/osg/ oldschool runescape general osrs

faggotz welcome edition
old thread: idk
latest news: check main website
main website: google it
clanchat: osg events
homeworld: 327
infodoc: lmao as if anyone uses these
money making guides: mith drags nigga
latest thread: i fucking dont know

first for papa mia a cute

more like fagex

Um "faggot" is a hate speech word. So please don't use that; okay sweetie?

Idol pride event when!!

quality thread

Clearly Jagex don't want to hear us. But that is okay, because we can make the community hear us. Jagex think it's okay to use the game as a medium to push their political views. Well we will make it backfire harder than any sjw stunt ever has in history.

When the gay pride ingame event happens, I need every single man and women with any shred of dignity left to create noob level 3 accounts and either buy bonds or use a f2p world and engulf this event in a hellfire of extreme hatespeech, racism and biggotry particularly directed at anyone appearing to take part in the actual event. We will want to spread ourselves accross the worlds so that nobody can partake in this event without being subjected to a barrage of abuse.

If jagex want to paint a target on the backs of gays, so be it. We will hit that target with absolutely everything we have. Until there is nothing left to hit.

We will hate so much that the idea that Runescape's community is full of toxic, racists, biggots and extreme right wingers will be permantently engraved into the internet to never be forgotten.

This isn't about hating gays or races. This is US taking back OUR game. For the greater good. The ends will justify the means. Godspeed gentlemen.

Holy shit, I didn't know people were getting permanently banned for the ""riots"".

This is insane, what would allow them to make such a stupid decision? It's not like they're getting NEW players, they rely on their old players. Perma banning players with 10+ year old accounts is just business suicide plain and simple.

>toxic half of the playerbase gets banned/muted tomorrow
say yay for a good community game!

They are not banning people for rioting, thay ban people for dressing up as KKK and DAESH and spamming racist shit.


what the fuck is that?

Why do you wish to kill the game because you disagree with 1 event, it will literally last 1 week.
If jagex back out now they'll have an even bigger backlash so they have to go through with it.

Inb4 half thread perm banned

>DONT PUSH POLTICAL VIEWS IN A GAME R0000000000000000000000000
Proceeds to spam: >We Pay No Gay for 6 hours in said game

Literally doing the exact same thing lmoa

>be homosex
>few of my close friend in clan know I'm gay
>nobody cares
>event gets announced
>people in chat slag it off and mock it
>I knew they were very anti-pc (I am too) so this isn't a surprise
>people start getting banned
>they're infuriated
>few of go to slag off mods in protest
>bans every where
>now they're outraged
>clan chat has turned from a slow comfy stream into a rampaging torrent of homophobic slurs and protest planning
>I'm terrified to type in the chat cause I know someone will remember I'm gay and they'll dogpile me for this
>my close friends are participating in the hate torrent

Why did they have to make this stupid event ;_;
Nobody cared before, but now there's this giant fucking group going around witch hunting anybody possibly associated with this.
If I lose friends over this I will kill myself.

Just the arabic name

who else is gonna wear their rainbow scarf everywhere for triggering purposes?

They did it first retard


Mutted and the game will probably be fine.

Ban them (which they're doing now) and you'll find that slashing your consumer base by 1/2 or more might make the community better but will probably kill the game.


Its the arabic name. My GF is kurdish and they say that calling them IS is too accepting of the "Islamic state" and daesh is more derogatory towards them.

Tfw When the brawler does a smelly poo poo :^(

>having a shitskin gf
lmao that pussy prolly stank
also when you say kurdish you mean iranian right?

When will this end

Considering that pretty much all the governments of the world call them ISIS or ISIL along with the major news organizations its probably a moot point, but I appreciate the attempt.
Also its not just the daesh that hate faggots the overwhelming majority of all sects do some agree treatment is possible through conversion while others think that execution is always needed.

What type of dog is this?

thats not a dog its a wolf

logic of a 10 year old

..... And?

>sayob leaves
>shitposting about sayob stops
haha ye "hurr durr if u knew sayob-san u wud kno its not her(him) shitposting keheheh :d"
also whats even worse is when someone proves a tranny wrong in thread they back each other up calling the person proving them wrong an autist and posting dumb reaction images

I absolutely love how buttblasted people are over this gay shit
I fucking love it, keep those tears flowing lads


r u ok

ok sayob

I will quit if they release that stupid event and not unban all the people
I will not play a sjw game

>cancer is getting rid of itself

2 bad because theyre prob going through with it

fucking leftist mods and Matk is beeing a fucking autist

glad i quit the game for good 6months ago


>non official poll
>people are taking it seriously
lul, how stupid people can be

i cant wait

If reddit, the echochamber they listen to is openly against this you know they fucked up.
I'm sure they could have polled this insignificant shit but it's more likely they backtracked on what they were doing to be like "lol IT wAS SMALL YOU'RE OVERBLOWING IT" instead of directly saying "its just a tie you dipshits calm down"

>20,000 votes

Nah, I'm glad they did it the way it is right now
I love this drama over something so insignificant, just goes to show how mediocre people can be

Digits confirm MMK will be fucked in the ass by his Chinese overlords once the fag event is released and half the playerbase quits in response.

What if a majority of their playerbase hates gays?


Half of those votes could easily be from 2 or 3 people

Apparently nuclear powers are retards then, because that's the exact justification for nuclear proliferation.

If you have a "no punching below the belt" rule and they punch you below the belt, what do you do? You can choose to hold yourself to a higher standard and keep your integrity, but you'll probably also lose if the fight is anywhere near "evenly matched" when one side is restricted and the other is not.

Anyone else quitting because of this fag parade event going on tomorrow?

>t-the Russians hacked it!

typical cognitive dissonance response

They're already talking about black and autism events and have jmods manually permbanning people in game. You're a fucking moron if you didn't see any of this cultural marxism coming.

Please, even a monkey, if it had enough autism, could do it

The majority of the playerbase is gay

>The majority of the playerbase is gay
Evidently not.

All fags are gay

imagine quitting over something so simple and that you don't have to think about or participate in

They run the game

Evidently you don't know the playerbase very well

Well it clearly shows the direction the game is heading in.

What's next, an anti Trump Jagex sponsored event?

Can't wait for the dumpster fire to turn up to 11 tommorow on the Q&A. If they think reddit is full of a bunch of racist homophobes and that this is the worst it can get, twitch spam will blow them out of the park.

Evidently you're delusional.

*fapping to shemales*
"fuck all gays we pay we kkk r-right gu- ahghhhhh"
*cums* "uys"

>everyone who hates gays must be a closet gay themselves

I love this meme.



>siding with reddit or twitch chat
could you guys leave please?

>this is what /pol/tards actually believe

>kid from the 2016 elections calling anyone delusional
Keep those tears flowing, there's nothing you can do about it

unlikely, non american based company,
in a week or so this will all blow over and everything will calm down, everyone's just overreacting

>gays make up a fraction of the population
>but, for some reason, in Runescape it's greater than 50%

Got any proof for this claim?

>event being hosted in roughly 20 hours
>followed by 2-3 days of buttblasted autistic osrs players screeching on the top of their lungs
>triggering everyone with my new gay pride scarf designed by mod furfag
this is going to be fun


I'm just enjoying the dumpster fire friendo.

you're the one that can't reply properly

11 years playing this game
This general and the subreddit just goes to prove it aswell, both filled with homos

So anecdotal and irrelevant evidence, gotcha.

I got more than you do though

no, you actually have nothing but hearsay

The scarf doesn't look too bad, shame about the fact you'll need to succ some Tai Bwo Bwannai cock for it

Actually yes, I have more than you do

I see you've reverted to arguing like a child, good to know I've won.

Oh boy I can't wait for the fagpride event to have an evil wizard in white robes called Ronald Rump who shouts 'hate speech' and you have to defeat him with the power of love and tolerance.

"i have a piece of lint, therefore I'm right"

rock on brother hh

>I've won
You just lost by saying that

Delicious, delicious tears
Keep them flowing lad

I don't see any tears. I see constructive criticism and someone making it out to be just whiny complaining.

If anyone has tears it's you, as evident by the exaggerated laughter in your reaction images along with your "DELICIOUS TEARS" posts that you make every 10 min in this very thread. All the same guy.

Needs a "remember - no gays" version.

Lol! Stay mad.



At least once the fagpride event shit is done and everyone has quit the game we'll stop being raided so much.

>that last commend by ModMatk

ohh boy

>if people disagree with me, that's proof that we need it
>if everyone agrees with me, that's proof that people support it

And you can go back to trannyposting in a dead general.

>implying this reddit tier meming is any better

>It's not a political agenda
>It's just a vocal minority

God, the delusion of this fat fuck. Are they all like this?

haha im gonna work on that ;)

>constructive criticism
>proceeds to spam the game with neck all gays
>bitch all day about it on 4chins and subreddits
Don't stop crying please, I'm enjoying this



>Just a minority, nothing more
>We are too afraid to make an official poll
