where's the soundtrack you fucking degenerates
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward General
Grownman blush
Where are the XIV lewds?
with two or more targets, potency is reduced by 20% on every other target
so it goes from 70 a tick to 56 each tick on more targets
Redpill me on straight male catboy players
NIN 50-60 is one of the best 50-60 job quest lines but that's an incredibly low bar to get over considering most of them are garbage.
The cutscene for the level 60 quest alone is great for making you feel like the coolest thing ever.
That being said, Rogue is definitely one of the best questlines in general. I'm sad Jacke and the rest of the crew probably won't even get cameos over in weebland.
It was just a shit pirates vs ninjas gag.
Which they'd already covered in one of the 30-50 quests