/svg/ - Shadowverse General

Double daily mission rewards and 40 packs for Shadowverse's 1st birthday event.


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>Bellringer, Urd, Liza, Elana, Otohime's Guards

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>Elf OP

>/svg/ unironically believes a 6pp magic missile will be played

post armpits


Google docs with new cards

Is Arisa stroking her cock in this picture?

I want to take Arisa to pixie's paradise and show her my giant wood!

Aggro blood decks run nothing that costs over 6pp
They need card draw because they're playing an aggro deck
FREE face damage always helps

The only question is what will she be replacing. Soul dominator is a nice bet

You're moving the goalposts. I am countering your statement that arena is "unplayable" in your own words, which has no merit.
The simple fact that you call things "uncounterable" proves that you don't want to draft for these eventualities. I don't like Hector, Ouroboros, or Aegis in Take 2 either. I think those cards are total bullshit. Bahamut is completely fine and the people who whine about it don't understand that maybe something will happen when their opponent gets to 10pp.
The removal of the cards in Standard like Themis and 4 drop evolutions and the addition of the Neutral gold/legendary pick were absolutely huge improvements that you will conveniently ignore because "the game mode is not fun for me therefore it is unplayable."

>little red riding mage is bad

It's now or never
I ain't gonna live forever

>ungashitter doesn't understand the term value over time
you're probably in the same crowd that thought price catacomb was a "worse bone chimera"

Do you know what they would rather be doing instead of playing a 6pp draw spell? Killing their opponent. It's competing with imp lancer which is 5 damage on 6 and hard to answer body.

is it just me or is every dragon deck prone to horrific trainwreck bricks

Here's a question to every person here that's mad at the conditions behind Red Mage's effect: Why is it so bad and how would you improve it?

>luna has a fat 5/5 reaper on board
>can trade into my very buffed 4/5 who is buffed with a full board
>evolves and goes face
>concedes next turn after I stick my hot burglar junk into her tiny mouth

Are all luna players mentally challenged?

I'm not a game designer nigga foh

Make it an officer
Evo effect dependent upon Commander being on the field

>Red Mage

Brick Lancer is a Demonic Strike that has to go through wards, the only reason it's used is because there's nothing better in its slot, not because it's a good card.

Dude it's 1 magic missile PER TURN
Literally infinite value

Its like sword players and pepe. If they lose it they lose the game (ignoring the fact that they have more wincons in their deck)

He said improve

can I get a concede? thanks! 97628

What if you could use up to 40 Yuriuses in the same deck?

I think that would make it strictly worse. Easier to have a neutral on board early on than a commander.

Yeah, and Sybil is shit, right? You were wrong then and you will probably be wrong now.

Little Red Hood girl.
2/2 -> 4/4
Evolve: Destroy an enemy follower if allied Neutral follower is on your field

New sword gold 2pp follower
>why is it bad
Neutralcraft is bad and alice won't save it, that's why it's bad
Better off sticking to albertcraft

what if you could use a noose

>imp lancer
>when general is cheaper and does more damage

Nobody runs imp lancer anymore

>Brick Lancer is a Demonic Strike that has to go through wards
>and delivers evo points to face
>and 2 for 1s anything that isn't hard removal

the only reason it's used is because there's nothing better in its slot
6 mana deal 1 is better?

>allied Neutral
it's garbage

This is the best nep/ledger deck I could come up with, anyone have a deck I can bounce ideas out of?

Yeah, because it actually gives you fuel.

thanks spooky skelly

>Nobody runs imp lancer anymore
And nobody will run this shitty legend either

>Yeah, because it actually gives you fuel.
You know what's better than "having fuel" in an aggro deck? Killing them.

>shadow 2pp gold 2/2 remove any enemy evolved follower for free
>sword 2pp gold 2/2 remove any enemy follower if you currently have a neutral ally and evolve her
Shadowniggers will defend this favoritism.

Lurching is an absolute no in ledger, if you're spending 4 mana to not immediately affect the board you want liches and liches only
Forgoing Khawy is pretty fucking bold and probably game-losing
Only 2 DB is also a mistake I believe

This is the worst deck I've ever seen
Do you just pray that the opponent passes 6 turns or something?

nobody runs general because aggre blood usually isn't in vengeance when it's crucial for it to bring down a slower deck fast

she also has 6/6 body

>draft for an uncounterable card like Aegis
Just stop posting. I'm sick of some retard trying to offer advice on how to "counter" cards like Aegis and Ouroboros in take two. The only counter is to kill them before they play it or hope they never draw it.

>he thinks bahamut is bad because muh turn 10 bahamut
You can't play around topdeck bahamuts you idiot. The card is a stupid game changer when it comes down to topdeck mode. That's why no one likes the card. Top-decking an Olivia wasn't anywhere near as bad as Bahamut because she doesn't instantly remove your board AND present lethal by the virtue of being a 13/13.

>just magically get the game to offer you an Odin bro then you can stop Ouroboros
>just draw perfect curves and always kill Haven before turn 9 bro
>what's that? You had no way to put them in lethal range by turn 9? Guess you just got outskilled!!

>The removal of the cards in Standard like Themis and 4 drop evolutions
Dragon couldn't ramp into a turn 6 Ouroboros in DE. I'll take those cards again over being cheated by bullshit like that any day.


Concede please!

>for free

Kill yourself, shadownigger.

But wait didnt you say it was free? What gives?

Fuck off.

Thank you Mr.Skeletal!


What? Don't you see how she gave you a free win?

see, you ideally play this card when the enemy leader is pretty low, this card places a 6/6 body on the board which has to be dealt with, then it draws you your burn spells to kill the enemy leader even faster and on top of that it burns the enemy leader for 1 point forever

>>is it just me or is every dragon deck prone to horrific trainwreck bricks
It's all my user

why did he concede?

You're offering me nothing but angry hypotheticals and platitudes. I can't convince you that the mode is playable if you've already made up your mind to complain about every possible scenario that doesn't work out in your favor. Just accept the fact that you don't like the mode and don't want to adapt to it, partly because it's significantly more difficult than it used to be thanks to more consistent drafting.

Need a concede for dailies: 19375

Probably his mom called him

>complaining about a 2pp hard removal for baha
I guess you guys don't deserve it then

What memes can I do with her?


Thanks Mr.skelly

Lurching has never really hurt me, but has come out at questionable times. As for Khawy I feel like he comes out too late and bricks me to early to make an impact.
No, the deck has a stronger early game than most nep decks I can think of. Its honestly not as bad as you would think, but I would like to see what you would deem optimal. If not stfu and kys shitter.

>Been trying to play silver bolt forest
>I'm getting fucked sideways
How do i get good?

>you ideally play this card when the enemy leader is pretty low
You know what I would rather have in my hand when my opponent is really low with my burn deck? A burn spell. If they don't print in obvious support for this card, it's not going to see play in any deck. It doesn't into burn because they are usually killing on the turn it comes down, it doesn't fit into midrange kys for the same reason and control wants the mana. Its not like they are gong to hold in until turn 10 when every deck is killing by then.

Daily reminder to rope Shadowniggers every turn, and to close SV when the game ends.

If these subhuman pieces of filth wanna play a deck that ladders up really quickly, deny them that sick pleasure.

It's not the matter of getting good.
The problem is... No actual support for forest.

There is a reason why wolfbolt runs roaches

play shadowcraft

I mean you guys can literally just stick a goblin in your deck instead of a vanguard

Did he use baphomet earlier? If so you just dodged an azazel-laura otk

Enjoy shadowverse

baphomet is a consistency option to make sure you have vengeance on turn 4, problem is air jammer might pull him

Angel of the word

Maisey herself is 2pp so it's not a problem

what the fuck is this

>buffing shadowcraft and dykecraft
>no new dirt card
w h y

>no Kamura
That's pretty bold senpai.
A more typical deck would look something like this I guess.

6 hp and you used a levi. You're gonnah ave some more burn somewhere

Play with what you got.

shit forgot to ask, what would be a good replacement for Lurching? All I can think of is Bellringer angel since shes a 2pp neutral with ward and draw power and last words all in one.

The legendary is a dirt card. It's a quick-draw for aggressive burn lists and dirt that lets you shit out a board clear or DOD on turn 6 with a 5 mana body.

the future you chose

This is my current Ledger list but it's not performing super well in Masters due to excessive bricking. I would work off of this form of the deck for now that allows you to constantly shit out liches and still get a full Nephthys pull

Just put Khawy in.

He's a key player in Nephtys, not running it is literally crippling your deck for no reason.

its fine when shadowniggers do it :^)))))))
>mfw they are literally getting free ghosts next exp

>actually complaining about old grannies


>be sword
>Elana in 2017
>triple themis everything I put on the board
>plays double Elana, spam bunnies and angels to high stats
>be that swordfag that plays CONTROL with Bahamuts
That hag isn't going to be playing Elana ever again.

>u will never be this dumb
Crybbs NEED to grow up

you also have the burn spell


I've been seeing random decks with saha recently. Latest was forest pulling it on me on turn 7.

How many dragon with poly roars have you met so far?

play ginger rune and you'll never want to meme again.

>The only counter is to kill them before they play it or hope they never draw it.
But I was hoping he would draw it
He never did ;_;

>1pp brick your board if you want to hit face or play anything after that

Cant wait until the 30th where i can open 150 packs because of their birthday shit.

It is gonna be glorious

I'd much rather have 3 damage to face with Imp Lancer on the previous turn than 1 to face with the new lego. It's not seeing play in aggro blood, it's just too fucking slow.

Sorry, but what do you mean?

Quite a few actually.
I bait out their bahamuts with Roland/Durandal, then drop mine when their Polys are out.
The card that pisses me off the most about the match up is Dragoon Scyther. 3 pp remove anything I have, even a Durandal/Resolve buffed Albert.

I want more leaks.

i would leak inside that cute grill if you know what i mean

Scyther is some next level bullshit for a 3pp bronze card.
Infinitely better Date Masamune.