GSL Code S 4h 8m
GuMiho vs TY
ByuN vs Maru
is terran back?
GSL Code S 4h 8m
GuMiho vs TY
ByuN vs Maru
is terran back?
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can't get married to another man in my country...
jan the bully
based state
sweet photo
is nate our guy again?
he was always my guy
maybe first you should learn how to rotate your images before post them IDIOT MORON
yeah that was bad of me... and theres only 3 of us here so blogging doesn't feel right
i thought once i had refreshed the page it would show a few more people :/
i'm in for it now
might lose me
im in that post ladder glow
gsl code s tvt 2 tvts on gsl soon 3ish hours gsl maru gumiho and some other guys
heh... gonna be sweet
others guys are artosis and tasteless tastosis both a couple of guys but they arent playing in gs code terran tvt l no they are casting it casting gumiho and maru and byun and ty who used to be called baby but he stopped crying about imbalance and now he's grateful thats why they call him ty cause he says thank you so much thank you for the global terran vs terran star league coming soon in 3 hours
i love tvt
we all do
bring back hellbabies
they should introduce aquatic units like they had in warcraft 2
hellbats can have an aquatic form upgrade that changes them into hellboats
whats the tgird resource
third* like how there was oil trees gold
GSL is so hype tonight, wish i could afford taco bell for it
coming up with a third resource is tough
the best i can come up with is plasma
all the maps with water though also have trees....
about to start... all the plants in the top one are dying. really don't know why. could be so many things
sideways again
what the frick
alright quick nap i swear before gsl
gook night
you'll miss out.. on gsl!
GSL Code S 1h 21m
GuMiho vs TY
ByuN vs Maru
t v t terran versus terran truly the most human of matchups
will we see reapers or marines or siege tanks maybe all three is possible or none of them but that does not seem likely
two tvts soon well under three hours well under two hours in fact its just over one hour from now two tvts on the GTSL global terran star league
ahhh... a slow night
a good night. don't think the janitor has banned me once. i've been a good boy today. its true, its true
can i play sc2 at 60 fps with this?
okay t minus 2 minutes until two tvts
i love chess
well youre in luck its chess day at the gsl code s tvt number one of the night is just starting