best adc edition
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League of Legends General - /lolg/
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I love Riven!!
ahri is cute!
what if there were no role selection and you had to speed claim your role in chat and matchmaking didnt try to assume what role you prefer to play
Best build for Maokai support? Or should I just play him top?
Soraka is best girl!
we know what it would be like
it would be awful
Welcome to old lol.
I am a support so it's not like I got to play my role 95% of the time.
Well duh. Pantheon has always been cancerous.
Also, hows Viktor these days? I havent seen one in ages, did Rylai nerf gut him completely or were FOTM shitters scared out?
Xth for Poppy x Garen being the best pairing in the game, but Riot doesn't have the balls to make it happen so it's NEVER EVER tier
Eye of watchers into meme mask into full AP build
Rylai nerf feels like it gutted him and ori feels better.
only played one game with him and im gold so I guess do more digging around on it.
I played this today to get a chest (that's why it's normal) and it worked quite well.
I maxed QWE. You can't be poked out of a lane, you heal too much.
Damage is very good vs squishies late game.
Lulufags lose once again, that's what they get for adoring the Whore of Babylon.
that's how it was just a year or 2 ago
so blind pick.
what if blind pick existed.
fucking idiot
These are the upcoming Profile Icons (black one is not done it seems, its riven's emblem)
Pick your favorite and make sure youre the ultimate cancer
xth for Syndra
>mods actively supporting rule-breakers
kys IRL, Lulu is pure!
he doesn't scale well with AP anymore, you build him tank and just take advantage of his base damages and his 2 roots, a knockback and free wards
I'm special kind of retarded.
Riven's blade looks pretty cool. Are the icons showing their figures going to be buyable with IP or are they all RP?
>HOTS not only gives Chromie a respectable rack, but multiple fanservice skins and a teased swimsuit one as well
>Yordles don't even technically exist anymore in the game's canon
Idiots really pays 2 dollars for a 144x144 icon that nobody can see?
>Are the icons showing their figures going to be buyable with IP or are they all RP?
im going to assume just like everything else, no except for 2 of them
isn't it interesting how they make you pay real money to select from a limited amount of pictures to have next to your name, while 70% of other videogame clients allow you to just pick whatever the fuck you want from the world wide web and set that as your profile pic.
Why people are such hypocrites?
>pls do not play Soraka and Janna
>they are shit
>they do no damage and cannot tank
>you cannot carry games as them
But at the same time:
>cancer freelo champs
>being a Diamond Soraka/Janna main means nothing
>press one button to win wow such skill
G2 is going to ban Kennen and then FNC are going to get their shit stomped, this gon be good. Rekkles play Trist pls
eat the shit out of my asshole, hans
>Yordles don't even technically exist anymore in the game's canon
Wait wut? What happened to them?
What do you do as Janna or Soraka when your ADC does nothing?
I'm pretty sure this is satirical but the real question is am I getting memed by the people who responded to you or are they retarded?
kill yourself, you autistic neet.
They're angry adc babs who got an autofilled one on their team and now think they have some ground to stand on desu
>another 10/10 picture ruined by the artist trying to show ass and tits in the same pose
Follow jungler/toplaner?
How come some ability effects can be seen through the fog of war? I've been able to tell that the enemy team is doing Baron because of this.
All of them are basically fey now, instead of Lulu being the only one. So they're like legends and Bandle City technically doesn't exist.
I wanna go cuteposting with Lulu!
they're like fairies or some shit now
faker vs crown is on stream RIGHT NOW
Dumb champs don't deserve skins
xth for breast metal waifu
I could be wrong but I think they said she'd get one this year
I agree with Vedius (weird), they need to have Nagne put his carry pants on if the nips wanna win
That's pretty shit, it was their OC, strange they would give up on it just like that.
Shit champ doesnt deserve skins
go samefag somewhere else
can someone educate me on this little thing between the new yasuo skin's feet?
theres some textures for it named "firebro" and im wondering it its like just some little thing like a meep or what
Feels bad /lolg/ my significant other did nothing for my birthday didnt even sing my happy birthday on the day
Look at his recall.
who cares about birthday past age 13
You don't expect me to sing, do you, you little shit?
post patrician skins only
Yeah, I have no idea what Riot is doing with their lore. It's like they take one huge step forward with Burning Tide and immediately shit themselves by introducing Vastaya as a race.
Twitch is GOAT
I'm not so sure what this is referencing
user pls itll help
i should probably have done that before diving head first into this
basically what happened is they hired a bunch of kids and 3rd party hacks who had no respect for the source material
Lulu is my STAR!
>accidentally steal red with passive
>make up for it by getting a double kill bot lane and snowballing out of control
>100 games
>still sitting at 47% winrate
ok, riot. whenever you want to kick in that forced 50 and stop giving me gold 5 feeding retrads.
no, the blacked guy is her guardian
now i look like a retard
>tfw no friends to play with
no doubt with a 47% winrate LUL
>tfw the friends you do have to play with dont care if you play or not
Lulu is the strongest! THE STRONGEST!
I **love** assassinbabs
What is the most common defensive summoner spell?
I'm coming from Smite where the cleanse equivalent is one of the most common defensive choices, but that doesn't seem to be the case here.
i'm pretty sure it's just leftovers from my placements where i went 2-8 because i've been winning a lot more than losing lately, but still not enough to get to fucking 50%
Thinking about Nunu eventually getting nerfed and that I may need to actually learn to play the game. Horrifying.
Strongest leglock.
>Get wukong in ARAM
>someone dodges
>get Riven
>someone dodges before I can skin boost
>get Kindred
>someone else got Aatrox
>we lose
you pick summs according to your role
Top = Teleport
Mid = Ignite, Barrier, Cleanse
ADC = Heal
JGL = Smite
Supp = Exhaust, Ignite (occasionally)
+ Flash
>Recalls under the tower
>Talon walks under the tower with aggro
kindred used to be potentially really strong. really depends on if you get stacks off enemies though. i dont know about new kindred
I found the new honor system emblems when loading in
they look okay
I wanna give Lulu a colossal amount of gentle headpats!
lose as a 10/2 sion top with 10/3 viktor mid
win as riven adc with soraka top
Heal probably, because it's considered standard for many ADCs to take. Exhaust is also very common for supports or even some mids. Barrier I would say also gets more use than cleanse since they nerfed it.
welcome to league of legends
Similarly, when it comes to jungling, do you want to take buffs for yourself or do you want to give buff camps to your laners, like Blue to your Top and Red to your ADC/Mid?
I for one welcome the influx of xXxYasuoG0DxXx in my ranked matches
>Supports have no agency over the game
>Awful silver-level players magically reach master by playing support
I'd say pick one and only one, but it seems people either pick 2 or 0
>posts "ebin outplay" gif
>its literally just Talon suiciding under a turret for no reason
>he lost that game
*bans your champ*
>playing yorick
>completely dominate lane taking up to the inhibitor turret
>lose anyway because the enemy xayah and khazix are 10/1
Is there a worse feeling?
First clear you want buffs for yourself.
Realistically youre just taking the experience/gold from jungle mobs unless youre someone who truly uses it (lee sin, for instance, needs the blue buff exp on first clear but probably doesnt need the 17 energy/sec regen and 10% CDR from it
After that, around the time laners get their ultimates etc you can afford to give the buffs to them while you focus pressure and objectives.
last hitting with velkoz is so comfy wtf
>not getting two inhibs while the enemy xayah is trying to teamfight
>not 1v2ing kz and his toplaner when splitting
for you, I won't dig too deep
First clear for you, second one and onwards blue for mid is common but it can go either way. Few will get angry if it helps you hit 6 faster. Red on ADC comes later in the game when people start to group, in laning phase it makes your ganks much more dangerous.
Generally buffs for yourself on first clear since you need the advantage on your ganks or next round of clears. Junglers have to be aggressive in their clearing and ganking in order to stay at a competitive gold/level with laners. You give up blue to mid if they are a mana champ and need it for the sustain, so they can keep farming without having to back, and sometimes you might give red over to top/adc if they are snowballing and you know they won't give it up in a gank or 1v1.
being the reason your team lost and everybody knows it and says it