>what is this? Similar to /elyg/ this is a general specifically for World of Warcraft private servers running The Burning Crusade expansion. Just without the trannies.
>How do I connect to [server]? 1. Register on a private server that hosts the same game client you have. 2. Copy their realmlist URL. This can usually be found on the main page of the website or on their registration page. 3. Look for a realmlist.wtf file in your WoW folder. This may either be in the root folder, or inside Wow/Data/enUS/ 4. Open the realmlist.wtf file in a text editor such as Notepad and paste in the realmlist settings of the server. Make sure it starts with 'set realmlist' followed by the realmlist URL.
>I have set the realmlist correctly but it still connects me to XYZ server/says invalid login info. Make sure your realmlist isn't in read only mode. If this fails download your client from a new website
>How do I stop my client from auto-updating? • Start the game with wow.exe - not launcher.exe • Don't use your email for logging in, use your account name. • Find the patchlist file in your installation and remove it.
I thought /tbcg/ was going so strong. What happened.
Gabriel Thomas
With all this faction imbalance going on I was thinking. Why the fuck would anyone even choose Alliance? Less diverse classes, worse leveling zones, shitty traveling options, worse paladins, worse racials and lastly the most important part Alliance is not comfy.
Daniel Campbell
*less diverse races
Gabriel Garcia
Kevin Wilson
Xavier Price
>Races Correct for the most part. Their only diverse race for TBC was drans, which was halfway just a tauren already. Iirc though, in terms of lore, ally races have much more than horde. >Leveling I recount someone proving that it takes less /played as ally, than it does horde for vanilla. Since BC content is all shared zones, neither really has advantage over the other. >Taxis Vanilla I would moderately agree, horde were given better places to land for raids/instances/etc, but BC was nearly 100% equal for distances and placement. >Palas / Racials For ret, 100%. They really fucked up dran when they didn't include a SoB counterpart. As for prot/holy, not sure. Ally has remove bleeds & frost res (dorf), +5 expertise (human), +hit & HoT (dran). Horde have AoE silence & minor mana feedback (3stk = 225 mana). I would say prot and holy have better options for ally than horde for those specs, but ret is only playable on horde. >Subjective View Ally in whole have far more "comfy" zones and cities than horde. This can be subjective, but most people would agree with this. As far as playing as that faction, and how you feel your character is placed in said zones, as a paladin, Dwarf or Human wins that argument. How they look, interact with their uprising of zones to level in, and their home cities they come back to, all fit perfectly with "comfy" views. Humans might have a better edge on the level 20 mount, as horses are naturally the human mount. Which honestly, they should have taken the time to make race specific plus class specific mounts.
Just from my standpoint.
Thomas Gray
Discord for the ones interested in joining the Horde Gummy guild discord.gg/zbYw8fD
Grayson Brown
Are we going Horde or Alliance for Gummy? Who's ready for mass druid influx?
Robert Gutierrez
Is this a safe space?
I can't decide whether to be a druid or a shaman. Druids mean PvP dominance while shaman means PvE spotlight. At the same time I also want to make Belf paladin for raidspots, but everyone and their mother is going to be making a Belf. There's so many choices to make...
Dylan Thompson
it's a safe space until the MoH Clique shows up to trannypost and be unhelpful I'm going resto druid because that's what I played from 2007 onwards :3
Dylan Fisher
but you're doing the exact same thing
stop trannyposting retard
Jeremiah Brown
I hope they stay over on Elysium. I miss Salty Dogs because at least there everyone was a shitposter and didn't act like they were better than anyone (usually). Hopefully I can get that back once Gummy drops and I can relieve my first time playing WoW.
Landon Foster
I don't miss salty dogs, other Veeky Forums guilds had shitposters but were actually competent and managed to clear content, all that salty dogs ever did was circle jerk and quit servers, forget about salty dogs
Juan Richardson
So go to gummy or stay on warmane?
Colton Hill
Go to Gummy
Christian Parker
Are the spawnrates of Outland dynamic? Trying to farm clouds in Nagrand or nodes across all BC zones is eternal suffering.
Nolan Mitchell
Leo Hughes
Gummycraft is seriously 1x? Unless thats from lvl 50 or 60 thats just awful.
Is he running the server from the USA? Also retarded.
Adam Cooper
People have severe autism and dont mind spending hundreds of hours to grind out 1x to 60 just to have the server die/have no popluation.
The cycle repeats endlessly with "bro just wait for x server! it's gonna be different and the best!!1 xD"
Charles Carter
This here, I see no reason to do the ground again. I am staying on Warmane, the server runs amazing and Gummy wont be some mass improvement
Evan Collins
>I am staying on Warmane >the server runs amazing enjoy your nerfed 5x p2p p2w
Jayden Morgan
Have fun with low pop. and slow ass levelling while I raid on a better scripted server
Liam Adams
>lolten shills this delusional
Sebastian Lewis
> Delusional Buddy, hosting this shit in NA is retarded. That is Kike central
Alexander Jenkins
u kicked me out of discord senpai :(
Leo Lopez
>slow ass leveling
If youre an absolute shitter yes, but it should take you no more than 5 days played to get 70, if it does you are fucking about and not actually leveling.
Jose Reyes
I an adult, Idont have 5 days of / played to waste when I cna be raiding in 20 hrs on Warmane
Elijah Powell
Having to grind for 120 hours before you can even start playing the game is pretty shit, desu. I'll be on gumby, but 1x is fucking dumb.
Joshua Price
>It only takes 120 hours to hit the max level u shitter!
Dominic Gonzalez
except the content is nerfed beyond belief, the only remotely possible justification for rolling on warmane is pvp
Blake Morales
I'm clicking the dowload button for warmane BC and nothing is happening, whats the deal?
Blake Morris
its torrent magnet
Luke Brooks
Prince in Kara is scripted like shit. Half his abilities don't even work correctly what are you on about??
Jose Fisher
Which class is the most popular and which faction? I want to find decent guides on youtube on how to do shit
Blake Cox
>Gummycraft is seriously 1x? Unless thats from lvl 50 or 60 thats just awful.
go kys, seriously all you whiny faggets just stick to warmane x5 and stfu
>but muh TBC back in the day I only had to level from 60 to 70
yeah, tell that to all the belfs and drans, if you're a casual waste of space you have plenty of options, but don't try to whine and fuck shit up for the rest of us
Brody Cook
wew what a lovely place /tbcg/ is, i wonder why the thread keeps dying
Noah Hughes
Orc warlock or tauren hunter? or just roll a human paladin like I always do
Gabriel Gutierrez
Alright, so I'm just getting back into this. Right now Warmane is the go-to TBC server? And when Gummy is out of beta, are most people going to flock there?
Also, is there a compendium somewhere regarding classes/racials/leveling etc for TBC? I haven't played TBC since retail and wowscape, so I don't remember the real technical stuff(hit ratings, uncrush/uncrit, class balance etc)
Connor Lee
wew wowscape, my first ever wow experience. i had no idea what i was doing there, nor the point of the game and those were the most fun hours in wow that i spent, nowadays it's all about the repetitive grind
Hunter Torres
Where do I sign up for Gummy? Google gave me nothing
Jaxon Turner
Blackpeoplemeet dot com R/cuckold Or go give cummy an e blowjob on discord.
Owen White
1 Warmane coin has been added to your account. You now need 17 more coins to bypass the queue.
Ethan Hughes
Hard work pays off! I'm actually just waiting for crestfall.
Lincoln Roberts
Whynot go back to r.eddit?
Wyatt Torres
gummy will save us
Sebastian Rivera
We're going on Alliance on Gummy, right guys?
Jason Bailey
>Alliance >TBC
Kayden Campbell
Why not? Do you really horde racials will make you a better player?
Andrew Thomas
Nah m8 I wanna enjoy my 1 month tbc vacation on cummy before he ragequits the project again or gets sued to oblivion. I'm gonna be horde like any sane individual on a tbc server
Colton Taylor
This is of course assuming gummy stays around and is really good, does Veeky Forums have a guild starting to get organized? Is there a discord? And do you have any plans to limit the bad apples from /elyg/? I'm worried that the worst of the worst of them will roll belf (for obvious reasons) and fully commit to shitting up whatever guild you guys make.
Cooper Gray
I'm rolling belf (male) For obvious reasons *winks slyly at you*
Xavier Jenkins
Roll alliance if you wanna avoid moh trannies, they are rolling horde for belf.
Logan Richardson
>horde A wonderful coupling of edgy bois and tranny erpers. Enjoy your racials lel.
Christopher Ross
Bleah, I'm going back to swgemu or return of reckoning. I don't think Veeky Forums is salvageable.
Justin Morris
We started organizing ourselves for the beta today, but we don't have a guild name, officers or GM yet, only a few ideas so far from players that have already proven that they aren't mouth breathing retards.
We were talking mostly on the Elysium thread on how could we limit what happened with MoH, the basics are, going horde, forcing a rotation of the class leads every 2-3 months, no dkp since past experiences have shown people here just aren't capable of pulling it off without having people mass quit, even if loot councils generate drama they are still reliable, the class leads rotation is meant to influence diminish corruption.
I was contemplating starting a guild, and ruling with an iron fist. None of that clique bullshit or drama. None of my irl friends play WoW anymore, so I'm stuck playing w/ autists on Veeky Forums. Might as well make the most of it and try and form a functioning guild
Asher Ross
>limit what happened with MoH >going horde let me just say that you are starting off on the wrong foot entirely. horde is the tranny faction in bc and beyond simply due to blood elves. I know because I rolled horde way back in vanilla and watched it get totally destroyed by the blood elf menace in tbc and wrath. I know my decision isn't going to affect whatever you decide due to op racials, but you are making a horrible mistake rolling horde
Justin Harris
I totally get what you mean but it's also because part of the MoH is rolling alliance, we don't need 2 Veeky Forums guilds in the same faction, I wish we just had 1 guild per server, but there's no way to convince everyone to be in the same guild, most people already know each other.
Josiah Evans
Pmuch everyone is going horde you cuck, especially the problem people. Save the guild before you even make it by going alliance.
David Myers
Uhh.. would you mind stopping with all the anti-horde shilling? There's nothing wrong with rolling horde and there's nothing wrong with blood elves.
Ayden Howard
>We were talking mostly on the Elysium thread on how could we limit what happened with MoH... >Babymetal is in there. Hello?
Connor Williams
>/elyg/ thinks they're hot shit and are going to roll up with the tranny clique
the actual guild upon release will be /wpsg/, beyond that its really not worth talking about when beta could last months and we dont know what faction balancing is going to look like
Jayden Parker
Beta forever, 90% horde 10% ally, Cummy will throw a tantrum and quit after the server has been out for a month or so.
Jason Rodriguez
Nobody will even play on the beta. Especially when they realize he isn't purging all the closed beta chars.
John Bell
lmao no half want to go draenei and the rest still stick to human/nelf
Leo Lopez
Wait, you think he won't wipe all the characters after the beta ends?
Ryder Gonzalez
I'm not sure why anyone even thinks they will possibly keep their characters. I don't think that's ever happened in a beta before outside of crowd-funded early access stuff. I could be wrong.
Ayden Hall
He's stated closed beta chars won't be wiped beyond the ones that already have been (all the instant 70s). Instant 60s weren't wiped and there are about 50 people online currently leveling. If it wasn't for this fact I would slightly expect the open "beta" to last forever and actually be the release. But that's not the case.
Adam Nguyen
Wait, so the open beta is what starts this Friday right? And he's saying open beta characters will not be wiped at the end of the open beta?
I was holding off playing because I didn't want to level x1 to 70 twice, but if there's no wipe that would be great.
Joseph Long
Can we take an oath against trannies ruining this shit?
We need an Alliance guild on Gummy with no fucking tranny drama and a guild leader who will remove them at the start of any tranny drama
Levi Perry
I don't think you're really reading my posts.
Jace Clark
What shall we name it?
Aaron Foster
hes wiping it
open beta is (supposedly) going to be short as its mainly to test 1-58 leveling content more thoughly
Juan Diaz
no, for some reason that faggot thought open beta was secretly the real start and is somehow surprised to learn that it is, in fact, just an open beta because the characters from closed beta are not being deleted on friday
Daniel Cruz
Jack Myers
i don't know and don't care, but what matters here is who is going to lead. the leader will ultimately determine the fate of the guild and whether the tranny bullshit goes on
Christian Russell
Now i don't really know how to lead a guild, but i do hate trannies
Lightbrew 4 gm
Adam Perry
No, I'm just saying people will doubly refuse to play in the open beta phase when they realize closed beta chars aren't wiped.
Gavin Barnes
Ah, makes sense now. Been a long day.
I would offer to be GM, but I'm a no name. I don't put up with drama or any of the clique bullshit that always happens. But I'm in the Navy and about to start the next phase of flight school, so come August I won't be playing as much as I will be this summer.
Would definitely need a strong officer corps
Ian Young
why, who gives a shit if there are people with higher level characters around when the open beta starts? people will play the beta to see how the server is, scripts/stability etc.
Jaxson Sanders
We don't need someone popular to lead our guild, all the popular people are trannies or are in with the trannies. We need good people in leadership positions, that's all that matters.
Bentley Lopez
I mean, who gives a shit that there are higher level people on live servers? Apparently fucking everybody considering they roll another fresh server every 10 minutes.
Christian Parker
its a beta, fool. no one is going to be farming mats or grinding gold or powerleveling professions. no one with an ounce of sense, that is. the beta will show scripting, mob pathing, pet behavior. treating beta as if it was a live server where there actually may be a race for server firsts or brownie points is sheer retardation. will some autists do that? yes. they're retarded for doing so, full stop.
Jeremiah Morales
wich sort of senpai ban people from discord, really sad now
Isaiah Brooks
Are we all playing on Outland?
Justin Gomez
Jace Miller
Nobody but stupid p2w slavshits play on warmane.
Jace Davis
But I heard Outland is the best TBC server
Jordan Murphy
Most of us are playing on Outland. There's literally 2-3 of the same people who come in here and try their hardest to shit on Outland and shitpost about gummy.
Tyler White
Carter Baker
>fake news >alternative facts I'd rather have people asking questions and giving honest answers, over people lying to others. Both servers have issues, ones is out, one is still in beta. Guess which one gets shit on more because it's expected to be a semi-polished server? Shocker.
Jason Torres
This is one of those 2-3 people.
Isaiah Murphy
is there any professions hunters need?
Nolan Hill
Why is it taking so long for the maintenance to be over ree
Joshua Taylor
>molten is great, I didn't waste time and money on a scam reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Blake Smith
If it's your first character on the server, get Skinning + Mining / Herbalism so you can make money, even if it is just selling to the vendor.
If it's your second character on the server, you can aim for Mining + Engineering for PvP, Skinning + Leatherworking for making gear for yourself while leveling up and crafting your own BiS, or Herbalism + Alchemy to make your own healing potions while leveling and later on making flasks.
If it's your third character on the server, consider whatever it is that you need. Engineering is always a huge plus for PvP, and you can pair it well with Alchemy. Or you can focus on Leatherworking, and then pick up Enchanting to sell some gear at obscene prices.