League of Legends General - /lolg/

Lulu is super cuddly edition


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>still no crusader champion

What gives?

xth for NTR/Mindbreak/Impregnation.

Why is league full of shiteating retards that think that the only way for something to have counterplay is for it to be a skillshot you can sidestep?



xth for Syndra

Would Illaoi be more of a threat if she were manaless?

Her only downfall in lane is that if she runs out of mana which is pretty small she has no damage what so ever after.

muh scripts

how am I supposed to program a bot that evades point and click spells with no input from me ?????

Because the balance team is made of silver 3 shitters who can't hit skillshots.

>It's a "Camille gets fed" episode
>I'm the Camille

There are few things as satisfying as watching an Ahri try to dash out of my ult.

Any eldritch abomination under guise of cute girl champion yet?

>would X be more of a threat if they were manaless?
the awnser is literally always yes unless youre talking about a jungler

She's a shitty Heimer who can't even place her turrets and has to literally walk into the enemy team to do anything.
Every time I ult with her I either just get cc'd or ran away from and become useless for another 2 minutes.
Her splitpush is nice, but there are plenty of strictly better champs for that.
I straight up think Illaoi needs a rework or at least some reliable slow on her kit.

I want this soooo much
It relates to me on a personal level and my experience with women

Why is Xayah so perfect, bros?

>no barefoot Akali skin


Are they right, /lolg/?

You always love to see things like Jinx or Bard, but the reason I watch competitive is for the players that are gods on certain champions that use them creatively/optimally

Deft Jinx, Smeb/Marin Rumble, Crown Victor, Huhi A Sol, (formerly)Ray Jarvan, Rekkles Kennen adc, Mickey/Faker/BDD Zed, Faker Leblanc/Lulu, Fly Zilean, Aphro Bard, Pray/Band Ezreal... what other pros have clear "best champions"?


God damn I should have never played ranked and stayed a normal game fag.

Name at least one more useless ADC than pic related right now and don't say Urgot

I'm a normie fag and from all the stress and tilt I see my friends go through just trying to get out of silver I'd agree.

If evens I go to sleep. If odds I grind all night. Also Poppy is the cutest! I wish she was real so she could be my wife!

>Never ever do rank
What's the point of playing this goddamn game them?
Normals aren't anymore fun. And they aren't any less toxic.

What are some LoL champions that play, in a vague sense, similar to Smite gods? In Smite, I mostly play support and solo lane (I think you guys call it top lane). Smite Supports tend to be tanky, ability based initiators of varying flavors. Solo laners tend to be tanky bruisers (of both auto attack and ability based flavors) who often have the job of disrupting the backline.

What are some League champions with similar playstyles for those roles to ease the transition?



Haven't seen him for ~2 months now.

Gross lulu pic user

I thought you loved cutelu.

Corki is not an ADC and hasn't been in years and is an ADC as much as Graves is.

>ywn impregnate her with a superior human child

Feels bad man.

This, Normals are stacked as fuck and full of people that don't give a shit.

Taric is basically an Aphrodite ripoff. There's not a ton of direct copies but Thresh, Braum, Blitzcrank, Nautilus, and Leona are supports to look at.

Galio (except he's like THE fotm cancer bullshit toplaner so possibly gonna get nerfed into OBLIVION in the coming months)


darius (more damage less tanky but still beefy)

the guy who just replied to you is talking LEAGUE supports who are NOT solo laners and do not get as much gold. If you're learning the game you prob wanna climb the ladder which means you're gonna be low elo and do NOT wanna play support

but its super cute

You'll meet some of the worse people in the planet but I enjoy it most of the time.

At least when you only play normals you don't have that itching regret to go back to if if you decide to drop the game entirely.

Once you play ranked you feel the obligation to try and try to continuously better yourself.

So after a while ranked becomes more of a chore than a fun time waster.

>There's not a ton of direct copies
I'm not looking for direct copies, I'm just looking characters with a familiar ethos of what they are expected to do in game, to learn the ropes of how to play Summoner's Rift.


Is that you Constanzefag?
I have a request, do you still have the sej pic of the constanze grouchy face?
I haven't been able to find it...

all doggos go to heaven

>Fizz, blitz, yi get 1v3'd
I can't user, they deserved it for the cancer they're playing...

Corki, Jinx, Kennen

>he doesn't know that MF is good right now

Oh shit son, what are you doing?

Oh I'm at home now so I got you senpai


Looking for a bronze/low silver duo buddy for the ranked mode add drink me fiddle

Building crit on her probably

she has like a million levels on all of you shitters and she also double snared you and dodged fish

>for the ranked mode
How new are you?

Really, what does Jinx even do anymore?

So fucking useless it hurts my ass.

>get three days off from work
>spend most of the time staying home and playing league since rl plans fell through
>drop 200 lp in the first two days
>get about 1-2 girl gamers that go 0-5-1 on their main role as janna
>the rest of the team whiteknighting them as I'm getting flamed for going 1-1 in an offrole game
>keep getting the same two duo players that bully me over everyone else off and on the past two days
>whenever i do a good play like 1v2 doublekill their jungle and top by myself without dying, get called shit by my own team "dont think for a second you deserve that"
>tell team "ok we got turret bot, kass go bot with tp while bot lane gets mid turret"
>team response "wtf stop being autistic" or "muted"
>overall such a negative experience the past few days I asked my boss if i could cut my vacation early and come back to work
>he told me tough luck and deal with it

I'm about

to fucking end it

just once i would like to win a pleasant ranked game is that too much to fucking ask for

sorry i never blog but FUCK me dude

Lulu is the cutest! THE CUTEST!

>Taric is basically an Aphrodite ripoff. There's not a ton of direct copies but Thresh, Braum, Blitzcrank, Nautilus, and Leona are supports to look at.

Perhaps, this might be too much to ask for but is there anyone similar to Fafnir or Bellona?

Leona and Nautilus are champions that stuck out to me as ones that interested me. I love initiating teamfights and CCing as many people as possible for my team to roll them up.


gonna have to elaborate your point there friend

>Less range than ashe
>Worse towertaking than ashe (+q)
>Worse ult than ashe
The only thing she really has going for her right now is her late late game and her zoning with E.
I don't feel like she needs a buff, but they definitely need to tone down some other ADC's for her to be relevant at all.

can i make it to master bros? give me the cold hard truth

It's okay user! I believe in your ability to climb and I am hoping you get some teammates that not only you deserve but also that deserve a good player like yourself! Don't give up.

>I love initiating teamfights and CCing as many people as possible for my team to roll them up.

naut is great for that, he's a toplaner who I think can still support? Leona is support

Malphite and Galio are also up the same initiation alley.

JarvanIV also but hes more damage less tank

>win a pleasant ranked game
user need I remind what game you're playing?
what rank are you rn?

>Fafnir or Bellona
Holy fuck I like you, although no there isn't quite a parallel to Bellona. Closest thing is probably Udyr, but he's a completely different kind of character. As for Fafnir, while there are transformative champs, and Shyvana is a character that exists, Shyvana is a farm dependent carry rather than a tank like Fafnir. You might like Sejuani however, her ultimate is similar to his Q. and she's a major initiator in general. Other initiators are Malphite, Nautilus again, Zac, Hecarim, and Wukong. Wukong isn't a tank however and is pure damage.

I played smite for like 2 weeks but if I am remembering correctly ballona's ult is kinda like Jarvan's ult. I wasn't around when fafnir came out so I couldn't tell you.

Whats a good morde build?

on my way to plat1 if you know what i mean :^)

I played more smite then LoL, and I can say for one, Xin zhao looks a lot like erlang shen

What about Gnar for Fafnir? They're not that close but I feel like the transformation is like Shyv but he also has nice initiation and gets more tanky.

Death's Dance unironically made him better but like every other ADC, Draven + Death's Dance is eclipsing him.

is he gonna make it?

As soon as I saw Ezreal in the guy's name I knew that it was going to be an easy 1v3 because they are Alpha

>tfw too dumb to understand how they thought the Death's Dance buffs were a good idea

>Cuck9 fans talk about Rush like he is Jesus himself
>can't even get out of diamond while players like Keith were in high challenger

You're gonna have a not so fu ntime learning mini Gnar form.

His Mega form is simple sure.

But mananing the rage bar and know when you can jump in on people and start fights is the most crucial thin about him.

And like GP and Nasus you will lose a good 70% of your match ups and on top of that until you get Black cleaver and Frozen mallet you can't kill anyone unless they're stupid enough to fight you all the way till you change form on them.

But he is a champion that is underestimated and can be built in a mulitude of ways to fit most match ups he goes against.

t.mastery 7 Gnar.

What champions are you sure Riot could just outright delete from the game but can't

What I like most about Bellona are how her regular abilities change her basic attacks. Boxing as Bellona is a joy, and you almost always have an meaningful choice of which ability (and subsequent stance) you want to be in.

Would you breed a Sona if she asked you nicely?

Bear in mind you might need more than one attempt.

*q's a minion*
*sips alcohol*


*qs a minions*
*misses 2 cs*

how are you doing kid?

*dashes through caster minions*

you wanna fight?

*E's onto you*
*lands pointblank tornado*

not so tough now are we kid

*misses Q*
*chases you under tower*

easiest kill of my life kid

*misses another Q*
*dies to tower shots and minion agro*

fucking junglers
Ill be back son

why does lolg have such shit taste in bottoms?

Draven is such a bratty sub he would get annoying after a while

how would she ask me? this is very important

never played smite but that sounds like udyr

Sona can't breed.

In her lore Riot states when she was still an orphan she was abused to much her girl parts were messed up.

She's practically a perma virign.

>Riot could just outright delete from the game but can't
What did he mean by this?
seriously though, do you mean champs that Riot wants deleted?

Is the Smite laning style of "push lane, rotate into jungle to steal farm/buffs" viable in League?

No, and it's actually a bannable offense if you do it too much.

t.Support Nunu.

if youre ahead sure
and maybe in low elo
but if a mid or toplaner suddenly disapears and walks into the enemy jungle theyre almost certainly getting collapsed on

besides that, stealing camps other than small raptors is quite punishing on your health bar unless youre playing something with good sustain

so no, not very likely.

Sometimes. I usually take Smite when I play tryndamere and steal the enemy camps while splitpushing

It's a shame because I find that champion really fun and the design interesting, But after laning phase I feel he has no damage. I think buffs are inevitable, so patience.

>playing urgot because fiora is gone forever
>enemy picks darius
>starts w against urgot with ignite

have you tried the new Deaths dance build on him? I hear its pretty solid. Not S tier but certainly A.

Lulu is a winner! A WINNER!

and she won the best husbando: ME!

Would you rather play a faggot with a puny gun or alpha male with axes?

That's a tactic to always keep in mind, generally for split pushers like Tryndamere when their tower is down and they can't pressure bigger objectives, but really everyone should consider it depending on the situation.

Why you gotta be so claimy
you ruin it for all the other lulufags

There are already some buffs on the PBE

stop falling for the lethality meme

build him like a normal ADC now with IE rush into zeal items. Take Bloodlust.

I non ironically think the way to fix malz is

>E is reworked into Azmodan Laser (pseudo-channeling laser that slows and ramps up in damage overtime)

>R is now just a targeted suppress that last for 2/2.5/3 seconds and then explodes slowing movement speed of nearby enemies . All damage removed its just pure utility

t. Guy who become a "draven main" ever since he became OP

Can't wait until Riot nerfs him so he becomes an early game feast or famine champion again and you move on to whatever shit redmercy tells you to play next

>"Fix" new malz
>Make him even more of a support than he was before
I don't think that's a terrible idea user

Thanks lads. Glad I haven't really made that faux pas yet. So, basically it's significantly more of a situational than it is in Smite.

So, what do you normally do when you have an advantage in lane to extend your lead? Similarly, what sort of counterplay exists to what people normally do when they get an advantage in lane?

And for the people that seem to play both, is it correct to say that Smite is probably the more aggressive game and that I should unlearn some of that aggression to succeed in League?

how do I unleash the full destructive power of yasuo?

FACT: Lulu has the sweetest emerald eyes!

Because she's MINE!

Stop being tempted to make le ebin pleys

Depends on the lane. If Mid gets ahead they can push in their lane and roam bot or top. Bot usually wants to destroy turret and then rotate mid to take mid turret. Top kind of depends on what type of champion you are playing. Oh and bot can also go for dragon if the jungler is nearby

>be hard stuck in silver 1/gold 5 for 3 years
>pick up pantheon
>play him
>win 70% of my games on him
>hit diamond in a month in under 100 games
tell me again why people even bother maining other champions