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Pale prince of 10% body fat edition
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Pale prince of 10% body fat edition
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based lulufags btfo
God Bless Lulufags will keep getting btfo.
Yi players explain yourselves
>get 4-5 dodges in a fucking row
>faggot gets autofilled jungle
>"wtf I put in top and mid"
>try to explain to the retard that there is a thing called auto-fill
>his faggot friend that is grouped with him says something like "Alexis are we inting or trying xD"
Why the fuck do I have to take a dodge timer if I don't want to deal with people that are literally just going to ruin my game just to ruin it?
>The dilapidated hovel of lulufags
Objective power rankings of LoL seasons
All women are to busy fucking chad thundercock to compete in lolisports
Is this the thread that I can finally post my Lulus?
You seem to have that list in completely opposite order
Unironically out played
How many fucking vladfags are there now?
Brain champion when?
how do I convince my little sister to play tanky supports like thresh/tahm? she only likes playing sona and soraka.
your skills are l i t e r a l l y inferior
Best girl.
Best hips.
Best wife.
I wouldn't touch Chad with a ten foot pole if he isn't a cute metal guy
whats the age difference? is it close enough to where you could put your penis in her?
i refuse
Speaking of webms, rate my penta lolg.
What does Sona milk taste like?
>get offrole adc
>pick ashe to just ult shit
>play like a nice cuck support and just pick people off with my ult, have more assissts than support
>deal most damage
Lulu is the sweetest! THE SWEETEST!
Mods musta ate some of Teemo's shrooms.
>still no void parasite champion like Abathur who just attaches himself to an ally and uses them as a conduit for his abilities
>can go down different evolution paths to either enhance tankiness or the targets damage output
Is it too much to ask for?
>Being this much of a nostalgiafag
she's in middle school
from last thread
my editing skills are truly paramount
this is your average yordlefucker
I love Poppy! I wish she was real so she could be my wife!
Also how do I improve my top lane lane phase? I know what to do during team phase and once I get items but I at best end up going barely even in lane.
Xth for Police Brutality
Tell her to try out Leona
ok that doesnt really answer the question you piece of shit
i dont subscribe to down syndrome bestiality dont slander me
when you cast a spell (this is any spell, mind you, not just Yi's Q) there's a short casting window before it fires. If the timer expires that spell is going to resolve no matter what happens to the champion- even if they're CC'ed or killed. Yi's cast timer expired right before your ult landed, so he got the damage and the effect of Alpha Strike. The only notable exception to this is being Snared, as many spells like Yi's Q have an exception coded into them to always cancel if they're Snared.
tl;dr you just entered the Yi Zone
I love it
t. xayah main
nice penta nerd
that was close!
I want Kog to attach himself to me!
good ol' poppers
>jinx helplessly plinking away with her rockets the entire fight and doing Z E R O damage
Sej/Hecarim but nice try.
Seriously, go back and watch some VODs of S1-S2 gameplay. Game was a fucking travesty back then bloated with unnecessary bullshit and horrible flawed mechanics. How you could unironically prefer it to modern day league is by Nostalgia faggotry alone and nothing else
Yordlefuckers want to fuck short women, not underaged ones user
>Try to play Yi
>Can never get shit done
I don't understand this nigga
Is Alistar better than Janna if your team is squish?
Should I attempt to climb out of Gold with Anivia even though I haven't played her in a year? Or is midlane fucking stupid
>A champion that does nothing but allow the player to go afk and provide buffs while their team does all the hard work
This game has enough of and E-Girl problem as it is user
Name a race or creature league should add to its game.
I want a cute silver hand murloc bruiser
>ranged bruiser
why is this bullshit allowed
So I've played to vs AI matches so far. Gotta say playing Heroes alot certainly prep'd me for playing MOBAs in general, but I'm still getting used to things like going to a shop and wondering what to buy, having money, and wether I should jungle or not, as well as that killing a pack of wolves didn't mean getting a "camp" persay. So killing them is just for getting money? What if I help an ally kill a though dragon, do I get something out of it too, or just XP?
So far the folks I've come across have been pretty friendly and understanding of my newness in upgrading from Heroes to LOL.
Nah, abathur is too much for the average lolbabby to handle
Don't ignore me you rancid swine
Don't worry user, I've got a youtube guide that's proven to be 100% effective in teaching the finer points of Master Yi
>all these mediocre yi plays
league didn't have highlights when i was in my prime its not fucking FAIR
>tfw poor and 44 RP short of buying pic related in my shop
just pull the trigger fäm
>8 second shield on a 12 second cd
fucking kill me
>he likes the bloated garbage kits we have today compared to yesterday
>tfw to dumb to download recording software
Dwarves of course
Age progression skin WHEN!??!
I know that feel, I was D1 season 3 and now all those plays are lost forever
fuck off
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
no one cares about the one time you played AP Yi fag
You know nothing of pain.
Will this be Echo Fox's year?
Frog girl
What champ has he designed that even fits this description though? The first thing that came to mind is Gnar and he's a Gypsylord/Meddler champ.
That's too bad. She's still swimming WITH me, as always.
they should add champions that have different victory conditions than their team
this is officially the worst and dumbest thread /lolg/ and the world has ever seen
congrats fuccbois
for 1 RP you can draw crappy MS paint pictures for their tech support to jack off to
lets release Xarashur the deathlord
If he scores 15 kills your team wins
>tfw I still remember that manga where zilean made annie grow older so the artist didn't had to do time in prison.
send in a support ticket asking for 1 RP with a league-related drawing attached and they'll give it to you
Riot is saving you from a bad skin
Sorry that every champion isn't Annie tier basic to cater to your retard fingers user.
Never mind the fact that some of the most cancerous champions in the history of League were released in this era because Riot was just trying to shit out as many champions as possible not giving a shit about quality control
Should I buy Fifth Age Taric while it's 70% off?
I'm not really a fan of "le Taric is gay meme xd", but I don't expect him to get any new skins soon.
Is this the new "what champion pisses you off the most?" WebM?
Graves???? Hello??
Pic related, eat shit Lulunigger
I just want to be a good support and please you in any way I can!
I bet you kidnapped her and forcing her to swim with you every day. What a monster.
Prepare for the "lol furfag" comments but the Charr would be cool
Lulu skin when???
I'm currently making a teaching feeling mod for lulu.
I'm not going to say more.
>feed darius 15 kills
>doesn't matter cause mid game he gets kited like a nigger in a job interview
It's probably the only noteworthy LoL doujin
>lulufag this buttmad his early thread was deleted
Can't remember the name tho, care if I ask?
I know thats guildwars but
>tfw no geth race for league
Sounds difficult
I guess the sex scenes will be left out?
An owl