League of Legends General - /lolg/

Lulu a cute


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Short nigga but his dick TALL

Playing Vayne in ranked should be a bannable offense.

Looloo :3
Look how cute

>No dragon rider champion

I asked before, but what are good options for babby's first assassin?

Hand Grenade Ammumu


Zed. No mana, ridiculously strong laning phase, his ult is a point and click dash that lets you outdamage any hero. Baby mode last hitting too.

you can ride shyvana if you ask nicely

zed, easy to play, high skillcap
you dont have to think about mana, his combo is extremely straightforward and if you use your ult its impossible to miss his other skills.

Talon is also a contender but imo much harder since he HAS to roam to be effective

Still less useless than Ezreal, desu.



Reminder that Lulu is a whore who can't stop sucking cocks, other yordles call her a dick junkie.

those are all lies, Lulu is infact pure and I cant wait to taint her

Post wallpapers


At least ezreal doesnt have die-hard mains throughout gold and silver that act as the gatekeepers of your promos and placements.

How do I escape from Bronze?

git gud

I am good though

by posting the cutest anime girls

what midlaner do I learn now that looloo will be banned in 90% of games

one that will likely not be touched in the foreseeable future


If you were you wouldn't be in bronze

It's actually important to understand that you aren't good if you're in bronze. If you realize that you are making a ton of mistakes and you need to improve at a ton of things you'll notice them a lot more

What the fuck happened to Ezreal here?

karma mid

gold shitter here and I can't keep my bronze account out of silver without basically running into towers

>Lux has an obviously female name
>mastery 7
>in a Lux main club
>does less damage than both the taric and the janna
Why are women allowed to install this game.


Probably killed himself on thornmail


I dislike karma though

thornmail, look at the feedback effect


just keep playing lulu, they wont gut her, her fanbase is too big and lolg would kill riot

Nobody cares about your blog kiddo, waste of fucking trips

yeah but 10 bans user
and I am not always first pick

don't do dumb shit

out farm your lane opponent and make fights happen after you get back to lane with an item advantage. you will likely fuck it up so having the slight advantage should swing the all in in your favor

don't aram as soon as first tower falls

if you are accomplishing nothing then go somewhere else on the map, there is always something for you to be doing

if you are adc then be there for the fucking teamfight. fuck the cannon wave, fuck the bot tower, don't let your fuckup teammates 4 v 5 mid because i guarantee they will be araming and will try to force something because they don't know any better

if you are support pocket your adc. if he is worthless pocket the fed guy

>they wont gut her

I non ironically Lulu will be a canidate in a enchanter support update when Riot finally decides to adjust heal/shield bots like Janna,Soraka and Sona.

I think Riots going to add more power to her ult and take away her oppressive laning

play jungle

corall retards on the mad cow disease farm and guide them

then you move onto the retarded cows, instead of the mad cow disease cows

>Forgot to ban Fiora for a single game

Haha fuck me right?

pt 2

pt 2.

if you are mid, you're not the main character of the anime ok. chill the fuck out with the 1 v 5ing. engage if you make a pick or it looks like there is 0% margin for error

if you are top, stay top. split push as much as you can because they will often not know what to do about the pressure you are creating. if your team decides to be fucking idiots and force a dumb fight which they likely will, teleport down there and help them

stop playing so many different fucking champions. counter picking doesnt really matter until diamond.

stop playing mechanically difficult champions

Who is this?
I like what you have to say...



Yeah but if he's scripting (which is likely) Pantheon autoloses that matchup.

>inb4 Fiora mains try to claim they perfectly parry point-blank W's all the time

Are all failed league streamers under a satanic pact to do an interview with Destiny?

It could be worse you could be someone who regularly gets like 300k views on youtube and barely hits 100 viewers on twitch

can mao and jarvan still top?

gold crit build kindred is so fun

Literally all of them

who's that?


Jarvan is a meta top laner, Mao is weak

uh can someone unmute me on the lolg discord


Am I alone in thinking pic related is better than PF Caitlyn?

They're both trash

I mean it's a pay to lose skin sooo

It's infinitely better but I already have every Trynd skin

except Beast Hunter

Lulu skin when???

I thought it was the Urgot rework

thanks user

these are all things I do wrong without realizing

why does nobody play plantlady mid?

I play Vayne into it to roleplay my Batwoman insert fantasies

because she has high base damage and does a lot of damage without a lot of gold so its more effective as support

Because her cooldowns are too goddamn high and she's incredibly easy to gank as a midlaner.

post reasons to live

>stop playing mechanically difficult champions
Does Yasuo count? Because he's my main. I play him almost every game since he can top, mid or jungle. If I'm ADC I play Vayne and my go to support is Maokai

are not most immobile mids (syndra, annie)?


I play Fiora, Riven, Renekton, Poppy and Camille in the top lane- would any of them constitute "mechanically difficult"?

inb4 kill yourself

> stop playing mechanically difficult champions

>I'm Poppy into Vlad
>I'm Poppy into Flash/Ghost Stormraiders Vlad
>Yi ganks for me once level 3, never returns
>20 minutes later he's questioning me why I wasn't able to win lane against the Flash/Ghost Stormraiders Vlad as Poppy
>He's not trash talking, he just has no idea how Poppy loses to Flash/Ghost Stormraiders Vlad

I need to just dodge every time there's a Yi on my team.

Riven and maybe Camille. Anyone who says fiora is mechanically difficult is retarded. Fiora main btw

This QT

>Jayce dies solo to Tahm
>four times


Zyra does not have the upfront burst that they do and is reliant on her plants to deal damage, whereas Annie can stun or outright kill multiple people and Syndra can as well and is a bit safer of a laner in general.

now that looloo is almost certainly banned I have composed a list of backup picks for mid but i have no idea which one is likely to be a stable and viable pick to learn


I see that makes sense

Live for yourself, Luke. You have a lot going for you.

Thanks user. I'm a wood shitter so if those seemed obvious I honestly did not know. I'd be hesitant to take Riven into a ranked until I've had more than a few hours practicing her animation cancel stuff, so I reckon I'll stick with Fio, Poppy and Renee.

Rip league

>tfw ywn have sex with real life ahri

Just land the E and you're good to go. The hardest part about playing her is finding an angle to get to a squishy.

can someone unpen me in the lolg discord


>ywn watch someone have sex with real life ahri

Why are bruiser items so strong? I think it's just weird how some things in the shop are shit and not viable at all but the juggernaut group is consistently powerful all across the board, especially Black Cleaver.

Yeah. I main Riven and have am 3-6 win/loss right now. Learning the combos is one thing but being able to use them in a real game and at the right time is another. I'd suggest watching Adrian Riven as he tells u how to trade and stuff

it wasnt entirely tristanas fault
leo suicided into xayah 3 times pre 10 min

can someone unpen me in the discord thanks

name ONE item in the LoL shop that you think is "shit" and I will tell you the PERFECT person to build it on


Ohmwrecker is godawful dude

>Come back to game after a 2 year break
>Talon is completely ruined
>Zed is unplayably bad
>Akali is still trash tier

I think you're just bad with those champions senpai, they're playable

>assassinbab tears

>Talon ruined
>Akali bad
Are you fucking high?

Do you ever make out fantasy situations with your waifu? I like to imagine having to duel Fiora and being humiliated as she easily defeats me and taunts me as I'm helpless before her. She then makes me strip naked and parades me through the streets to further humiliate me


Talons playstyle was ruined. His E is so fucking bad now.


Who's getting ready to watch /ourguys/ MVP? They're Making Blitz and Sej Meta Again

>it's the low elo game's outcome depending on who gets the diamond smurf episode
>it's a rerun of a rerun of a rerun
i'm fucking tired of this, no matter what i do the enemy mid will get 6 kills in 8 minutes or my top will take the inner tower in 10 minutes, why the hell am i even in the game? just to fill the team slots i guess