Previous Thread: Current Event: Cool 3* Eve
next event: drummers and rimi
Get the Game
song for this thread:
Previous Thread: Current Event: Cool 3* Eve
next event: drummers and rimi
Get the Game
song for this thread:
this is supreme efficient thread making
new thread up as the last thread dies..
>not "Song of the 'day'"
>previous thread link stopped being posted at the bottom of the post some handful of threads ago
>triggering my autism for not capitalizing where needed
Can't blame you for the second point, and the third one isn't a big deal, but you only get one of my cookies today.
Good job, though. I probably would have fucked it up myself.
Song of the thread might be more fitting since our threads definitely don't last a day
i want to fuck a cute emo like ran
I agree, but I always found the irony of it to be the funny part about it. Hence why the word "day" always had quotation marks in the previous threads. Regardless, I'm not one to make a fuss over anything, I'm fine either way.
Where is it said that Sayo likes dogs? I can't recall ever seeing this in-game.
i want one of those afterglow badges they look so nice
During the Roselia story Hina comes in her room and says their dad is watching a TV show about dogs that Sayo likes
Thank you to the user who posted this earlier. Tsugu is so cute here! And it makes me wish Ran didn't have the red in her hair, she'd be even cuter than she already is.
tsugud job
dead thread time to move back to /mbbg/
page 10 already
heh... you dont need to be fast.. popular.. or rich to get your groove on...
baby enjoy the pace of life.... we're all homegrown vegetables...
Thread always has a slow start.
No! I don't have friends there and they'll make fun of my tsuguposting!
It's that time of the day
the day gbp dies is the day i die
its the same for all of us
we are now life bonded with /gbp/
if you die, gbp dies,,,, then we die
stay fucking safe
i dont think we've had one of these yet
Excellent taste so far
remember to remind people to vote in the poll
I will send out a site wide notice
Wedding Event Leaks?
I love Aya.
>no infodump
Who else here from reddit? Also anyone interested in Discord? Might make one.
bad fucking bait idiot you seriously think anyones gonna fall for that???
Why would someone willingly admit to being from reddit?
Discord is shit and would make this place even more dead than it already is.
The hard work put into it will one day be rewarded
This place is fucking dead and so are all of you
Do you think Sayo and Hina share their underwear?
They share underwear same way they share boyfriends.
I can't believe I'm fucking dead
It's just two of us so far, but clearly that fellow user knows who /ourgirl/ truly is.
I always find myself daydreaming about the day-to-day stuff that goes on in the Hikawa home and how awkward it must be at stuff like family dinner and what-not.
I posted once on the Bandori reddit.
I've also played with their discord a few times, well more like leech.
I want to lick Kanon's armpits
Me too. Though there are few bandori's whose pits I wouldn't dive into.
I've leeched off from them a bunch of times
The only pits I would dive into are Kanon's and Chisato's
Who needs boyfriends when you have onee-chan?
She wouldn't be able to say no
>There's a line in Happy Summer Wedding where the lead introduces 'Sugimoto-san'
>A Man
>The full song will sound like Kokoro is marrying a man
I thought there was a man already in HHW
There are 2, if you count Hagumi
How much do I have to pay you to never post that image ever again
Who's singing the song?
Maya. ふえへへ
When best girls collide
The choco cornet song
Rimi's armpits have become suddenly popular with the Japanese since this image has been released.
Why does it look like her head was just pasted on
actually get reported
Why must all these character singles show cleavage?
looks like bae has a hairy armpit...
She isn't the type to worry about that kind of thing.
I am disappointed brother, im gonna make the next op and i will make /gbp/ great again
Don't forget to link the new thread at the end of this thread later
Thats how i always do it, i graduated top of my class in thread making
The other thread was dead before this could be linked there
This thread needs more anal sex with ayasa
The only one allowed to sexualise Ayasa is her legal husband Aimin.
Chisato is probably near the top of my list. Nice to see someone with taste this refined around here.
I want to see the LOOK on Moca's face when she walks in and finds Tsugu kissing Ran.
Tsuguran is crackship
Correct. Tsugumoca is the only true afterglow ship.
You will never be Aya.
You will never have a harem of Idols who love you so much they will introduce you to your oshi.
Why live?
I just want a nice girl who will cook my oishii
I just want a cute girl who will oishii my cock
>Just don't fuck it up
famous last words
here, have this
It might be worth it to put links to the manga and the various translations in the pastebin
The Bushimo and Kurafuto Eggu videos got deleted on youtube, are they anywhere else?
thats a good idea
somebody pls do it, im too dame dame
Rely on the Chinks and find it on BiliBili.
Ikumi finally got herself.
Also Happy Birthday Yukarin. If Maya is Yukarin does that make Manmaru Aya her Nishizumi-dono?
you mean these?
Mom Idol is pregnant with her second child. I guess that means we won't be seeing the combined PasuPare until next year...unless people like pregnant idols.
The Real Aya finally pulled her self-insert. Funny thing is Aya was one of my first 3 stars and strangely all my first 3 stars are Vocal Harem Leads.
I am now imagining Maya giving birth to another child while a happy Eve-chan looks lovingly at her wife and new-born baby.
Can you reply to posts properly?
I wish they were mine.
But pregnant idols are kinda hot to me.
Yes thank you! The ones I had saved were deleted.
who is the father? eve or hina?
now that we are talking about maya, reminds me of her sweaty ass with no pantsu after playing a gig
Eve stop.
Probably Eve unless she pyon pyon's Tsugumi's Kokoro and ends up co-owning the Hazawa Cafe.
I feel like of all the drummers Maya smells and tastes the worst.
As expected of a rehabilitated NEET.
her strong smell and flavor are an acquired taste user
Must be. I would gladly volunteer my face as a drum stool for Saaya, Tomoe, Ako, or Kanon but I can't see myself doing the same for Maya. More power to you if she's your type.
Smug Kaoru.
are they fighting for Kanon and Kokoro possession?
No, Kokoro belongs to Misaki and Kanon belongs to Kaoru. They're fighting over the true treasure Hagumi.
Who knows? Kaoru has her eyes for a ton of girls.