/dsg/ - Demon's/Dark Souls General

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summon me

Just gonna shitpost before going to sleep to annoy that user that seemed to be tired of me.

last hitting

What, still here?

where I can buy some non-cringey dark souls/BB t-shirts?

Someone give me this retards game id so i can block him

top left is 11/10

from the faggot store where you do all of your shopping

This is a cool and nice sorcerer. I like him a lot.

So guys, does anyone here share the opinion that the default knight set, Vilhelm's Set and the Fallen Knight are all variations of the same armour and thus the Knight class is most likely to hail from Londor?


I love Orbeck too, user!

I actually kekd at some of them.

It's convergent evolution of armor designs just like irl, don't over think it


Still trying to find help for halflight and probably gael. PC, pass is dsg, SL68. Just put your sign outside the fog door if you want to help.
I'm mainly doing this to get the repeating crossbow, which I'll use to replace my black bow. On one hand, there are no dark or poison bolts, but on the other a bow isn't really as close to a gun as a crossbow. Which do you guys think fits better?

What, the Hot Topic style Dark Souls shirts not good enough for you?

>Make a faith character in DS2
>12 STR mace does the same or marginally less damage than 22 FTH lightning spear
>Mace is way faster and can be used more than 3 times

this spell is definitely worth only having 3 uses, its exactly as good as forbidden sun

I mean why not at least a cute Asian girl? That's a little too much to post and kind of gross

>no embers to indicate hosts
>still get instant invasions all over irithyll

I just found out that you can get Orbeck's coat and the Ruin Sentinel set is in TRC.

I feel so foolish.

on release, lightning spears were op af. they did a ton of damage even at modest fth levels and had like 20+ casts. in typical from fashion, they over nerfed it into uselessness.

What is the fastest way to farm a Flamberge in DS3?

I don't understand the equip burden system in 3. It seemed to do as it says on the tin in 1 and 2, but people are saying that I should be fast rolling under 70% equip burden, but I'm fat rolling whenever I go above 45%.

Nigga that's kawaii as fuck.

Halflight is much tougher with a summon. Just manup and go solo

He's still at it. I might seriously just message him I feel legitimately bad.

fat bag of money = fat girl

here's something else friend

fatroll is 70%+. fastroll is under 30%. i dont know what youre doing wrong.

>No good Zullie art that isn't footfaggotry

you're looking at the wrong numbers mate

you're looking at 45/55 carry capacity, which is well over 70%

Do the differences only change at 100, 70, 30, and 0; or are there other smaller effects that mathematically alter stuff at every percentage.

fastest is probably the thrall in undead settlement

I don't either. Even with 30 vitality, havel's ring +3 and fap +3, I can't even wear medium armor with an UGS and not fat roll.

0-30% have incrementally higher roll distances, but 0-70% the animation is the same.

Not really, having a guy to deal with the painting guardians makes the fight much easier. Then it basically becomes a regular 2v1 where the other guy has a perma-Lloyd's.

post a picture

Please sir. May I have another.

I want an item that turns off friendly fire for invaders

How about a spell/miracle that converts all phantoms in the area to mad phantoms for 1 minute.

It could be a level 2 covenant reward or something

not true

How the fuck is Halflight hard enough to be worthy of a summon in any way?

I killed him in half a minute. I actually unironically wish there was a proper Friede-style 3 phase Halflight fight. I love the music and his moveset, but he's just so fragile.

Painting a World using the Blood of the Dark Soul means it won't ever rot, but at the end of the day it's still just a haven for the forlorn, the people who have already been abandoned by the world.

That's what Gael and the Ashen One accomplished, and probably the only lasting fundamentally good thing that ever occurred in any of the Souls games, but it's still a very tragic thing that, at best, is making things slightly less shitty for people who have pretty much suffered immensely already.

Is it still worth doing? Depends on your perspective. I chose to let the fire fade on my first playthrough because I weighed the continued despair of the world versus the continued joy of the world and found the latter wanting. I mean, even in DS1, you heard of other lands and kingdoms that are still surviving, mayhaps even thriving. In DS3, all those kingdoms are gone, buried under shit, or completely mad down to a man. Everyone who matters is either insane, crestfallen, or content to watch the world get worse, everyone who doesn't matter is hollow as fuck, the gods are all dead or vanished, the world is turning into a lifeless grey desert of ash.

The only person who gets a happy ending is Patches, which says quite a lot.

I really wish more clothing in DS3 had these spat-like feet wraps.
Fire Keeper skirt gives these to you which is great.

Oh fuck that's gonna be boring as shit.
And it's a fucking DEX weapon too. Is it any good converted into Heavy / Refined or is Sharp the only sensible route?

It's called Aldrich

I would rather go the opposite route and enable it for hosts.

My bad, I actually have 25, but still. Does it have to be 70% of the number on the right and not literally 70%? They don't really explain it well.

I was re-reading item descriptions as I went through the game on my current playthrough. I've only just now realized that "daughter of crystal Kriemhild" doesn't mean that she's the daughter of someone (nick)named "crystal Kriemhild", but that she's Kriemhild with "daughter of crystal" as her nickname because she the favorite pupil of the sages.

Jesus christ I'm slow sometimes.

what will people like vaati do now that souls is dead?

I disagree.

Doesn't feel like a proper boss fight, though.

I had a lot of fun with Halflight. My opponent was some Carthus Flame Arc Washpole man and it was a great fight despite the painting guardians.

Just gotta learn to fight 2v1s. It's very possible.

under 70%. it literally says right there 73.4% you fucking stoner.

the percentage in the top right has to be 70.0% or less to have a mid-roll
30.0% or less for a fast roll
70.1% will make you fat roll

Oh, I see it now. Weight ratio up at the top, nowhere near the relevant equip burden area. Goddammit.

i'm mainly just awful at gank fights, even accounting for npcs. but maybe i should just go to rosaria and increase my vigor past 10.
i'm putting it back for NG+ though

The percentile indicator has to be under 70%.

Lol how can you be so bad.

Sharp does get better scaling I'm afraid.


oh boy


Are you literally retarded? It's in big white text in the corner of your screen with a clear indicator label.

I have no idea how they could make it any more obvious, christ

I feel like there's ultimately no point in letting the fire fade since you're literally just setting up the world for a new cycle.

The painted world is the only feasible way in the Souls universe of escaping the cycle.

Why the doors?

Prolly a PvE guy

Though I have no fucking idea how you can get to SL142 without understanding how equipment weight works

you underestimate the intelligence of many players in the Souls series

>This is one of the many mongoloids that browse /dsg/

Fucking gross.

Gimme a fucking break, they have the equip load listed on there twice, one being in a place where I'd never expect to find it given that it's already in the same place it usually is in the past games.

nearly everything except for str weapons are dex weapons now. Off the top of my head I can't think of a single infuseable weapon that has more AR at 40/40 than something like 18/62+ dex.

I didn't want the orb, I wanted to make a friend. Not my fault Leonhard is a dick.

>Painting a World using the Blood of the Dark Soul means it won't ever rot
[citation needed]

Latch on to From's next projects? Because it's happening soon.
Maybe Vaati will try to pull an ENB and go work on the guides going from a community guy to making their actual career on Fromsoft games.

It's okay user, we all make mistakes.

Speaking of mistakes, Shield of Want is not a very good shield.

Who has a sl 50 to 60 character on ps4? I need help.

it's actually a pretty good shield though. I wouldn't use it with a UGS, but it has 100 physical block and more stability than any other midshield aside from the BKS (although it's closer to the stone parma, which is infuseable).

If that's the case, there's ultimately no point in doing anything, which is my case. The only meaning is what you make of it, and that meaning is always going to be arbitrary. It's not nihilism so much as existentialism.

The Dark Painted World is a quaint idea, certainly. A cold, dark and gentle haven for the lost and the abandoned that will persist, forever.

It's bittersweet. In order to reach the one place in Dark Souls that won't suffer from the inevitable dissolution of entropy, you need to have been left behind by everything that mattered to you.



PvP or PvE?

You are SL142

That requires at least several hours of playtime if you already know the ins and outs of the game.

Im not going to give you a break, you cretin.

You got to 142 and had the knowhow to softcap stats at 40 with whatever guide you read.

Unless this is bait, then you're an imbecile for getting that far without noticing basic numbers on your screen.

Suck my dick.

>pyromancer isn't a good starting class for any of the inherent fire weapons
epic, can't wait to find out that lothrics holy sword also doesn't scale with faith

There's literally zero reason to make a faith build in DS2. The attack miracles are nerfed into garbage, extremely late game or both. The healing is pointless for PVE/co-op because of lifegems and invading never happens in DS2 so they can't benefit either. Even the buffs aren't really worth it.

Several hours of playtime, spent playing the game and not examining every detail of the menu in case one of the features that was previously in previous games was suddenly removed or put in a random location in the middle of nowhere.

Pure speculation on my part, user, just like everything else.

It makes sense to me, though, since while the Fire fades and suffers from constant diminishing returns, the Dark Soul seems to be doing just fine even at the very end of time, and a keystone of the series is that the natural state of beings who hold the Dark Soul is complete and total immortality.

Pyro is a good starting class even for a lot of faith weapons due to the int reqs they tend to have.

But it is incredibly blatant

Good lord, man

And there are no weapons with decent Faith scaling.


post it in his chat

yeah but sadly instead of 14/14 you're better off with base elemental requirements

i see ds1

It really isn't, though. Most of the important stats are in the bottom left and right corners of the menu, like they always have been. In previous games, when I wanted to know my equip burden, There was literally no reason for me to expect the devs to copy and paste the equip burden stat in two different locations, and only put the ratio near the one by the unimportant stats. Makes no sense at all.

Ever entertained the idea of being lobotomized?

She used flame too

That's daughter of Krystal krehild you mong looks nothing like zullie.

How would I know what Zullie looks like there's no fucking fanart

Stop blaming other people for your impressive ability to miss rudimentary things that other people had no trouble finding.

>it works on my machine (brain)