/opgg/ - One Piece (Games) General

Last Thread: Storm Pirates edition


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>May 31 - Jun 2: Legend Enel Sugofest (QCK Boosted)
>May 30 - Jun 15: Unlockable FNs
>Jun 5 - 8: Rayleigh Socket Island
>Jun 8 - 15: x2 Meat
>Jun 10 - 12: x2 Skill up
- Coliseum - (Invasion Cavendish)
>May 24 - Jun 12: Shiryu (NEW) / McGuy (NEW) / Jozu / Zephyr / Coby
>May 25 - Jun 6: Kanjuro / Apoo / T- Bone / Kuro / Musshuru
- Fortnights -
>May 16 - 30: Shirahoshi
>May 25 - Jun 1: Whitebeard Pirates Pt.1 (RANKING) / Pt. 2 / Pt. 3
>May 30 - Jun 13: Blackbeard Pirates (NEW)
>Jun 1 - 8: Count Butler / GRAN TESORO / Breed
>Jun 8 - 15: Dr Indigo / Sadie / Marguerite
- Raids - (Invasion Shanks)
>Jun 2 Enel / Ivankov
>Jun 8 - 15: Daily CYO INT Doffy
>Jun 5 Kuma

>May 15 - Jun 5: Story Character FP Recruit

- Coliseum -
>May 24 - Jun 11: Hawkins / Vista / Ace / Apoo / Alvida
- Fortnights -
>May 23 - Jun 6: Donquixote Kids (NEW)
>May 26 Jun 6: Halloween Pt. 2
>May 30 - Jun 6: YVivi / Wanze / Butler
>Jun 2 - 9: Halloween Pt. 1
>Jun 6 - 20: Sadie / CobiMeppo / Deadend / Mr 3
- Raids -
>Jun 1: Aokiji (Shanks)
>Jun 4: Kizaru (Shanks)
>Jun 9 - 11: Mihawk

>wake up
>no Carrot

Sengoku best legend! 6+ soon!

Soon my friend. We're getting Nightmare Luffy raid so your waifu will be added soon.

Up to this day I still don't understand what the shit his fruit is supposed to do and no one will give me a straight answer.

I'm just wondering what the new wake up meme will be after carrot

There's always the lack of skillup increase or Chopperman to meme about

Thanks for doing this. Luckily the OP really doesn't need much changing, just removal of some events, which isn't a problem

he turns him into a fukcking buddha, whats not to get?

>One Piece's 20th anniversary soon
>we still know nothing about Shanks' abilities and power
fucking hell

Comfiest teams for Tesoro 40 stamina?

>this fuckin fuji with lv 1 resilience
is this real life?

I used eh... TNami (and friend TNami or Whitey), Int Robin, Intvankov and 2 others I forgot
probably GPU and just another int unit or maybe raid Doffy idk
remember he has 100% drop in 40 stamina

>Legend Leecher
>Dies to fodder stage

You really try Kizaru when you're that bad at this game?

I already got like 20 copies with this team, what killed me was the bad orbs on the first stage and 4 fodders with 1 CD. And Coby saved this run anyway.

We better get a sick Sugo

6+ Lucci soon.

Avatarfags should really kill themselves. Especially when they're /jp/ retards.

We can't really fault people for not pulling legends.

We can start doing that when the guaranteed legends after 3 multis is introduced.

Probably. If they repeat the order the next + is STR and out of those Lucci needs it the most.
mfw it's Sakazuki

>it's Sakazuki
Fuck. Knowing Bamco it will be him.

What would they have to change to make Lucci good? All I can think is a small HP boost and making RCV/TND orbs matching

Not exactly. He turns into a Buddha statue, that's why his golden and not ridiculous OP.

1.25x hp, drop the rcv bullshit, make his special randomize orbs when activated, lower the cd because 25>15 is fucking stupid.

Lucci is on the fringe between trash and great. All he needs is a slight push, his boost is amazing, 2.5x with no matching, and 3x with. He just needs to balance out his no RCV with maybe a bit of HP, and having a slightly better special, like it being able to shuffle orbs, or have it be a higher chance of matching or have it make TND/RCV matching, maybe have it deal 15 hits of damage.
He is a great captain, just not on the level of broken ones.

What color is the next in the legend super evolution rotation?

>Gladius, who gives himself an orb, in one of the positions that is given an orb by Coby

You didn't think this team through did you?


I just move his meat to fuji then use the especial.

Well yes but what is that suppose to entail? What does being a buddah give you? Invulnerability? Super strength? A huge dick that makes BBC look like a micro penis? Shoot laser beams from your hands? As it stands Sengoku's fruit just makes him a huge target.


How much target switching do you need to do for invasions Shanks or Cavendish?

With Shanks it depends on the cd of the mobs in battle one
You're either gonna have a cakewalk a close call or half your health taken away because fuck we all decided to spawn in with a cd of 2

Shanks stage one can be a pain, Caven depends on your team

The shit I have to go through for some Shanks copies...

One other thing, I'm pretty bad at hitting shit with blindness, am I fucked on Benn Beckman?

It highly depends on your team. If you go with Double TS Zoro for example, you have more than enough health and mob-clearing specials to go through, if you go with something like Borsalino then you're gonna have it rougher. Some teams have an easier time than others.

>storm pirates idolizing bullshit again
Not posting in this shitty thread

The single Bowling Zoro stage in T.Bone's colo is fucking bullshit. I have no fucking clue how to beat it because I don't have the right rainbow boosters to use with a friend BB.

Is that the one that oneshot counters you? Pain in the ass

Doesn't he fully silence your friend captain anyway? Try with a friend Sanji and units to boost him while also clearing his hit shield.

But user you just did. Stop being autistic and lets have fun. Post your nightmare Luffy team.

No I was having a good day but you guys keep trying to revive old bad means that terrorized this general for fucking months and were never funny. I'm just gonna be mad and play tekken

Yeah, I hate this kind of stage.
I used a Shiryu team to beat it but you can't do that if you don't own it yourself.

you can use Sanji, now that he exists this was prob the hardest pre-boss stage so far but sanji should make it a little easier

I feel like I could run a double Aisa team and still beat NM at this point

Post your Nightmare Luffy team you fuck! Tekken is for losers.

Hey, now Kuma also works.

should have used Blackbeard as a friend captain you dingus.

Post your Tesoro Teams

>there are anons who put dr on swAce
Holy shit even r*dditors know better

>you cant have dr3 and orbs 2 on ace teams

Haha yeah, the good old "farm 30 raid copies for a rainbow chest to finally appear only for it to be a skull you don't need".
How I love this game!

>Not whaling for Ray points so you can just buy one


Is this the poster Duval drops?

So, anyone planning on gemming for any of the movie fortnights, whether for skillbooks or the characters themselves?

A happy Carrot is a cute Carrot!

How does the movie stuff works? You need to use unevolved versions of the characters listed only?


Read the news coo you fuck.

Don't be stupid.

I'm so lost. Even if you misinterpreted something in the news coo, I still have no idea what part you're even referring to.

Featured Characters
The Following characters are stealing the spotlight! Use them in each clash!! to gain the upper hand!
(Only pre-evolution characters listed below)

Clash!! Zephyr
-Trafalgar Law - Worst Generation (PSY)
-Franky - Straw Hat Pirates: Reunited (PSY)
-Tony Tony Chopper - Birdie Kingdom Peace Broker (PSY)

Clash!! Shiki
-Monkey D. Luffy - Straw Hat Pirates: Reunited (QCK)
-Marco - Whitebeard 1st Div. Commander (QCK)
-Gladius (QCK)
-Sugar (QCK)

Clash!! Tesoro
-Nami - Fine Tempo (INT)
-Whitey Bay (INT)

Manuals for the Straw Hats are up for grabs in movie-themed adventures! Take on these quests to beef up the Straw Hats on your crew and boost their specials!

So my question is do I need to use the unevolved versions of those characters on my teams for the clash to get manuals to drop?

Restate the question you fuck
Nobody can understand that trainwreck of English

What I typed is from the fucking news coo you stupid fuck! Go open it and read you illiterate bush rat!

No, they are just recommending units. The last part is most likely talking about movie fortnights that drop 3d2y zoro/sanji books

I thank you for so diligently copying the info from the news coo so that you can't back out when I say
No that isn't what it said, youre just retarded and got confused and forgot what words mean. Even someone new wouldve known better

How the fuck is it actually possible to not have gotten a single wb book since HW hats started? Why the fuck is whitebeard the absolute most dog shit legend to fucking max. I. Fucking. Hate. This. Shit. Game.

I already burnt out on skilling up TS Luffy
looking forward to the slow june ahead

It's not just you, even from the last one I didn't see a single Rayleigh book in all my farming

>got 8 off natural stam


Oh okay, thank you.


Fucking tell me about it

Its almost summer boys,how did they get away with pic related?Who can we expect this year?

I need this character

As delicious as such characters are, I wish they were more useful so I could put them in some teams.


expect Reiju
Also they get away with it because its Japan



Make a new thread

So here they are, my 30 shanks for the last 6 skill ups I need.

Here are some statistics if you are interested
Aokiji: 36 runs/15 shanks/2 blue skulls
Kizaru: 48 runs/15 shanks/ 3 red + 3 blue skulls

As you can see shanks had around 42% chance of appearing after aokiji, while obly 31% chance after Kizaru.

Another thing I noticed is that first 5 shanks copies were really easy to get for each raid (around 75% invasion rate), while the other 10 took fucking forever. I have noticed the same thing with YWB whom I have maxed. Seems the invasion chance is diminishing slightly with the number of runs.

As for skulls, they seem to have a 27% chance to drop from invasion shanks. However I haven't got a single one from YWB.

Wait did we get the black turtles yesterday? Or am I being extra retarded and it's supposed to be a different Monday or I just forgot and completely missed it

Jp appears to be having some changes to raids. Were getting 3 raids a week from now and and perhaps int doffy is the first of many "remastered" raids.

yeah I think even in JP invasions of the corresponding color appear more often in raids that are that color

good luck with those skillups, I've been a bit slower, I have a total of 30 as well, but my splvl is 1

I'll eventually get there

Global team literally killed the game, so fucking ded.

It's TF2 all over again.

You just wait!
Like the Pyro update will be the biggest update ever and revive and redeem TF2 completely, the french anniversary/20 years OP will give us skill up increase, chopperman missions and constant invasions (and increased legend drops.)

>Literally no fucking time to farm fortnights ever
I kinda miss dead weeks so I could farm story mode

it's all a plot to make you buy more gems

>tfw max raids so you think you're done with them until a new one (maybe only when you pull RR version of a raid character)
this fucking game

It's not gems what I need to buy, it's time. There are only so many hours in a day.

>just realized I could have actually defeated Shanks, but forgot about Colo Killer's existence

fuck me

How many raids did jp have on a weekly basis before?


Did anyone receive a prize from the Japanese Lottery? They were supposed to be given yesterday, but they haven't made any announcement and I've yet to see someone post a screen of any prize.

I got a slap in the ass from bamco senpai
it felt good

>fortnight about to end
>cobra still missing 1 AH socket