vulnerable support edition
vulnerable support edition
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I want to BREED Xayah, and I want her bf to watch!
>dardoch: " that when I would classically destroy svenskeren in the jungle, I would have teammates to back me up"
The Dardoch trash talk is great.
post n rate top 2 rows~
Supposedly poppy buffs and pentakill2.0 on the horizon.
I said you were neat many times before
>zac always banned
really makes you meditate
Both of those things sound nice
I always liked watching poppy being played
Am I the only one that thinks that death's dance should be a melee-only item?
It basically makes adc unkilleable by assassins.
>Go all in
>Full combo adc
>Death's dance delays damage
>meanwhile they AA you twice and regenerate half the damage you did
>"gg ez, u fuckin suck at that champ bro."
Why are you back.
be honest lolg
how balanced do you think the new rune system will be on release?
What champs get the skins?
Yes. Fuck Draven.
So balanced I won't play a ranked game for probably half a year
yth for Camille is the biggest flop in gameplay design since original Fiora release.
>Parries your cumshot
we dont know yet
I hope its not viktor.
I hope they give it to champs who already have a ton of skins
You do not like playing support.
I like helping my team as much as I can in teamfights.
>have a 4 game win streak on Taliyah
>then lose the next 4 games because I'm put on a trash team and unironically toxic as fuck team every game
pls ban all "yi junglers" riot
they're a cancer on this fucking game
in fact delete the fucking champion
how do I play camille? she looks fun and she's not a ban 24/7 now
*dies to riven level 2*
>"omg YI NO GANKS"
>gank me yi
*spam pings*
>yi is a fucking useless champ...
*is 50cs down, 3 levels and has died 5 times total, all solo*
Idk if yi is the problem user..
azir and karth r cool
>t.bronze player
dont wanna bother my bf too much so im spending some of my time here and some talking to him
but...i just won a game because of a yi jg...
Sona is the best thiccfu
You really like making your enemies feel powerless aganist you.
Name one(1) good rework.
I want to go cumming in Lulu.
What's sad is that Riot has unironically caved to shitters with this mindset.
S7 jungle is fucking awful if your champion can't spam ganks 24/7
>"Keep Up!"
>"Heh, did you miss it?"
>*cc's him*
>he dies
good thing mine is on a lower cooldown
I don't complain about no ganks
I complain that my jungler has no viable way to deal damage until level six and when I jungle I try to guarantee kills before 3 so I can set my lanes up correctly for the win.
This is a yi jungle
*tries to counterjungle*
*never ganks a single lane*
I afk or dodge when I see a yi jungle
Darius post nerfs
Literally all of the major VGUs.
The only place Riot gets shaky is the class updates.
Just need one more Xayah S rank
Why people are such hypocrites?
>pls do not play Soraka and Janna
>they are shit
>they do no damage and cannot tank
>you cannot carry games as them
>you cannot make plays with them
But at the same time:
>cancer freelo champs
>being a Diamond Soraka/Janna main means nothing
>press one button to win
>omg how this Janna managed to save you, bullshit
Can you learn to link the last fucking thread at least?
thoughts on this?
personally i cant wait
Sorry, I meant why are you still alive?
>the reason you jungle is to NOT spam ganks 24/7
Not until they get rid of
Lee Sin
6 is so much better than the rest.
I love my wife, Riven!!
I hate this new ban system
Its intentionally deisgned to let OPs through
and then when it does happen they can always say "lol why didnt u ban it xD"
snakebans fucking when
>4k RP for being the best goldie around
There's no way they're keeping those values.
She's an assassin disguised as a bruiser. Use your mobility to flank the enemy team and pick out squishies on the sides. NEVER ult in the middle of a teamfight you will get blown up instantly.
because good things always happen to me, im an anomaly~
how would they deal with smurfs?
>Its intentionally deisgned to let OPs through
only if you don't ban them, and you always have a ban. The 'permaban' champions (right now it's mainly Zac) definitely receive higher banrates than they used to.
literally no one to blame but yourself
Who is the most alpha champion?
Which has more combined tits and ass?
All 9 ultimate Lux skin versions combined
All three Sonas ultimate skin versions combined
He's literally the alpha of the ursines.
this chart is outdated
Sona's, the volume increases exponentially as you go up in cup sizes so a single Sona is definitely more than 3 times the size of a Lux.
wheres annie
i think they should change the rewards to be less valuable, like icons or skins or something
It varies from elo to elo.
When you're in bronze as a soraka support, you get retard ADCs that don't know what positioning and careful trading is.
But when you're in Diamond 1+ You get ADCs that know what they're doing and having a heal support is far more beneficial to them.
Of course this is all just from a Silver's perspective.
If you don't know who to play to climb, pick a champion from ls's tier list.
Does Riot do this on purpose? Why do I always have a win streak then an equal lose streak?
>wanting less of a reward
Don't you mean swimming on?
git gud
You're not a good person however.
It'd be appreciated if you remove yourself from here.
why is kled such a lewd slut?
Rolling for dark fire dominatrix wife.
>complain about dupe bans
>LOL just dont ban it then xD
>complain about ops getting through
>LOL just ban it then xD
this system is so fucking retarded
Why don't you take a seat over here?
Rolling for someone fertile.
i care more about the tournament itself
I love playing with 5 man squads in a competitive environment
considering there might be 1-3 dupe bans, thats still 6 champions getting banned (same as last one)
This system is superior. I'm convinced the only people bitching are yasuo/fiora faggots
Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.
all of the big ones
Sion is the best example
I just want a snake draft system
they removed the strategic element in favour of a mindgame.
Why not just let blue ban 3 champs atst, then red, then repeat with 2 bans.
>Fiora does 2675 True Damage to me with ult
Not her full combo, JUST the ult.
When the ACTUAL FUCK is she getting nerfed? And this isn't another case of "low-elo shitters whining about a pubstomper" like with release Darius, literally every Top-Laner above D1 openly states she's pure cancer.
>inb4 "just pick a champion who beats her for the first 20 minutes then gets slaughtered"
thanks buddy, Ive missed you too~
>When the ACTUAL FUCK is she getting nerfed?
7.13 They already said it.
Would you rather take the chance of the enemy banning the champion you hate vs you banning it yourself?
Cause personally I like it this way better. At least we can get rid of most of the cancer by a much larger margin that we did before.
she is getting nerfs on the PBE
Yeah she is retarded, she is the only champ I ban and have been doing so for a year
>No paladin-type champion with golden armor who buffs it's own sword and is immune to damage from evil sources.
>Ban Darius
>Lane opponent instalocks Fiora
>Ban Fiora
>Lane opponent instalocks Darius
>By sheer coincidence both Fiora and Darius get banned
>Lane opponent instalocks AD Teemo
I might need to stop playing Top.
>we will never get a true sword and board champion because Leona and Pantheon exist
>ban thresh
>autofilled supports start tilting
It's called tilting you dickwads. Maybe you aren't as good as you think.
When you win many games in a row (past the 50% win rate) your mmr gets higher than your rank and you get placed with higher elo players. If you can't win a game with/against higher elo players, then you'll lose and your mmr will slowly reflect your rank again.
hey np man hope you don't disappear on us again~
yeah, you probably should, you sound like a bitch
>you magically tilt after winning 4 games in a row
It's not tilting at all. It's literally the teams I'm put on are actual garbage.
>play top
>have a bad matchup
>rest of the team feeds
I dont know what to do
Darius isn't that bad
Who do you play?
then that's the perfect role for him