League of Legends General - /lolg/

Pale prince edition


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Like Vlad's updated art.

vladfag a shit waifu.

Rather a vladfag thread than that fucking shit renekton thread

Who is your favorite yordle girl and yordle boy vladfag

>have an 80% winrate the past 20 games
>Shit, i better play some normals to ride out the coming loss streak
>cant stop winning
>i can feel the future loss streak growing more miserable

What would it feel like to cum inside Lux?

>Garen is a shit tier 450 ip champ but always manages to get discussion going

How does he do it lads?

Also Imthem getting cucked by destruction man

Good news /lolg/! You have just been chosen to give a mini rework to a champion while retaining their identity.

Post what you'd change so other anons can call you retarded.

Literally everything. I'm thinking Lulu, Nami, Janna, Braum, Bard, Soraka, Alistar, and Leona all benefit from attack speed. I usually still run Mpen on mage supports and AD on thresh because I can't last hit without some AD.
I don't see how armor reds would be that stat efficient. I'm talking only about marks of course, for seals and glyphs I agree there are better options.

>chemtech trynd looks better than singed
>elderwood LB looks better than zyra

Where does it end


(with damage buffs too)



Some dude on reddit who's the 4th best kindred in NA claims that this is the best kindred build now, is it true /d/?

Red Smite>Berserker Greaves>Infinity Edge>Static Shiv>Essence Reaver>Life steal/Last Whisper>Sell Red Smite for Life steal/Last Whisper


can never escape


The E passive explosions on last hits get removed. No more autopush lane.
Her E gains a much lower cooldown, and E'ing a target does less damage however it shreds armour for Tristana.

Her passive is changed to grant more range at earlier levels and less at later levels, making her less level depended.

Just my attempt at making Tristana decent again. Shes not even the best turret pusher in the game since Jinx does that better.

>Jinx players have even more ways to position like a retard
no ty

Leona, Ezreal or Sejuani?

What do you even play you fucking retard

More like having a way to escape things or set things up

>Engage what would be a 5v4 fight by chain CCing a Soraka for 2.5s
>Upon the engage, Zed recalls to "defend" because the enemy 2/6/5 Nidalee is pushing on another lane that still has all turrets up
>Other teammates refuse to move because "zed recalled we can't fight"

damage dealers have one damn job and yet they can't do it


>every kill or assist lowers the CD of Corki's package

How OP would this be?

reposting for user who asked how to play Kayle

>start targons or coin depending on matchup
>get redemption,Knights Vow,Ardents/Chalice Wits and a cleaver if no one else picks on up
>collect literal freelo with a get out of jail free card

alternatively just be an Idort and take the Tyndamere route to victory. Kayle is pretty retard proof and has no counterplay

Except Jinx players are mouthbreathers 90% of the time

Sej no contest
If you need engage or kill pressure on a support pick thresh or something.
If you aren't an adc main you shouldn't play ez

If people are retarded people are retarded, it would still be a damn good modification

Rate my Garen rework

P: its good

Q: give him back the 35% bonus movespeed (he lost 5% for no reason)

movespeed duration: from 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 / 3 / 3.5 seconds to 1.5 / 2.25 / 3 / 3.75 / 4.5 seconds (again another revert to the rework nerfs that happened for no reason)

give him back the old scaling silence duration 1.5 / 1.75 / 2 / 2.25 / 2.5 rather than the bullshit flat 1.5 duration

W: keep the flat 30 MR/Armor but give back the tenacity on W active

E: lower the bonus villain damage

R: lower the bonus villain damage, make the villain mechanic selectable like kindred but have kill a different villan before picking the same champion again


E: able to apply on-hit effects in addition to spell effects

R: remove villain mechanic, scales with AD and deals physical damage



Glad Riot is planning to rework her.

Her mana costs are a bit high to be a support tbqh

Would actually count on Corki getting kills so not very.

Who cares what happens to this point and click monkey


Malzahar, revert past 2 reworks.
Xerath, lower mana cost Q, no speed penalty on charge. Also once it's max range, continually charging it narrows the beam but makes it cast faster.
W mini-stuns on center hit, still has strong decaying slow. Outer hitbox's slow is a little stronger, like 25%. E stun is 1.5 no matter the distance again.
Ulti stops giving vision on him for no reason, also no base dmg increase at all per lvl and longer CDs at all lvls but multiple successive hits amps dmg of the next shot each hit to a maximum dmg amp of 60%, 20% gained each hit. The dmg amp buff wears off in 4 seconds but wears off one stack at a time.
Oh and passive is the armour per AP thing again, fuck AD champs and their retarded good itemization.

>play 20 straight games of jhin
>every other adc is boring garbage now

Rate my Lulu rework

P, Q w E R everything stays the same but:
Ult can be used on enemies to shrink them, lowering their MR and armour by 25%, slowing them too.

If Lulu hits 4 abilities on an enemy they become charmed for 0.5 seconds and walk harmlessly into Lulu's direction! Shes just TOO cute.

Or just give her back her waveclear so I can play her midlane

>based queen of top lane being put in the healslut role

kill yourself

t. riven main

Thematically I like it but I really don't want Jinx players """""accidentally""""" diving into the enemy team from 2 screens away

I've always hated that picture, it gets the lore so wrong. Xin and J4 are bros to Garen, but Kats equivalent would be Talon and Cass.
Darius and Draven are loyal to Swain (who conspires with Leblanc), who almost killed her father.
She'd never invite them to her wedding.

I don't play cuck lane


>death passive now grants you a single-use ability that "roars" in a cone fearing enemies for 0.3 sec

>Q can be charged for twice as long gaining even more size/damage/stun duration up to 1500 units at max charge (5 sec)

>W passive HP up to 3 per minion from 2

>E unchanged

>R can deal damage to structures

>Get Excited Attack Speed bonus removed

>Pow-Pow now has a overheat system

>while in Pow-Pow mode Jinx has like 100% increased attack speed but can only attack 5~12 times before Pow-Pow overheats and she loses this bonus completely. not using Pow-Pow for 5 seconds cools it down

>FishBones crit rockets have doubled splash range and can CRIT structures for increased damage
>Fishbones rockets no longer work with Hurricane

>After Zap hits an initial target it forks 2 directions behind the target

>Super mega death Rocket is no longer global but instead has a cast range of about 2700
>Super Mega Death rocket is now a ground targeted ability (like mortar or Ziggs ult of sorts. If you've ever played WORMS and used the Bazooka you understand what im talking about)
>Super Mega Death rocket effects structures

what does jungle have to do with this?

Giving back her waveclear would be the best rework as well as giving her a vu

>Reworking Kayla as a healslut sup
Yes, please

Change how he scales so it isn't so binary.

Change his E entirely, perhaps move him to barrier cancer instead a little like Orianna, but don't give him movement speed for using it and only make it self cast. Have the barrier scale with total/bonus health so if he has to build defensive he's being compensated for more barrier stuff, not AP like Ekko. Azir can't dash with E anymore.

The wall lasts 4 seconds, not 3. Lastly, cut his auto-attack range by 100 or 200 units.

And I'm sure someone's gonna tell me that none of this will work even though it easily could.

>When they say kys, but he can't, because you ulted him.

Is it really surprising that top laners have no reading comprehension and immediately look for a scapegoat?

are chat rooms still a thing, im trying to find the option to join a custom chat room but it seems riot just removed it from the client

coin and meditation mastery solves this

otherwise just run mana regen runes (you are effectively ranged anyway so dont expect to trade much)

Match Kayle with any hyper carry or high damage diver like Akali/Master Yi

watch the tears roll in when they realize just how gay you really are.

>queen of top
>when illaoi exist
>actually thinking "definitely not a marksman" playstyle is any more dignified

>wanting your wife to get plastic surgery
disappointed in your loyalty t b h

I think Talon is like a cuck to the Du Cotueau family and Cass is a fucking snek, Darius would want to go since the heirs of two important families will be getting married, and Draven is just Draven.

I didnt think I could lose respect for anyone who liked best waifu

but Ive been proven wrong, you disgust me more than lulufags

>1 v 1 lane most of the game
Stop using that word

Diana's identity is shit and should just be scrapped. Just make her a diver that can stick it out in prolonged engagements instead of a dinky assassin. Her kit is really poorly thought out.

Talon has likes blonde twinks
his r9k style
>tfw no snek gf
turned into
>tfw qt piltover gf(male)

Except the big strong jungler can come any time to ruin your fun and 1v1 honor.

t. top lane main

Not with his looks

To me it has as much gravity as Taliyah ulting into the enemy team, or Camille zip lining into an enemy team, or a yasuo dashing into an enemy team. People are gonna be stupid and kill themselves purposely or not. It doesn't matter what champion they play.

Honestly Zap and structure damage sounds cool but I'd give structures to chompers instead, but that's just me. Hurricane removal and the majority of the rest just seem very...no.

is that you king gay

That's why you constatly ward and look at the map you shitter
t. actual good top lane main

What the fuck am i suppose to do as zed when i ult and they flash away

>ap ranged cancer surviving

enjoy support kayle after the rework

W now hits creeps. Ap ezreal is now viable

user, she's a bimbo in armor. She's best suited as a healslut or a shieldslut.

;_; I wish, im hoping if I spread his meme he'll notice and come back

Reminder that Pantheon is the best hero for climbing soloq unless you are d1+ skill level jungle main

you W after them

> r
> w
> w
> e
> q
isn't that zed's combo

>Queen of Top
>When Fiora exists

Lmaoing at ur life kid

i think it would be good if they added the e passive to her q active so she could still shove the lane if she wanted to

Why do you want Diana's identity changed? Gameplay wise she's super sleeper op. No one plays her either which should only be a good thing for you since that means that literally no one will ban or pick her. She's honestly one of the designated champs to otp in my opinion.

Taliyah leaves a wall so she can at least hop off the correct side
Yasuo and Camille are supposed to dash into melee, Jinx is not.

Except a jungler can zone you away from huge minion waves, help his laner set up a freeze, lane gank you, towerdive you, take first blood tower, etc.

Don't insult me just because your gold 5 junglers walk into lane then waddle away without doing anything.

Reminder that if you enjoy playing champions with 0 mechanix you should kill yourself

reminder that if you play any champion I don't like you should kill yourself

that isnt Annie

>flash is a 5 minute cooldown
>zed ult is 2 minutes

well gee i dunno boss

>Queen of Top
>when the literal embodiment of top lane exists

>being so shit you can't see this shit happen a mile away
lmaoing at your elo

>Queen of Top
>doesnt have the best top

Decrease jungle spawn timers by 30%

There I fixed her

Kayle should be a "combat" support like Taric or Bruam

she should be in the thick of it protecting and inspiring her fellow holy warriors.

the entire playstyle of kiting people out like a pussy and keeping them at a 1:1 with reckoning and blessing is stupid and you know it.


>Encase the most dangerous foe in a golden sphere putting them in stasis temporarily
>bolster team with holy strength and flaming weapons of righteousness
>Become a beacon of hope on the battlefield


>implying you can stop me from split pushing without 2 people
>time to wait till im at 5 HP and then use my ult to run away XD
>or use my ult only AFTER the enemy uses their burst instead of before because i only ult low health people XD
>no skills perma slow Right click and forget attack mover

>thinking you can stop anything when their jungler is better than yours and force smart 2v1 plays
lmaing at your delusion

>doesnt have the best top
But she's perfect!

>Maybe you should stop hating yourself.


>not managing pantheons passive to maximise dmg reduction

There's a lot of talk about which champion is queen of top, but which champion is queen of being on top

>playing to win
>playing to go 0/4 in lane but at least my teammates were impressed with my ability to land a triple barrel

syndra or sejuani

I always imagined the Rework Jinx ulti to always go its full length but Jinx can recast to jump off at any point prematurely if needed and if it crashes to people she'll automatically jump off to max aa range (contextual to Q)

>Taliyah leaves a wall so she can at least hop off the correct side
Boy I wish

>Play Lulu top
>enemy assumed it was Lulu ANYWHERE ELSE
>so is not running proper magic resist runes
>they AFK by their second death

is there a better feel than cucking toplane maynes?

>Why do you want her identity changed
Because she seesaws between being good/bad Akali and has very uninspired gameplay like a lot of other pre-season 2 champions. She's supposed to be a diver like Warwick, Vi, Panth, Camille, etc but she really just functions like a binary assassin.

And no, she's not that strong right now.

short hair is not perfect

>tfw all your best champs turn out to be supports
>tfw you want to carry but the healslut life chose you

>He thinks a smelly literal Hobo can compare to a Demacian noblewoman


fuck off meriipu