best wife edition
League of legends general /lolg/
Other urls found in this thread:
Vi is my wife.
this doesnt look like Lulu at all..
Lulu is for Veigar and Tristana is for Teemo!
What hero annoys you greatest?
gimme red
xth for breast metal waifu
Out fucking skilled.
Didn't you see all the action per minute he did there?
He fucking outplayed you kid, lean how to play and stop being so fucking salty ok?
We need these dipshit artists to realise that these women look so much better without piercings.
>wanting a person that has 11 personalities in her head
You are crazy.. rolling
And whitout those ugly shaved sides.
Best girl.
Best plushies.
Best wife.
fire lux is cum loving semen demon
water pls
rolling for 6 or 2
but magma is more experienced in bed.
Give me a good one
Alright man I have tried this a couple ways and it looks awkward as fuck with Kindred's mask and I really don't want to give her a generic animu girl face instead.
I think I'm gonna go with something else on this one, sorry. I'll do a Lamb one separately in the future.
Between one where Riven is being used by her lane opponent in a position akin to this:
Or one where Riven is dealing with her adoring fans in a gangbang.
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
> Decide to watch Scarra
> hear anime music
> immediately close window
Fuck I hope none of you are gay like this
100% Fiora
>true dmg
>ability to block all abilities and summoner spells
>project skin
it just doesnt get any worse than that
>vital on her side bro? oh damn better walk out of xp range to reset it
>wow for hitting that amazing dash you get a chance to make another BIG PLAY DASH
I don't mind sidecuts at all, those are fine. But nose rings are dumb as hell.
Riven getting fucked in the ass by 20 stacks cho while he is chocking her with his tongue.
I'd play kpop music in my stream if I had one
Hot off the presses. It's pretty amusing seeing a zed autist go nuclear after he fucks up
Fiora absolutely fucking disgusts me.
It's criminal how many get out of jail free cards she has.
everyone in this webm is a dumb cunt
>tfw no qt NA /lolg/ gf to cosplay as Elise for me during sex
>or Zyra
>or Shyvana
>or Nami
>or the occasional Xayah or Ahri roleplay where I'm cucking Rakan or Ahrifag
I wish Riot would give me Blood Moon Zyra already.
am i missing something why did zed go back in??
I-I can be your gf (male) if you want
I can be a trap for you user-sama.
Who do i pick when im autofilled support and first pick?
Because it's silver elo
gotta bm with that mastery 7 man :^)
>plat 2 Yas player sucks at Zed in a normal
Gee who would have guessed
Brand or Zyra.
Any other champ is shit support
>every lane has advantage
>bot starts feeding
>they start blaming me (jungle)
>mid starts feeding
>top doing fine but loses after all 5 of them go top
>lose baron and herald because teamates are feeding
>told them exactly what not to do (dont fight, dont try to fight, back the fuck up there is a ww in your sight and youre too retarded to see it, push X lane)
>lose because they jsut cant seem to listen to simple directions
even with a lead they fucking blew it
(karma preferably)
you pick a champion you've trained in normals and that isn't pickbanned
Go sona or soraka and pray that your adc (which is probably just 10% of all adcs) knows how to play passive.
You are now roommates with the three champs you have the highest mastery score with for the next 3 years.
How fucked/awesome is your life now?
>Forces me to improve myself and mocks me no matter what I do.
>Pretty quiet dude honestly unless you touch his stuff. Is always out at night. Will occasionally come across him dragging his "art" through the house. But the two of you don't talk about that.
>A lot like Darius with much less mocking. More then happy to lend a helping hand when doing stuff around the house. He jokes will eventually give you PTSD.
Yeah that could work I needed a bigger guy anyway.
anyone else watching scarra
>Go Sona or Soraka and pray your adc
>Not going mage support and just carry his ass
Have fun staying in gold with your shit waifus
No I'm JOing right now
>burn stuff
>Blow stuff
>Make stuff bigger
Chris Hansen
>Make me take sit.
why not to scarra he's T H I C C
So I have 3 new pets? Probably be found dead within 5 minutes let alone 3 years
worst post ITT
Don't lump the manga into the same category is trap fuccbois. At least he's mentally stable.
I love Poppy! She is the cutest and I wish she could be my wife!
This is true isn't it?
what if taliyah and jinx hugged?
I want to main her but I feel a bit scared because her kit is pretty complicated.
Why is literally every thread either lissandra or lulu
He's pretty chill. Kind of depressed though
Waifu time
Goddamn guy keeps eating all the food. Also he takes up too much space
I'm pretty sure he'd be a nice guy, since we both would compare techniques regarding art but his art is spookier
She would be out every now and then, and bring a shitload of things when she comes back, but wouldn't be in the mood to joke around for a while
he'd be like "It's all about me baby!" and annoy Jhin
The fucking Yeti of Terror. Useless blob of health that nicks everything that isn't nailed to a wall. I could break him any day because he has Tabi at best but he snowballs me, runs away and looks for more shit to steal. And when I try to get his raptors to send a message he does Herald. Then he moves to a tower tanks 5 tower shots, presses R and he calls that a gank and it works.
>900 games of a champion
>Silver 2
they are hopeless.
I don't know how to feel about this
Not even in the slightest.
she looks tired!
because the threads are made by two same faggots.
If you have played mid or top then just pick one of those champs
Otherwise just pick Janna and press E
What matters is they're learning and didn't sell their soul to be allegedly high elo
I want off Mr.HighPlats wild ride
considering I also live with my gf, I'm basically in a slice of life ecchi anime now. I wonder how many holes sej is gonna put in the walls.
not even remotely
an impressive display of autism
how the fuck do you have rakan in your top 3 when there are champions that have been out literally years longer than him. you're a bullshit liar, is what you are.
Lulu is my STAR!
He would teach how to make really good pastries
He would teach you how to be a real man
same as gank but teasing you all the time.
>tfw there are people who actually believe this
>i-i could be diamond if I played soraka
like holy shit lmao
It does not take 900 games. That is acutal, high spectrum autism. At that point, you need to uninstall. They cant evwn get to gold 5 for a free skin. Its sad.
I've been playing Talon a bunch recently, and I keep noticing that sometimes in fast fights the enemy team seem to be able to see me after ulting. And not just the shimmer thing but being able to target me with autos and abilities.
Just took a webm of it happening. Can anyone tell me why I suddenly become visible a second after ulting?
>screenshot of 3 completely unrelated posts
You could actually, though.
What elo you are as support is not dictated by you but others. It's not a real role in that it has no impact on its own.
whats the difference between a gold soraka main and a diamond soraka main
their boyfriend's elo
rec me some cheap fun top lane champs.
It's less that and more the fact they have to let everybody know.
>yo uh I could be higher if I tried but I'm just playing to have fun
>seven hundred games of Vayne in Silver, you know how it is
>breh all these people who just play fotm baka
They seem to exist in every game, desu.
and in life now that I think about it, hm
Yasuo or Riven. They're cancer but really fun
So how do they determine which player to hire for world-level teams as a support
And why do these players reach diamond on a 90% winrate while most "support" mains don't ever reach plat
I'm not adding to the aids user
MF, TF, Talon
>MF and TF have a lot of cash to throw around while I clean their shit, keep the house nice, and cook
>Talon sleeps all day and goes out all night so I never see him
>strip poker with MF with TF rigging the game
>sketchy pirate folk come and go
>can get TF to help out with transportation
>Talons bf comes over sometimes
not bad, id probably get shot by MF eventually tho
You realise that user is talking out if his ass, right?
>that border
m-muh dick!
he's most likely baiting but I answer anyway because there's always somebody around that genuinely has that opinion
>Talon (Ignite)
Kill people level 2
Make melee want to neck themselves. Also get a double when ganked.
>Nunu, AP e-max
Play him like Pantheon. Smack minions for passive stacks to make snowballs bigger.
would you impreg Lulu for 1 milion dollars?
Remember tho Riven is aids because of shitters not because she's op. Playing a champ that has to try a bit harder than Irelia or Darius is pretty fun.
dunno, does it matter? You talk like it matters who the support even is when it doesn't.
Just shut the fuck up and ward and get carried, that's support
you're getting hard at the sight of a 2D man?
you really need to get out and find a nice girl
and riven's!
I would do it for free
there are enough guys who would do it for free either way including me
>tfw 1 girl in my list got mad at another girl in my list because I was playing more with her
>tfw they always went batshit crazy when I was playing with the other one
I'm glad I deleted both a few months ago.
I have no intention in dying in the crossfire between 2 crazy hoes