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>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
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Ninja wife!
Assuming you get to the final map with no deaths
What your score be if you surrender on the last map?
Why the fuck would you do that?
Fine, I concede, but only because my battery is almost dead.
>Dam water levels are 9%, drought is still really bad.
>Teams are too shit to clear even the third tempest trial.
>Friend who I introduced to the game already has much better units than I do.
I feel like I've pissed off god.
Some of you guys are alright. Don't go to arena next week.
Quickened Pulse Moonbow will be waiting
I'm HEARING that apparently you will still get a decent score. I don't know for sure.
I mean the two times I did it I lost a unit on the final map but my score was still 705 which I heard from other anons saying they got too.
How the fuck are you guys scoring 500-700? Most I can manage is 250 per run, and that's with a Tharja/Lucina.
pls send halp
705 is highest difficulty, no team deaths, with a bonus unit. Theres a secondary start floating thats something like surrendering on the Hard maps for more points then losing on Lunatic but Im not sure how it goes.
Does anyone know Veronica's stats for the lunatic maps? Do they stay the same?
Probably they are doing the highest level mission with a bonus unit and finishing it really fast since time is a factor to the score as well.
Also just letting you know bonus units don't stack.
> I'll just use my 9 orbs and try to roll lucina
Hope you like Nowi or Robin.
I'd be cool just getting points mang, like I can clear Hard but I have to lose a team to do it, and I can't even make it to Veronica's stage on Lunatic most of the time.
Pretty sure they're the same. Something like
>66 HP / 57 Atk (with her tome) / 32 Spd / 36 Def / 28 Res?
>Fury, Renewal, Savage Blow, Quickened Pulse, Bonfire
I always remember seeing 66 HP, 57 Atk, 32 Spd, and those skills. I could be wrong about the Def and Res. In other words, super inflated stats.
Effective against cavs seal when?
Shoot, I was hoping I could bait her with Xander, but it looks like I have to try and go in for the kill quickly. She even lives a Bonfire proc and I'm running TA2 (since no Roy) and Xander has a goad buff.
>first people on Veeky Forums, /v/ and plebbit (what's the difference anyway) saying "i-it's impossible!", "f-fucking whale event!"
Even more fun than the event itself.
Do you nerds not have a healer or something?
thanks IS
I was scared as fuck when I saw those Hector's being posted. Good to know I can kill him without a nuke red.
Really makes you reflect on all the shitposters here that spew garbage.
Peri is too strong
>just spent the last 40 orbs I managed to quickly build up from all the recent quests for one more try for tiki after previously not getting her (or any 5*) out of 200 orbs
>got nothing
At least I got my first Hinata I guess ;_;
>tfw I'll be running Masked Marth for arena bonus next season yet I won't even be able to give her skills
Wonder if I'll be better off with a 4* starter.
If this general was shit before, Heroes just had to bring the bottom of the barrel vermin that plagues Veeky Forums, mobageposters.
Its like they specifically made Sanaki for this map. She really butfucks those greens.
The memes are growing stronger.
It's the reason I 5* my Anna and am in the middle of raising Alphonse and Sharena. At least Sharena is good as a double debuffer.
Go with the 4 star. Saves you even more SP since if you merge the 4 star onto the 4 star base, you get Falchion for free.
Gib me that Bull then
>roll for a Tharja to feed to my Leo or a Lucina to merge with my +spd -hp
>get 5* neutral Roy
Is there anything Roy can do or is he going to warm the bench with Karel and Alm?
Yeah, the two times I fought her I made it imperative that she doesn't attack me first because her tome is dangerous.
I know that Veronica is a constant, but what about the rest of her team? Is it always two horses, an armor, and then a random infantry?
He can give triangle adept to his wife
But I won't be giving SI to either Marths. I don't really think I need SP for the immediate time being.
I already have Snacky as my main red, though.
Yeah, right horse is always a horse mage, which means Olwen and Rein are very common.
Good thing you have that Rein counter from arena.
Funny enough I did actually just 5* my Cecilia the other day. Feel bad to feed away a 5* like that though.
Seems like it's a mage cav, an armor, a 2 range infantry, and Veronica.
Walhart is what happens when you have an Alm but no Celica
Can you get 99k points in 13 days without using stamina pots assuming you never let your stamina overflow?
Sorry for getting into power level stuff again.
Buuut if Loki did create Tempest, and that thing actually can merge timelines together and destroy them, we could be looking at multi-universal fire emblem characters.
Like, faaaaar above Ike, Roy, Itsuki Aoi, Ashunera and everyone else.
Holy shit.
And if the OC gang beat him canonically, they would be multi universal as well.
They could actually give super tengen toppa gurren laggan and maybe demi fiend a tough fight
Fucking kill me.
I've tried as many times as possible to clear the Lunatic levels- 5 or 7, doesn't matter, because my team can wipe the floor on all of the battles prior to the last one without any problems or deaths, even with a shitty bonus unit.
But the second I hit that last map, I'm absolutely fucked. Maybe I'm down to my last unit and I can get Veronica to exactly 1 HP (my first run). Maybe I can wipe everyone else clean but my Cecilia falls 3 attack short of killing Virion because of his insane HP boost (my last run). Maybe it's that I happened to roll a Memes of Mercy unit and Reinhardt as enemies on the same run and end up getting fucked by horse memes. Who fucking knows. But I literally cannot complete this last map as a F2P no matter how goddamn hard I try.
What's the fucking point. I'm so fucking glad I spent two hours and all of my stamina just to come away with 200 points per match.
Is actual time a factor for speed or is it just the number of turns?
Sanic speed
You guys realize if you slap miracle on your glass cannons then chances are they will have it up by the time Veronica gets to them and then you basically got it in the bag right? Well, I don't have miracle so I can't test it, but that's how I see it.
Some generous numbers:
Assume 200 stamina per day, therefore 10 runs per day
Assume a score ranging from 500 to 700
14 days
You get a minimum of 70000 points and a maximum of 98000, almost the last reward tier, and you can definitely fit more than 10 tries per day. You still need a team that can get 705 points somewhat reliably tho, not sure if non-blade-cavalry are good enough?
Try surrendering instead
that's it what the fuck
I'm f2p and embraced the memes. Xander, (4*)Cecilia and Ursula with 4* blade tomes can reliably get 705 points on last difficulty if you give them the free Gunthers for buffs
Just number of turns. It's been comfy switching between the game and laughing at those calling it a whale-only event.
After playing for over a month i came to realise just now in this event that i have shit for units
So we get "Marth" now, for the sequel so we get Mystery singer?
Ashunera is literally Tellius's God. She created their planet and her "halves" can create natural disasters be minor emotions. That's just a taste of how powerful she is.
ISn't it closer to ~400 stamina a day if you get 99 every ~8 hrs?
I wouldn't call myself a whale.
At least I hope not.
Has it been mentioned anywhere how often the cumulative score resets? Is it at the start of each month?
Anyone have any idea how the AI on the last map works? Does Veronica only move after the armor gets killed/attacked?
>Played since launch
>Never gotten a Hinata even once
That's neat, thanks. I guess I can afford to spend a couple stampots to get the last reward for sure.
>"Marth" has no Skills apart from Falchion
Why though, because we can get it at 5* +1 with only 20k feathers?
That's why my numbers are generous, I know I was using far less than that recently because >ded game but now I'll use it all
The problem is that I haven't been able to invest into a cavalry meme team until recently, so it's not like I have one fully set up and ready to go right now.
The idea of an event that absolutely requires you to run one of the most broken set-ups in the game just to get a decent amount of points, though, doesn't seem worthwhile to me.
>Tfw Ashunera has virtually no fanart
Wasted potential
I hope we get her next month so I can trash my -SPD Azura.
Really? So much for using her for arena bonus. Guess I'll 5* Anna then.
Try at least to get a red unit for that Veronica in the 5 stage run, you can just farm points like that, no need to do the hardest run
Is this tempest trials replacing the GHB?
>comes without Sing
You rolled her just so she could fuck up Veronica and that last Rhinehardt, right user?
what is this surrender meme
Lucina is so brave.
She gives up her own HPs to heal others.
We don't know if she has skills or not since no one has her yet. IS isn't trying to spoil her skillset from the get-go.
>was really interested in the Tempest event
>got really excited to minmax my stamina and try to earn some nice rewards
>can't really bring myself to care now with the difficulty spike and negligible points even for a complete deathless run
Who /gottheirfreetimeback/ here?
Tfw -spd julia gets bitchsalpped by veronica :(
But my snacki saves the day.
I mean, do we know if her stats are really the same as vanilla Lucina?
Really? Couldn't we check the skills on the free units from the sacred seals quests?
Who benefits from Defiant Attack? I have a Titty Tiki that I'll either feather or give that to someone.
Reddit on fire
Only reddit is complaining
Save for bonfire
you can get the masketta marth by doing the hard trial 5 times a day for a week, way less than that if you have bonus unit/a good team
It might actually be really nice on a Desperation mage in this event.
Sometimes I'll attack for 0x2 just to fill out the dual guard meter
>Pass Hector
I cannot BELIEVE I am being memed on THIS hard
why are whales happy about this? this will just make casual/new/unlucky f2p players mad and dont play ded game
bad for the game to put the seal at 50k desu should be lower
>do lunatic tempest run with first bonus unit team with one death
>get 500 points
>do lunatic tempest run but let my first team get wiped out half way through and finish up with my cav team
>get 700 points
This scoring is wack yo
I hope not. I can get GHB units in one try or two.
This takes every bit of the 2 weeks unless you grind like a Fool
Just wait for the boots sacred seal
I find defiant whatever kind of shit if you have on mind that there are better A skills. Old Tiki is for bonfires
Shit guys, I'm legitiately scared that I won't get that Quickened Pulse seal, like what if I fall into a coma or something? Has anyone made the calcs to see if it is possible to reach 50k without using any potions? I only have like 12
Zephiel coming out tomorrow.
I am sorry, Henry
Her biggest feat is a global flood.
But lets say she created the universe.
Loki would literally stomp her even then.
Multi Universal.
Hell, maybe even Multiversal in strenght.
Yes, you can do it in a week assuming an average score of 500. Learn how to do basic math.
>have a shitton of potions from day 1
>still probably won't get Quickened Pulse because my units are shit