/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

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Tharja a best

Report Tharjafag and make the source of a bunch of problems on /feg/ disappear.

Azura is shit

Kill yourself

Remember to report and ignore.

From what I understand, HP doesn't heal between Tempest Trial maps, making healers possibly more useful.

However, what if you have a unit who thrives on Desperation? Could you just keep them at low HP and have them continue to destroy everything that comes their way?

The time to roll your wife is waning.

>tfw when so much green I even can't fit it in one team

It's a good mindset but don't you think you're mostly just giving false hope to newfriends

Azura a best

>no longer canon
the spic has accepted defeat.

>have 2 fury units
>have two wings of meme dancers

Marry Faye!

Breed Faye!

Live happily with Faye!

New player here, was wondering if anyone can help me build a team against Lunatic Camus?

The heroes I have are:

5* Azura

4* Tharja, Corrin (f), Felicia, Catria, Sharena, Anna, Lon'qu, Lukas, Gaius, Sakura

3* Hinata, Draug, Eliwood, Stahl, Palla, Sophia, Donnel, Camus, Niles, Saizo, Serra

2* Alfonse, Subaki, Cecilia, Virion, Matthew

1* Hana

And I'm pretty new to Fire Emblem in general. The only things I know about them are from Smash Bros. Any help would be great.

It's true. The mods won't ban him. He's too busy sucking their dicks, but they'll ban literally anything else in this general.

Nowi doesn't really count as green though, does she?

That's my plan.

My desperation carry is Linde tho who will probably struggle on a map like the one in the OP.

There may be a situation where baiting is the better option for your Desperation unit (like Nino), but we'll see.

>only 5* is a dancer

Not sure if False Flag

Is there any way we can get Raul off this board?

>tfw rolled so many times but got left alone at the altar

This game is too real man.

It's true though, Tharja isn't the canon wife in my game

Echoes OST release when i need you or else i'll die pls help

Good luck when you face 66 HP Veronica :^)


It's proof that she's ripe now that she's lost her green

thots begone

I finished Birthright today and I just bought Revelation. What should I expect?

If this isn't green I don't know what's wrong with my eyes.

That may be true. I'll try it out. At the least I heard we can choose between multiple teams so I may have to rely on a backup team or something if it goes horribly wrong.

My Nino has Fury and Desperation, has Ephraim to buff all of her stats, and I have both Olivia and Ninian with WoM. If I can just rely on her and play super offensively then hopefully that carries me through.

I... just hope she doesn't have as much Res as I fear.

A waste of money.

>All my orbs gone and only Felicias to show for it.
Been saving up my cakes for funsies but I no longer have space to house them.


Is Nowi the most fuckable FE?

Should I roll for the Vantage banner?

>Mask Lucina literally is a copypaste of regular Lucina

So much for IS not giving free 5*s, let alone good 5*s


Why does the artist get these backwards whenever it's not a gauntlet one?

I need to save orbs for the Vantage banner

G Tomebreaker or Desperation on a +Atk Nino? I've been using Darting Blow and G Tomebraker with some sucess, but since HP carries over, Desperation might have some use.


I have 150 Orbs stocked up trying to save up for a Lucina banner, and I heard there's gonna be a Masked Marth coming soon so I might use them on that. I ran through the entire story mode just fine as is. I've only spent about 30 orbs for the Tharja banner couple weeks ago, and I got Azura because I pressed the summon on accident and I couldn't get out of it.

Got damn I feel bad for u

Deen a best.

Check out strategies on YouTube that use free units.

Lunatic units usually just inflate the HP of actual characters.

Acepting defeat would be retiring that dumbass signature and completely refraining from ever posting Tharja shit here again.

This faggot isn't letting up, he probably only left out the canon bit for the same reason he stopped adding pictures; because people were beating him at getting his precious first post.

She still have Xander.

We got a different Xander.

>Mask Lucina literally is a copypaste of regular Lucina

How do we know anything about her at all yet?

I don't know if you'll be able to beat him with that.
The easiest strategy is to either nuke Camus with a mage from below then reposition them to safety or bait with a tanky green.
But your only decent mage is Tharja who will probably get walled but WTD and all those ward cavalry buffs, and you don't have any good greens besides Anna who is made of paper.

Might just have to give up and focus on training up your units, it's hard to train up fast enough to beat your first lunatic GHB and Camus will come back around eventually.


What is this dumb nigger shit

playing FE6 on hard, what units do I avoid? First time I played FE6 on Normal, my shit got kicked in, 5 or 6 units lived because I gave up restarting.

>her level 40 stats

Why did they even add her to the game? What does she bring to the table?

It's on reddit

Weaponized autism.

nice photoshop


Am I going to have to put green tomebreaker on my lilina to kill these bitches or what

Other option is use a flier to bait all the axe and Red mage to the leftmost corner of the map and then nuke Camus ass.

After that you can clean up pretty fast assuming that you have proper units.

>He isn't up to date with twitter culture
lmao senpai


Is there more?

>implying that's not just a mockup with the UI

She's best girl

If she's literally just neutral Lucina then fucking good. No excuses, everyone should be able to get this. But now I regret investing into my bad -Atk Lucina, but then again there's always the chance that I could get a +Spd or +Atk Lucina while this one's always neutral.

So it's like you have to work hard for this free, neutral Lucina, but if you want a better one you'll have to succumb to the whims of fate.

>anons had to reroll to get Lucina or spend money and orbs
>I can just get two for free

Eye'm waiting to get at those green sluts.

Yes surely Cordelia won't have a 35/35 sprea- oh wait

Besides unless you're retarded and seriously thought Mask Lucina would be a downgrade this was obviously going to happen

She's better than Celislut, whore queen of Valentia



Tell me about Julia. Why is she so pretty?

I have a +atk-speed Linde. Should I slap Renewal and BoL on her to turn her into a healslut?

I want to distend her stomach with my dick

Damn, if my +Atk Lucy had any other boon besides Spd, I'd be kind of annoyed.

I see, that sucks. I don't really want to use feathers to 4* Camus but I guess I'm going to have to. I've tried using different combinations of my 4 and 5*s but they all keep getting one shotted, and was wondering if any of my other low ranked heroes could be good if I level them. Guess not, huh.

Fuck off spic


Because you have shit taste.

You have to give fans more than one major female character vying for the MC's heart. This way people can argue about who the best girl is. Imagine if Fates only had Azura.

>mfw I got a perfect IV Lucina, Bunnycina, and a free +1 Maskcina

>spamming DLC for recruits with star jacinths
>not even at Slayde and Deisax yet
>my stats are off the charts.
>Kliff as a mage is nearly capped by 20 or so stats.
I've completed the game, just doing a max stat run...which isn't possible due to RNG.

I miss her too

>tfw not a dubfag

I'm truly sorry for your loss, though.

masked marf

At least Fates let you fuck almost everyone instead of oh yeah here's Azura but you can't fuck anyone else. But these girls will still talk about how they want your dick so much even though you can't get with them.

If your few units are good enough, just whale for Tharja +10 to secure this, goy.

>tfw Darting Blow 3 and Renewal 3 waiting for her

Does she have the same skills as vanilla Lucina? If so, FREE AETHER.

you're not an Ikefriend

>I still have my -ATK lucina from first week.

Honestly, she fucking awful because of this, not even + spd but +res. At least I got a Taco +def -res too.

Healslut build

Will be interesting nonetheless to see if she can pull off seriouscina instead of just cutecina.

how do you guys get all your inheritance fodder?

I feel like wasting 20k feathers just for a single skills seems bad and I don't have the orbs to roll for a ton of extra crappy 3*
but even just wasting like 2k feathers for a skill seems out of place


I probably won't even use her since I have enough reds but it is a damn nice gesture from IS, like an upgraded GHB basically.

I'll beat this Tempest stuff without whaling.

Tempest tonight please ISIS please

My +1 +speed -res Ike says otherwise fellow Ikefriend