The fact that Gordon Gekko would have voted trump is proof that he's the best candidate. This is a zero sum game.
There's the common misconception that people like President Donald J. Trump and fictional characters like Gordon Gekko are obsessed with money. Money to these people is a matter of keeping score.
You can go ahead and let the other nations walk all over you, grind you beneath their feet, and take advantage of your generosity. Your reward will be being remembered (if that) as a fucking loser.
If you believe anything in life matters aside from winning in everything you fucking do, you're a loser.
So get off Veeky Forums, stop getting high off the negativity that this place breeds.
>Bonus How to become a millionaire in 3 years: 1: Get a 100% commission sales job. Cars, Furniture, whatever the fuck it is as long as you're getting paid strictly on commission. 2: Work. Work as fucking much as you can. Before the place even opens to after the place closes. 3: Build an online brand around yourself. Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, fuck even myspace. Be available 24/7. 4: Rip off a bullshit internet marketing or sales education product. Reshoot it. Add what you feel is missing. One up them a shitload 5: Sell a fuckload of the product.
This a ridiculously simplified list of steps, obviously. Timeline may vary depending on how you do. Discipline conquers talent every time. Sales performance is directly correlated to discipline.
"This is America. Pick a job and become the man that does it."
Ryan Perez
>Build an online brand around yourself.
around...what exactly? your car dealership? how you offer the best deals on sofas in the area?
Adam Parker
Donald Trump is a retard. You're a retard if you voted for that faggot who is fucking up three decades of foreign policy building and is blatantly a tool of the Jews.
Nathaniel Edwards
fuckin' a.
I've sold 40 cars a month the past year to college kids with snapchat alone. People don't care about your dealership they care about the people inside of it. Create stories. Make them feel like family because they really fucking are.
Anthony Bell
My mentor was a jew who came from the czech republic with $40 dollars and now buys penthouses just because he likes the color of the paint on the walls. Do I trust jews? Not a fucking chance. Do I like making a fuckload of money? Fuckin' right I do.
Jews aren't fucking demons. They're just a race of people that survive and prosper through nepotism and greed. If you're not making money off of a kike you're retarded.
Evan Ramirez
I love these rp threads
Ryder King
I'm confused. In this post you make it sound like you're some mastermind who's raking in the dollars through masterful manipulation on a jewish scale. But in the previous post you admit to just being a used car salesman.
lol roleplaying on Veeky Forums because you forgot it has IDs
Jace Campbell
I made 180k last year selling BMWs to dipshits young and old. Not bad for 22. How much did you make last year?
Parker Baker
Gordon would've voted Hillary so he can profit from cheap labor and selling off destroyed companies. He doesn't give a shit about America. Did you even watch the movie?
Kayden Johnson
I made 180.0001k selling dank memes in a roleplaying thread
Guess you lost the job lottery. Better luck next time!
Christopher Butler
made you respond tho, I win.
Lincoln Howard
>Not understanding how nepotism works Gordon doesn't bet on speculation. Just sure things. Trump winning was a sure thing. He would have put money down on him winning for sure. The loosening of regulation around business is solely for the benefit of corporate raiders. Trump is letting the winners win.
Adrian Long
>Get a 100% commission sales job. Cars, Furniture, whatever the fuck it is as long as you're getting paid strictly on commission. I agree commission sales jobs aren't discussed enough on here. Unlimited earning potential and being your own boss will get you rich faster than anything.
William Anderson
does anyone else hate alpha normies? what are they doing on our NEET site spreading their lies?
Aaron Morris
because sales is real and produces tangible results based on discipline and application.
The shit that NEETs fucking hate to hear about. They live in the fantasy world that they can somehow count on cryptocurrencies and meme stocks to propel their shitty $100 to $100,000 investments to millions.
These retards are so deluded that they're afraid to talk to people and think that getting an ugly girlfriend who doesn't respect them will be the pinnacle accomplishment of their existence.
They're the first to blame their parents, childhood, school, bullies, friends, even the fucking universe because they feel they've been somehow wronged and dealt a bad hand in life. Fucking crybabies. Whether you blame white people, jews, blacks, or whatever the fuck; deep down, you fucking know it's all your fault.
>b-b-but my anxiety Anxiety isn't some fucking incurable scourge beset on humanity it's a simple evolutionary survival response that is triggered preemptively to situations that you're not used to. Your brain thinks "Hey, I haven't done this enough to know how it'll turn out so I rather be safe than sorry so I can live a bit longer." That's all it is. You do shit over and over again and surprise, the anxiety goes away.
The thing is with the internet you have two options. You can go and seek other people to create a massive echochamber for losers or you can google "How does one succeed in *career*?"
The former developed this site. They created it to talk about chinese girl cartoons and indulge in escapism. Unfortunately they fucked up and created Veeky Forums as well. Then the same idiots who compared waifus and argued about meaningless shit for hours on end get upset when someone comes in and reminds them that they're wasting their lives.
Carter Diaz
I do sales. It taught me a lot of interpersonal skills that I didn't have before. Plus I get to operate independently most of the time. My client base is delivered to me from my company so no cold calling. It's not a bad job, and some weeks activity is huge and I get nice paychecks out of it
James Perry
It's not discussed because sales is hard and you need to have a certain appearance (both physical and mental) to be able to pull it off. Something that few people who browse this website are capable of.
Good luck selling shit when you're a balding manlet who stutters with a beta accent.
Oliver Collins
Shave your head, workout, vocal coaching.
Ian Robinson
>Winning in society >Predicting the future with certainty >OP doesn't know these are spooks
Jayden Lopez
but what about overcoming parental anxiety (parents feeling disappointed in you for overexposing yourself in non natural way)
Camden Ross
Do you do facebook?
Facebook advertising is scary accurate. You can target people in a specific city who follow a specific facebook group, shit like that. You can target people who are 30 miles from the business.
This is why I don't use goybook but it can get you a lot more money for your business
Leo Cook
BUMP HOW did he get rich?
I seek learn the secrets of the jew, i do not mind losing my humanity.
only money matters.
Lincoln Perez
Shoo, low ROI degree holder
Joshua James
Ironically enough: Trump nominated Icahn as his adviser, who served as an inspiration to Gordon Gekko.
Easton Bailey
> The fact that Darth Vader would have voted trump is proof that he's the best candidate. This is a zero sum game. > There's the common misconception that people like President Donald J. Trump and fictional characters like Darth Vader are obsessed with power. Power to these people is a matter of keeping score.
That's what you sound like talking about make believe characters you autists.