Fucking artificial difficulty

Fucking artificial difficulty

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Why even set a trailing stop?

It just keeps going right back up.

I hope you meme holders cashed out already


i did but i'm getting back slowly. i'm gonna do some dca with bitcoin. i think i will keep at least 5% of my net worth in it long term.

Isn't it great to finally have a currency that is completely independent from central banks?

central banks are really just the banks. they are owned and ran by the banks.

Bitcoin is independent from direct influence.

And the bigger it gets, the more it becomes independent from indirect influence too.

bitcoin enthusiasts are really stupid. bitcoin would fuck everything up if it became widely adopted. fortunately that's not a real danger for the next couple of decades. a fundamentally deflationary currency is even worse than a fundamentally inflationary one.

t. Paul Krugman

bullshit you don't need to be a fucking retard of a keynesian to understand why deflation sucks ass and why the money supply must adapt to the size of the economy if you want growth.

keep on projecting cuck!


Inflation is good for those in power like, governments and banks.

Governments can keep racking up debt, and people have to turn to banks for loans and savings instead of saving up by simply accumulating capital.

If you like the current system, then go right ahead adoring fiat and all its wonderfulness, like the constantly growing wealth gap and constantly shrinking middle class.

And the bottom line is this: people finally have access to a quasi-deflationary store of value (that also happens to be eminently suited to the modern age free from direct influence from politicians and businessmen, and is almost unconfiscatable), and that's what people will use.

It's just human nature.

you too
>keep on projecting cuck!

the truth is bitcoin will never be widely adopted and it will never replace traditional currency. it might for a while replace gold in it's role. and then bitcoin will hit the exchanges and the same fucking thing will happen to it as it happened to metals. the paper gold contracts out-mass physical hundreds of times and when it happens to bitcoin the growth will stop too.

>If you like the current system
i don't like the instability, a little stable inflation is good it's predictable make people invest and not hoard in pillow cases and also because the people know their money will worth less in the future they will spend it or invest it. without that you get an economy that falls the fuck apart.
>quasi-deflationary store of value
i would say strongly deflationary (assuming the demand grow on a parabolic curve) but whatever. and yes it's a store of value once it stabilizes. but it will not be a currency any more than metals are.

an other funny thing is coinfags will actually celebrate bitcoin etfs and adoption by hedge funds and recognition by financial institutions.

which will be the doom of the entire artificial scarcity thing as bitcoin will become the same as paper cash of physical gold. limited supply with unlimited amount of virtual bitcoins only existing on sql accounts and in contracts.

you never learn do you faggots? what is used for settlement be it usd or eur or even gold doesn't matter until the entire financial establishment stays the same.

The fiat system is collapsing right now, if you hadn't noticed.

Interest rates are dead and about to go negative, and they aren't coming back up so long as national debts keep growing exponentially (which they are).

The system is eating itself, barely half a century in.

The gold standard on the other hand was stable for 200 years.

>i would say strongly deflationary
The last bitcoin will be mined over 100 years from now, until then it's inflationary.

>an other funny thing is coinfags will actually celebrate bitcoin etfs and adoption by hedge funds and recognition by financial institutions.
Only as a way to increase exposure and acceptance.

shhh, only tears now nocoiner

hey you got no argument from me there regarding that pic. i'm just saying the banks will never adopt bitcoin as reserve currency as it is totally unsuitable for their purposes. and also saying bitcoin is a more modern version of gold which is susceptible to the same degree of fuckery in the end as gold only and this is important more convenient to hold or privately exchange. a little bit not much just a bit. at least with bitcoins the fractions are easier to make and you don't have to wonder once in your wallet if real or fake. so it's slightly superior to gold on the other hand it has no industrial demand so there is that.

it can easily fuck bitcoin the same way with futures contracts as it does gold. best would be if it never happens. but as a speculator i really waiting to ride that wave. in the short run holding bitcoin might be totally worth it.

That shit changes nothing about the bitcoin in the blockchain.

>The fiat system is collapsing right now
it has been collapsing for decades now but on the surface everything looks alright and there is no real reason it can't go on indefinitely. so whatever.
>The last bitcoin will be mined over 100 years from now, until then it's inflationary.
no if the money supply grows with the population and economy then it's not deflationary if it fails to do that it definitely is. doesn't matter if there is technically more of it if the rate it grows lags behind the demand.

as credit made up by the banks changes nothing about the paper bills in your pocket which are quite scarce and limited right? oh wait... oh it fucking does doesn't it? the worth of your bills is not dependent on the total amount of őapaer bills but the total amount of "money".

try to wrap your head around this! and come back when you managed.

>there is no real reason it can't go on indefinitely
With negative interest rates?

Banks are already struggling.

>no if the money supply grows with the population and economy then it's not deflationary if it fails to do that it definitely is
That's one way of seeing it.

>as credit made up by the banks changes nothing about the paper bills in your pocket which are quite scarce and limited right?
I hope you're not talking about fiat money bills.

>With negative interest rates?

Negative interest rates are a result of the US keeping interest rates low on purpose, not because we use fiat money.

Just as much as the uneducated claim that every other country is manipulating currencies, we are manipulating interest rates, which is having a 10x more detrimental effect on the world's economy. Negative interest rates would disappear overnight if the Yellen decides tomorrow to say "2% interest rate!"

>Banks are already struggling.
yeah like i said what's new? there is no fundamental law in the universe that states they can't keep their fuckery up unless everyone collectively takes their money out of them and stops using their services which is a literal impossibility at this date.
>I hope you're not talking about fiat money bills.
of course that's what i'm talking about user, but we an talk about gold or silver coins in your pocket with their insanely suppressed prices.

i hold a little bit of gold and silver and kinda sick of what happens with the constant daily shorting. this has been the shittiest investment if you can call it that i ever made. it really made me see the price and liquid value of scarce commodities in a very different y light.

sure when the financial system gets a strong kick in the ass for a little while these things approach their real value then everything goes right back where it was. and what do you cash out into when on the peak? huh? how will you secure your gains? well we will see.

Bitcoin is infinitely divisible, we will never "run out of supply"

And at the same time, it's supply is limited

That is the magic of bitcoin

Banks will adapt and become 3rd parties to hold bitcoins. Dumb normies can use custodial wallets if they're so scared of losing their bitcoins - but the underlying protocol allows anyone interested complete control over their money, and that is a very powerful thing.

>Negative interest rates are a result of the US keeping interest rates low on purpose, not because we use fiat money.
And they keep interest rates low because the debt is skyrocketing.
And the debt is skyrocketing because inflation (fiat money) stimulates government lending.

>like i said what's new?
The dead interest rates.

>of course that's what i'm talking about user
But those are massively inflationary.

>i hold a little bit of gold and silver and kinda sick of what happens with the constant daily shorting
That's because the supply (mining) depends on the demand.
High demand revs up the mines.

With bitcoin, supply is predetermined, and the rate of mining is set to be reduced by half every so often.

>government lending.
*government borrowing

>Bitcoin is infinitely divisible, we will never "run out of supply"
well i don't think you would ever run out of $1 bills either but there are always cents to use if you wish. the divisibility is meaningless if you want a stable currency that is useful for the economy. what you are saying is worse than a frog meme really.

>And at the same time, it's supply is limited
just as paper bills, i mean of course we know the government can print more of those and the rate is not regulated but from a practical viewpoint their supply is very much finite and shrinking.

>Banks will adapt and become 3rd parties to hold bitcoins.
yes that's just playing the same game all over again and expecting a different result. once banks have the coins they will start issuing virtual coins as the number of bitcoins people will want in their own wallets will minimal since they won't receive like 1-2% interest on that so they put it in the bank. sooner or later you will realize you didn't replaced anything.

>The dead interest rates.
well funny you mention that, a naked bitcoin would have no interest rates.

>That's because the supply (mining) depends on the demand.
no the price has little to do with mining silver is a byproduct of other metals mining for example.

>With bitcoin, supply is predetermined, and the rate of mining is set to be reduced by half every so often.
yeah i particularly hate that feature. i think it should have been the opposite. it should have grown with the projected population growth or grown by the number of wallets or something.

this is beyond retarded. you will have to keep the miners afloat with ever increasing prices from transaction costs in the end. really fucking idiotic thing it was.

>well funny you mention that, a naked bitcoin would have no interest rates.
It wouldn't need it, it doesn't lose value.

>no the price has little to do with mining silver is a byproduct of other metals mining for example.

>it should have grown with the projected population growth or grown by the number of wallets or something.
Make a cryptocurrency of your own then.

>It wouldn't need it, it doesn't lose value.
jesus you seriously need to brush up on your ides how the economy works and what are the participants motives / incentives and what they provide in return to the whole.

without interest there is no lending without lending there is limited to no growth. you want to kick progress back a couple of hundreds of years or something?

including historic ones? are you trying to make me laugh?
>Silver mining is a tough business geologically and economically. Primary silver deposits, those with enough silver to generate over half their revenues when mined, are quite rare. Most of the world’s silver ore formed alongside base metals or gold, and their value usually well outweighs silver’s.

primary mines tend to buy silver not sell it when the prices are this low btw.

>Make a cryptocurrency of your own then.
god forbid! there is too many shitcoins as it is.
i will just buy some btc instead of gold for the added benefit of it's much easier to hide from irs smuggle out of the country and for a while i don't think it's very threatened by secondary markets. but i don't believe for a second bitcoin has some bright future and it will save us all from the evil banks. learn to roll with the system niggas! you can ride the waves or drown like the peasants.

You could still lend bitcoin at interest, of course.

I was talking about bank account interest.

>including historic ones? are you trying to make me laugh?
That was the first result in google.

And gold mining is indeed closely related with silver mining.

>i will just buy some btc instead of gold for the added benefit of it's much easier to hide from irs smuggle out of the country and for a while i don't think it's very threatened by secondary markets.
Now you're talking.

People are fleeing from the banks because the interest rates are deeeeaaaaaad, so you can be damn sure authorities will start the war on cash (and commodities like gold) in earnest pretty soon to get everyone back into the banks.

Bitcoin is all but impervious to detection and confiscation. It's the very best store of value during a war on currency.

And that's just one of its many assets.

>You could still lend bitcoin at interest, of course.
>I was talking about bank account interest.
it's the same thing really. private lending is insanely risky tho. unless you are the local thug everyone knows not to cross you are guaranteed to lose money.

>Bitcoin is all but impervious to detection and confiscation. It's the very best store of value during a war on currency.
that's true, it's kinda sad that you buy your immunity at the expense of others in the end.

>that's true, it's kinda sad that you buy your immunity at the expense of others in the end.
People who use bitcoin will be safer, but not at the expense of others.
The government measures are at the expense of everyone, some are just better prepared.

no i mean when you cash out when shit begins to normalize you leave behind some sad sad bagholders.

you fucked up here. check out lending on poloniex

you call lending for margin trading in a closed ecosystem _lending_? jesus. it's tow totally different things. you can lend to gamblers if they put enough into escrow sure and they get liquidated if they fuck up and you get interest from this process.

now try to work this system into lending for any real world investment! lending to increase productivity where you don't actually keep the whateverthefucks in the system but spend it!

an other kind off bitcoin lending i saw is also not lending it was basically selling with an option to buy back which was not supported or enforced or even regulated so might as well not exist for the sake of "lending".

>And they keep interest rates low because the debt is skyrocketing.

Top kek, cause and effect man. Debt rises because interest rates are low, not the other way around. Go back to school

>a little stable inflation is good it's predictable make people invest and not hoard in pillow cases and also because the people know their money will worth less in the future they will spend it or invest it. without that you get an economy that falls the fuck apart.


Between 1800 and 1912, the value of the US dollar steadily increased. What could be bought with 15 cents in 1800 could be bought with 10 in 1912.

Far from "falling the fuck apart", the American economy massively industrialized and rushed out west.

Debt rises because money is needed, genius.

The government is in control of both the interest rate and the debt, your logic makes zero sense.

>Between 1800 and 1912
you mean when the dollar was tied to gold?
what the fuck is that supposed to mean?

you are stupid and don't understand what bitcoin is
there is a public ledger blockchain but keep crying nocoiner

you're just bitching about a great invention with nothing to contribute but criticism.
A lot of your ideas about bitcoin are wrong, and your solutions could easily be added to a new alt coin, but you would rather complain and suck the bankers tit.

>you are stupid and don't understand what bitcoin is
now what the fuck do you base that on? i probably understand bitcoin way better than you are as i'm a developer who actually dabbles in cryptography and studied it to some extent but go ahead!
>there is a public ledger blockchain
nobody can make physical gold out from thin air either, yet the gold contracts multiply daily akin to the current banking system physical gold amount places no restriction on paper gold amount in any way.

and this is solely the fault of humans mind you not gold or bitcoins. we can take anything and lay multiple claims on it via futures and options contracts indefinitely.

>but you would rather complain and suck the bankers tit
i can tell from this sentence alone you read nothing from this thread.

>physical gold amount places no restriction on paper gold amount in any way
The physical gold still has to be delivered for futures contracts, user.

only when they ask for delivery and it will only be delivered to one guy or none.

the bitcoin transfer on blockchain in this place is synonymous to physical delivery.