do you always play the oddball characters
The first edition of TE's don't work with PC. If you want a good first stick and are willing to replace parts then get a Venom arcade stick, swap out the buttons and joystick for Sanwa parts. Or you could buy a Brook PCB and replace the TE stick PCB.
Sturmscharführer Chloe puts an end to the degeneracy.
Just googled this:
Maybe that works.
what evne is the point anymore
why wouldnt i believe