League of Legends General - /lolg/



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Lulu is the whorest. THE WHOREST.

Which lego legends is this?

Imagine being cuzz right now


>its an user finishes playing LoL, does heroin as he falls a sleep and overdoses episode

Post angering webms

Nasus Kreygasm

That's just plain wrong. Lulu is pure, cute and adorable.

And (YOU) need to kill yourself IRL. Ideally in a painful kind of way.

Very important poll - sweets cont.


xth for Ahri best girl and for ahrianon who did this before me

>get shaco jg
>ok whatever
>goes 1-4
>about 16 mins in stops ganking
>at about 20 mins just splitpushes
>gets 2 towers
>meanwhile enemy team pushes bot lane from first to nexus in the time it took him to get two towers

i wonder how much hitmen cost

none of these are fucking pies you shit

hell bard could make a better pie than them, because it'd be the only fucking pie

Caitlyn Nendoroid when?

Why does everyone hate new coin?

xth for Syndra

She is a Pure Slut!

Ive cut my dick of oxygen by holding it firmly just so she can taste the freaking PURPLE that she loves so much

no health sustain which was its only reason for existing

now its a worse spellthief

Other than the few late game deaths, Cuzz really didn't play that poorly. He still had reasonable poise for someone who's 17 and just played his third ever series, this spells well for Longzhu that they were able to stall fucking SKT for 30 minutes longer than they could have.


Poppy buffs when?

Two games as jungler where I've ignored the fuck of toplane except to get Herald, two games the enemy has surrendered. Top ended 0/2/1 and 2/1/2. I'm sorry topbros but I think I'm just going to leave you in your island gathering moss.

What elo does yorick stop winning in?

>literal worst day of my life
>go support, adc feeds out his ass and we lose
>go adc, supp literally ints and we lose
>go jungle, everyone loses lane and we lose
>go mid, get camped and lose
>go top, get camped to the point of it being a duo lane
>literally lose all day except for one game against a swain which wasn't fun anyway

im going one more just because i dont want today to end like this but it has driven me insane how bad this one day has been, but im on the verge of just quitting

Is Aatrox literally a good guy?

Does anyone remember me

>ive been put against a fiora with another lee guaranteed to camp the fuck out of my lane


>gut rumble into pieces

huni useless now

Why is it that I can watch all of LCK, but don't care for any EU or NA games unless its a team I like?

I wanna cuddle Jinx in hell

Why did Doublelift start using Draven?

Draven is meta now, and he's a metaslave

he's also a trashtalking shithead that I wanna feed a bag of dicks to

Sona buffs when?

Is that a dream sequence?

>Thresh is back in the meta

Lck is actually good, unless you're watching like the bottom 3 teams, and even then its better than all but the top tier of NA and EU

statistically yorick wins at least one game once in a while every elo

I haven't seen any yorick (regular) picker in master and above though

I'm all for thresh being meta, but only if his fucking W is nerfed. that shit is way too safe for how impactful it is.being able to literally move a teammate a full fucking screen away and over walls is pure cancer. reduce the range of it to the cast range and hes fine


What should I max on Karma first?

Should I put some points into Q then max shield?

Because they play on a generally higher level? Also they have a nice steady stable of casters, Crumbz is doing well so far making SPO not a chore anymore. He has the Doa "cool uncle" feel to him.

I will still religiously watch every CLG game, though.

>Sandniggers will never look like this

Which champion should get the next Ultimate skin?

I love Olaf.

>auto-filled jungle
>decide to try it
>don't know what I'm doing
>die to jungle camp
>lose game
That was harder than I remember. Not that I was ever very good at it.

I meant vote. VOTE.

What dies it matter? Meta or not he will always be the most picked support by a complete longshot. He's THE go to support for autofilled shitters and lowbies who dream of making those epic lcs big plays.

You can't hide your nature

I'm so glad Darshit got Liftlift kicked off of CLG, he's a fucking asshole and more trouble than he's worf. He gives results but at what cost.

Dardoch did nothing wrong :^)

>tfw other game companies know about brown waifus but rito doesn't

Jungle beats your ass now if you don't have some form of sustain, yep.

Thank you!

Also it's the only one of the 3 to have a shitty minigame tacked on instead of rewarding you for doing what you always did with the item. Nevermind the fact that the aforementioned removal of the health regen makes grabbing coins harder if you're losing.

please tell me this is cropped gay pprn please

Is shotgun knees going to be worth playing? thinking of buying him to go with a free skin a got.

man thats hot, time to load up some vintage

user what do you think?

B-but Taliyah and Illaoi!!!1

Thank God

>Rek and Kindred have lower winrates than fucking Diana jungle
what did they mean by this?

Brown waifus are best waifus.



Why haven't you played the most alpha champion yet, /lolg/?

Say want you want about Taliyah, but leave best Kraken Priestess out of this. She is CUTE

>Another girl playing Janna
I like the one playing Vi though, if that is really her playing Vi and not some pre-recorded gameplay.

Answer me now or else.

Are they supposed to be dating? They've never even talked.

The slut steal souls.

>Pantheon is good le meme
Champion who automatically falls off at 20 no matter how fed he is isnt good. Champion who automatically falls off after lv 6 if he is not ahead isnt a good champion

He is a bronzestomper but not a good champion

>fucking with someone while they're cooking


Taliyah needs a rework. And Illaoi is a dude, user.

>highest wr across all servers in plat+

>loli ahri and all the implications that come with it

>cowtits streamers

that's the only thing good about this piece of shit game

>highest winrate outside of a very small pool of some memester playing karthus top
>not good


Akali has high WR too but everyone knows shes fucking shit :^)


Yeah he's pretty shit desu

>has boobs
>is a dude

huh??????? ??

Almost always max q, if adc is a dumdum or enemies have extremely highdamage duo feel free to max shield

do you really think she's attractive

This made my dick rockhard

Please share some with us peasants boss.

how do i play heimy?any tips?

I'd throw it in there, sure

put your turrets on the floor

Shut the fuck up. I don't think you know what you're talking about.


Ult and W is one shot
Hit your stun
Auto push and invite ganks

Higher you go with Pantheon, the smaller the pickrate is while winrate climbs.

So yes, hes a meme champion akin to Karthus except he is a bronzestomper thanks to his nature and lack of risk management in low elos

Max w, his turrets are a bit shit now. Try and get a good ult e off for team fight engage rather than hoping they stay near your ult turret for more than a shot.

Cmon man


>10 unwinnable games in a row

She is.

The only ones who don't find her attractive are homos who jerk off to traps and betacucks who would never have a chance to bone her.

>there are people here who wouldn't into Illaoi

Does she intimidate you, lolbabs?

explain yourself.

no they aren't

Lux's a cuck.

If you deserved to climb, you would have won them

really makes you think, hmm

>start silver
>put my heart and soul into getting gud
>get to plat 2 with a 60% winrate
>suddenly 0-20 teams every game
>demoted to plat 3

Tentacle porns.

i only date white or hispanic women